Evangelism 101 Isaiah 60:5

Hebrew Translation: ” Then you shall see a flowing together, and your heart shall with it’s internal feelings and being shall tremble and quake with reverent worship and will grow; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the force of the might, strength and wealth of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.” Comment: I have shared some of the excerpts out of the Journal and diary of Christopher Columbus in earlier postings. Columbus approached the King and Queen of Spain using a Apocrypha scripture that the Catholics accepted and the Protestants rejected to justify his wanting to sail west on the sea rather than the traditional east! He showed the King and Queen that according to his Bible God divided the land into six parts at creation but according to then maps of the world there was a missing continent! Columbus believed if he sailed west he would find this new continent! It is believed Columbus was a Jew! In his personal diary he declared he was going to discover a new land and this new nation would support Israel. The rest is history! This is why, the King of the East (China), and Magog (Russia), allied with the King of the South (Persia Iran) are confederated together to take down America! This is why the Quran declares it is the Muslim’s duty to kill Christian’s and Jews! This is why the political left in America opposes Christian’s and Jews and the Sate of Israel. This is why they favor Islam and their support of Iran with the Obama Administration giving billions of American dollars to them! This battle will go on but you need to be sure you are on the right side of history! They will not succeed because God will perform his covenant with Israel and the Gentile Christian Nations! Do you see the word Christ in the name Christopher? The victory is ours but not without a fight! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Looking Forward! 1 Esdras 5:38-39

When the Jews returned from Babylon captivity by the favorable Decree of the Persian King Cyrus they met many challenges to rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem! Here is a quote from verses 38-39. “Since they were unable to prove their ancestry, they were not allowed to function as Priest’s. Nehemiah the governor told them that they could not eat food offered to God until there was a High Priest who could use Revelation and Truth.” Comment: Ancestry was everything to the Jews! Tradition was the foundation of their life and worship! If you could not prove your ancestry as many Jews could not after returning from 70 years of Babylonian captivity you could not participate in Temple worship! Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses were in the Religious Hall of Fame! Rightly so! Jesus really threw the religious Jews a curve ball when He told them they must be born again! Jesus the High Priest with Revelation and Truth was looking them in the face but they did not get it? The religious leaders seemed blind? Yet the simple Jews such as Peter saw the light! How far does Jesus ancestry go back in time? All the way back to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve! Remember the Tree of Life in the Garden? His humanity took their sin and fast forwarded it to you and me! His Divinity delivered you and me from sin! His humanity was sacrificed for you and me! Jesus was a Jew and of the tribe of Judah! That is prophetic! Ancestry.com should be renamed Death.com! Why were the Persian Kings (Iran), favorable to the Jews? The 3 wise men were from Persia! King Cyrus and Darius were favorable to the Jews! Why? God spoke to them! Why is present day Persia (Iran), not favorable to the Jews but want to destroy them? Very simple! Islam that came along in 650 A.D. Islam has given all of its followers a religious backing to kill. The Persians also invented the crucifixion so they prepared the method for the sacrifice for Jesus! Let us look forward! Is your name written down in the Book of Life? (Revelation 3:5) Are you born again? Washed in His blood? Jesus promised us to go prepare a place for us! Then He would return the second time to earth! He promised to send His Holy Spirit to us until He returns! When Satan tries to remind you of your past remind him of his future! Remember the Cross and move forward! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Signs in the Heavens! Matthew 24:29-31

