Esau and Jacob Romans 9:13

Why did God hate Esau and love Jacob? Esau was the first born and should get all the perks! The name Jacob means trickster or to supplant or replace. The name James in the New Testament is the same word as Jacob and has the same meaning! In fact in some foreign language translations of the New Testament calls the Book of James the Book of Jacob. God does not personally hate Esau but hates his priorities! We must value what God values! Our priorities must be God’s priorities! We must define our priorities according to scripture! We must make wise choices! Seek first the Kingdom of God! God will either respect or disrespect your priorities! There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek! Whosoever calls on His name shall be saved! Esau despised his birthright but Jacob valued it! If you value what God values then you will find favor with God! Live your life with integrity! The root word for integrity is the word integer. Something complete and not a fraction of something but a whole number. Let your yes be yes and your no be no! Do not add or subtract from the Bible. Do not cherry pick the Bible! That is only what you like! Some people think they will be cheated if they do the right thing? Jacob was cheated by his uncle Laban! Jacob did not take vengeance but let God Bless him more than if he had not been cheated! Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob because he was a hunter. Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau! He did this to get the Blessing of the first born. Jacob comes in the name of another! To receive Blessings we do not come in our own name but in the name of Jesus Christ! We despised our birthright by living in sin! He took our sin away! We cannot save ourselves but in the name of another! Jacob wrestled all night with God! Jacob did not give up until he was Blessed! Do not compete but get complete! Jesus wrestled in the Garden of Gethsemane for us! Jacob in Faith got a name change! Yes, Israel! God promoted him to be a Prince! Jesus is our Prince of peace! We serve the God of Israel! Source; Pastor Steve Vaggalis, Destiny Worship Center. He was guest Pastor at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.