Religion Hates Jesus! Matthew 21:15

“And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that Jesus did, and the children crying in the Temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, they were sore displeased.” Commentary: So what does the Greek word say for “they were sore displeased”? The word Strong’s #23 means they were greatly afflicted! Why? Their religion was just a side show with no power! No miracles! No power over Satan! So instead of commending Jesus for the wonderful miracles he was doing they began to plot his death! Religion really hates God! Even in churches sometimes religion will raise its ugly head! Spiritual growth will always involve politics and religion! After being a Christian over past 48 years I have accumulated some interesting stories! Some of my best but not all is while we were serving in India as missionaries from 1983-1987. In our second year in India we moved to a village on a mountain named Yercaud in South India. There was a strong presence of Catholics there because of their schools! Our little daughters attended Sacred Heart secondary school while we were living there! Good schools! While doing ministry there and the surrounding villages catholics including nuns and priests would come to us late at night for prayer! I asked them why do you come to us late at night like Nicodemus did? They told us that if the organizational leaders find out they will severly punish us! They will evict us from our houses on Catholic lands and deny us burial in a Catholic owned burial grounds! Organized religion is sometimes ugly! Yet it is necessary to the purposes of God even sometimes when it opposes God! I never viewed them as enemies but as friends in ministry even though they were trusting organization more than God! Housing was difficult to find in Yercaud so the Catholics had a parsonage come available. Most housing there was full of rats, snakes and scorpions! So ten priests interviewed me for the vacancy. Their last question was are you a member of the 10th Order of the Jesuits? I said no! Sorry we cannot help you! In the American church we have had troubles when a Pastor is trying to get along with popular culture such as homosexualism and we confront him with scriptures on the subject! We end up on the bad boy list and political isolation begins! Truth will always divide and separates from lies and deceptions! When you do what Jesus did you will find opposition from within and from without! It comes along with the mission! We try to get along but sometimes separation will come! The last example is a young Catholic priest came to us by night and expressed a need to separate from the Catholic church! He asked for prayer and we advised him to not do this unless God confirms to you to do this! Sometimes we told him we must risk all to follow Jesus! A month later he left the Catholic church and years later became a great evangelist across the State of Tamil Nadu! To do the will of God will cost you something and maybe everything except your relationship to Christ! That relationship is more precious that silver and more costly than gold! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Why is American Left in Love with Islamists?

Why is the American political left in bed with Islam? Simple! Because the political left hates the Christians and so do the Islamists! The secular atheist left is at war with Christianity just as the Islamist are at war with Christians because their Quran says they should! So the Islamists and the American political left have a common enemy! Michael Youssef   Comment: I would caution the American secular Jews with their billions of American dollars supporting Anti-Christian causes that the same Quran that says the Islamists are to kill Christians are to kill Jews! So your friends the Islamists you use to attack Christians will one day turn on you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God Raises The Dead! 2 Kings 4:35

With Easter near our Pastor Oscar Cope wants us to examine the historical record in our Bible of instances of God raising the dead in the Old Testament. What you will find out studying the Old Testament that it is vogue for today! My Bible says  that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! Elisha’s predecessor Elijah is considered one of the greatest Prophets in our Bible! He was raptured and did not see death! He was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration! Elijah’s successor Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his anointing! How do we know it happened? Elisha raised two people from the dead and Elijah raised one person! Do you remember Jesus telling us that greater works would you do than me if you go in my name! Elijah prayed and laid on a dead corpse seven times! Elisha prayed and laid on a dead corpse three times! Twice the anointing takes half the time! Jesus was raised from the dead in three days! Seven represents the number of completion! Seven days in a week! We begin the new week on Sunday not Monday! We give the first day of the week Sunday as Christians to God in worship! We start the new week with Him! The first part of our income the tithe and the offerings is given on the first day of the week! This tells God that He owns the week! Any given day of the week is a gift from Him! I have been a Christian for 44 years now! I have asked the Lord about certain parts of the scriptures to give me revelation about some of the more difficult parts? I have asked the Lord why did these prophets stretch their bodies over these dead corpses? As our Pastor said Sunday today if you did this they would file so kind of a law suit against you for sexual abuse however if two men get married no problem? Sunday while in the services and hearing this message many times the Lord gave me the answer! If you want to hear from God be in His House! When you stretch your body out on another body you form a Cross! Jesus body was stretched out on a Cross! The Jews escaped the Egyptian plague by painting with lamb’s blood on the top and sides of the door posts forming a Cross! When the Jewish tribes camped around the Tabernacle in their wanderings their tribes were arranged in a cross formation! It is so sad to see America today where millions of dollars are spent in law suits trying to remove Crosses across our land? What fools we have become! Satan hates the Cross because it reminds him of his defeat over death and is our hope and sign of victory over death, hell and the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas and Family! Matthew 1:18-20