Contrary to what is commonly believed, the magi did not arrive at the manger on the night of Christ’s birth; rather, they found the young Jesus and His parents living in a house (Matthew 2:11). This could have been nearly two years after Christ’s birth, since Herod–afraid of his own position as King was threatened–tried to have Jesus eliminated by killing all male children under the age of two (Matthew 2:16). It may be that the star first appeared over Bethlehem when the magi were in the East (Persia). From that distance, they would have not been able to distinguish the exact location but would have certainly have known to head west. They went to Israel’s capital city Jerusalem, a likely place to begin their search for the King of the Jews. It seems that the star may have disappeared by the time the magi reached Jerusalem but then reappeared when they began their (much shorter) journey from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, approximately 6 miles away. This view is supported by the fact that first, the magi had asked King Herod where the King of the Jews was born, which means the star wasn’t guiding them at that time (Matthew 2:2). And second, they rejoiced exceedingly when they saw the star (again) as they began their journey to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:10). After the magi had met Herod, the star went on before them to Bethlehem and stood over the location of Jesus. It seems to have led them to the very house that Jesus was in–not just the city. The magi already knew that Christ was in Bethlehem. This they had learned from Herod, who had learned it from the priests and scribes (Matthew 2:4-5,8). For a normal star, it would be impossible to determine which house is directly beneath it. The star over Christ may have been relatively near the surface of the earth so that the magi could discern the precise location of Christ. Whatever the exact mechanism, the fact that the star led the magi to Christ is evidence that the star was uniquely designed, made by God for a very special purpose. God can use extraordinary means for extraordinary purposes. Certainly the birth of our Lord was deserving of honor in the Heavens. It is fitting that God used a celestial object to announce the birth of Christ since “the heavens declare glory of God”___(Psalms 19:1). Source: Answers in Genesis. Comment: In verse 29 of Matthew was Jesus talking about the 7 year tribulation? Here are some signs listed in the Heavens at His second coming! The rapture has probably already happened before this event and these are the redeemed people that came to Christ during the tribulation period! The sun is darkened and the moon shall lose it’s light and the stars shall fall from Heaven! When the unbelievers shall see Him they shall mourn! The believers shall rejoice! Two different responses with two different outcomes! Then Christ shall gather the elect from the ends of the Heavens! Help us to shine His light into the earth before the opportunity for Salvation closes for men! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Russia And Ukraine In Bible Prophecy !

Can anyone stop Bible Prophecy? Can you stop the sun from rising in the east? Why would you want to stop it anyway? Satan would and has tried and is trying with much of the world with him! Satan has tried through killing Jews, Christians and through drugs, abortions, gambling and other crimes against humanity. But even Satan and his actions including putting Christ on a Cross fulfill Bible Prophecy! Even some Christians do not want Bible prophecy to come to pass so they can build their own Kingdoms! If you had a choice would you want Jesus to come back today and take over the world? How you answer this question would tell you a lot about who you are? if you are building God’s Kingdom you have nothing to worry about! It is very hard to make a long story short here! The reason it is so hard is because Bible prophecy is the main story of history. In Genesis 10: 1-2, you will find the genealogy of the sons of Noah. These references are also included in 1 Chronicles 1:1-5. Meshech is the Hebrew term where came the word Moscow. Tubal is considered to be associated with Russian people. Three times in the Old Testament the expression, “The prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.” (Ezekiel 38;2, 39:1) Here is one of them that also mentions Gog and Magog; Gog and the land of Magog, the prince of Ros, Meshech and Tubal. Ross is the ancient Hebrew name Russ(blondes), who settled in the plains of ancient eastern Europe. They gave their name to the Russian nation. The official name of the Russian Federation(ROSSIYSKAYA FEDERATSIYA), bears the name similar to the Hebrew word Rosh. David writes in Psalm 120; “Woe is me that I sojourn in Mesech!” Islamic writings identify Ros as the son of Japheth. According to Mohammed writings he is the eldest son of Noah. They call him Aboultierk and ascribe him as one of the eleven sons who is Ros of the Russians. Those in Ukraine seem to have ties with the Medes. The nation of Georgia is made up of people called Iberians. The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi. This word is believed to have come from the word Tubal. People of Georgia claim to have descended from the great grandson of Japheth named Kartlos whose father has claimed to be Togarmah of Genesis 10:3. The Medes were once in the land of Media which was near Persia (modern Iran). The Bible uses the terms Medes and Persians five times. One example is Daniel 5:28. Remember in Acts 2:8-11 when the Medes are mentioned? The Medes and the Russians have a shared history. Today and in the future you are seeing the re-gathering of the Medes and the Persians in power surrounding Israel! If you read Daniel 8: 9-12, you will see this detailed. Russia and Iran will be the big players in these last days to battle against Israel and then lose! Eastern Europe and Western Europe have become dependent on Russian energy! Ukraine gets all of it’s natural gas from Russia. Russia is expanding power over Europe as America diminishes in influence over Europe. Russia along with China is building their military while for political reasons America is diminishing her military. We are not developing our oil and gas resources in America and cannot offer Europe an alternative. The case is closed as Bible Prophecy plays out! As we raise our kids, pay our mortgages and work our jobs it is easy to forget Bible Prophecy! Also many Christians are living in Ukraine and Russia and are suffering! Let us not forget them and pray for them. Remember in Christ you are on the right side of history regardless of the times or seasons! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com