Justice with Redemption! Romans 1:18

Greek Translation: “For the wrath, the passionate grief anger with revenge of the true God creator of heaven and earth from the residence of God against all ungodliness by the lack of reverence of God by sinful men, who hold fast the unveiled truth in unrighteousness contrary to justice and law.” Commentary: So what provision did God make to resolve for sinful men who war against God? What resolution did God make for all sin including abortion, homosexualism, lesbianism, gay marriage, transgenderism and the list goes on and on? How is God’s revenge satisfied? How is justice rendered? Justice could never be accomplished unless applied to all men! The penalty of death is required to satisfy the living God! Did you ever notice when men apply justice in their own efforts they murder one another! Like the school shooting in Texas! This young man wanted justice for injustices against him so he killed the innocent! Christ was not sinful and was innocent yet he sacrificed himself the only Son of God to purchase redemption for all! Jesus says we must forgive as God has forgiven us our sins! Jesus took our sin on a cruel Cross! Those that reject Christ reject their own path to redemption! To reject Christ is to reject heaven and embrace hell! Your attitude towards Christ reveals your spiritual condition! God sacrificed himself for all men yet some reject the gift of life! Sin is redemptive but not the sin of rejection of the redemptive God Christ! Either way heaven or hell is determined by whether or not you reject the grace of God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! You cannot save yourself! Only the immortal God can fix your mortality! Can you fix your sin that leads to death? No! Only God can do this! Christ satisfied the law of sin and death! Justice came to us from God himself! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

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