Many fascinating things can be learned from the Christmas story! One thing cannot be denied! God always wanted a family! He started off creating one man and one woman! Not two men or two women but one man and one woman! The challenge got bigger when God wanted a son born of human parents! He looked over His creation to find the right parents. They had to be Jew for salvation comes by the Jew! The new millennium had just begun and the signs in the Heaven and earth were just right! The virgin birth predicted hundreds of years before by the Prophets was ripe for fulfillment! God found a young Jewish couple from Nazareth that were about to be engaged. Their names were Joseph and Mary. Then Joseph found his espoused bride pregnant? Joseph minded to put her away privately! Then an Angel appeared unto Joseph and told him his bride Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit! So Joseph became the step-father of Jesus! Years later Jesus told us that pure religion was taking care of widows and orphans! God always wanted children to have both parents! My Bible says God hates divorce! He wants to come to the aid of the victims! It seems American culture today does not hold the values God has established for the well being of the family? Jesus God’s son could not increase the size of His family until He went to the Cross! Today Jesus Father is your Father! Christmas means many things but most important you are now in God’s family now and forever! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Pope for President! Isaiah 5:20

The following are polling questions that will help us determine who is in the lead in this race? This form was developed to help you critically think about your choice? If you were voting for the Pope how would you vote? Which Pope makes money and which Pope steals money? Which Pope hates Catholics? Which Pope would not name the religion that beheads people as a sporting event? Which Pope would herd young boy’s into your daughter’s bathroom? Which Pope would take non-Catholic donations from foreign governments? Which Pope would dare say Merry Christmas? Which Pope would allow gays and lesbians to graze in their congregations and not say anything was wrong? Which Pope would sanction their marriages with state approval? Which Pope would sacrifice children on the altar of choice? We hope these questions will promote healthy choices for our next leader! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Guilt and Hope Matthew 11:28

We live in a fallen world! Violence, crime, natural disasters are all around us! From earthquakes, cyclones, floods, fires, pestilences and disease covers the world with tragedy! Wars and rumors of wars! From cop killers to Islamic Jihadist law and order seems like a distant hope? Political failures at home and gains by terrorists seems daunting! Guilt is the product of our fallen world! Guilt drives the Islamist terrorists! They believe the only sure way to get to Heaven is to commit Jihad! Kill themselves and others! How sad! God has a plan to defeat guilt and sin and it lead Him to the Cross! Jesus was raised from the dead for our fallen world! God shed His blood to cover our guilt! To reject God’s blood is to shed man’s blood! Guilt and sin leads to more sin! One sin to cover another! One lie to cover another lie! Bring your guilt to Jesus! Jesus said to come to Him those that labor and are heavy laden! A ship that is heavy laden will sink! Jesus bore your sin on the Cross! A yoke is designed for two oxen! Let Jesus come along side you and carry your load! Do not try to carry too much! God made you to trust Him! Not by your own efforts! Jesus went on to say He would give you rest! Rest means to pause from your own efforts! It means to refresh! That is why God gave us the Sabbath! At Creation God Himself rested from His work on the 7th day! Are you greater than God? Many have tried! The burn out of American families today is the result of not honoring the Sabbath! The 24-7 schedule takes no time for rest in the Sabbath! God not only saves us but he sanctifies us! Philippines 1:6 says we are confident that the good work He has begun in us He will perform in us until the day of Jesus Christ! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! His purpose within us will continue forever! Why miss out on the peace and joy of Jesus living in you? Pride and the fool says i can make it on my own! No one ever did! That was Satan’s plan! Sorrow and death is his constant companion! Do you want rest and freedom from guilt and shame? Ask Jesus! Humble yourself and ask for help! It is not that hard to do! What is hard to do and impossible is to try to live without Jesus! He will raise you up from your fallen condition! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Gay Pride? Leviticus 18:22

Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination! Why is God homophobic? Simply God hates sin! God loves and hates! Otherwise He would not be God! Satan hates the good and loves the evil! The Bible makes this so clear even a child can understand it! What is an abomination? The Hebrew word translates as something that is morally disgusting to God! The word is primarily understood in the context of the Law. To love people is to tell them the truth! To be a gay basher would be to tell them that their lifestyle is good and we will make laws contrary to God’s law so you can feel good about your sin! We cannot ignore the elephant in the room! God is love and He so loved the world that He gave His only Son as a sacrifice for our sin so that we may have the power to live a righteous life before God and before men! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Anti-Zionism is Alive and Well!

What are the three most hated nations in the world? They are Iran, North Korea and Israel! Israel? How can this be? They say the only thing man has learned from history is that he has not learned from history! Jesus said you will be persecuted because of me! Usually our political views are shaped by our religious views or lack of them. As in the case of Islam this continues and then the political views become militarized! This is what happened to Nazi Germany. However here in America things are not so simple! Culturally America is discounting the Bible as it is being pushed out of our schools and public places. It is being replaced with other world views. Anti-Zion and Anti-Christian thought are linked together. Popular culture is abandoning Christ! It is interesting that in any culture when the Holy scriptures are abandoned or rejected then a world view or philosophy develop that opposes scripture! Notice they do not run parallel to each other but oppose each other! So our popular culture enforces movements politically like abortion, gays, lesbians, drug use, gambling, ect. Yes promotion of evil that the scriptures oppose! Simply a war between good and evil! Sadly in church history the church has not been a supporter of Israel either! There are a small minority of Christians in America who actively support Israel. Today the Jews in Europe are fleeing back to Israel under persecution from Islam. The Christians in Europe are perplexed on how to deal Muslims living in their communities? During Hitler’s purge the Jews had no homeland to escape too! A Jewish chemist helped England win World War I against Germany. This helped set up a return to their homeland. What has happened to American support to Israel under President Obama? Sadly he has a contempt for Israel! He being a Muslim I understand that. In his book “Audacity of Hope”, he explains that when push comes to shove he will side with Islam! Right now as Benjamin Netanyahu runs for re-election rich Obama supporters are spending millions of dollars trying to defeat him! Jesus is a Jew as all the writers of scripture. The cell phone was invented in Israel! About 80 percent of all inventions come through the Jews! Hitler kicked Albert Einstein out of Germany in the 1930’s. He came to America through the Manhattan Project developed the Atomic bomb which helped win World War II. We have been so Blessed by the Jews yet the world hates them? I have learned through many years of Bible Study that God loves the Jews, Christians and women! Satan hates the Jews, Christians and women! The seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent! Read the Bible and you will see the greatest mysteries of civilization explained to you as Bible Prophecy becomes front page news! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

It’s Only Make Believe! John 3:16

Conway Twitty co-composed a song back in 1958 that went to the top of the charts as the number one song and held this rank for two years! The theme of the song was that he wished and prayed that this girl would love him as he loved her but finally realized that her love for him was only make believe! No matter how much he loved her she did not care about him. If you are human or even divine you have experienced this in your life. You wanted to believe in someone or something only to find a betrayal by that person or system. After all your love and affection was extracted from you an emptiness entered your soul. Human relationships are fragile at best! However there is a love greater than any human love! God’s motive for loving you is that He is simply love! Yes and He loved you so much that He became flesh! If you accept His love then you will find His love deeper than any ocean! In our spiritual relationship you can love the one that hates you through default! If you stay in the default mode you express your affection to the one who wants to destroy you! You can make believe about any man made system of religion but only to find in the end you are deceived and forsaken! Believe in the one true God Christ who gave His life for you and loved you before you ever loved Him and even before your love for Him was only make believe! In Christ’s Love! James and Hamsa Sasse.