Family Feud!

Abraham had two wives. Sarah and Hagar produced a son from Abraham. Sarah produced Isaac and Hagar produced Ishmael. Since then the Jews and Arabs have warred over family position and predominance! God in the Book of Genesis promised to Bless both families. The promised seed(Christ), was to come through the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When Islam began in about 650 A.D. a religious system was born to legalize violence against Christians and Jews. On 9-11 Americans got their first real taste of this family feud! Now Bin Laden is gone along with tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars in losses! So where does it end? What is the solution? Do we give up and surrender to evil? Much of the world rejects Christ and His teachings. This includes many Jews, Arabs and gentiles. But it is Christ the only Son of God who is the real answer to this dilemma! Christianity was born out of the womb of Judaism! God promised the Messiah would come through the Jew. This does not mean God has rejected Arabs or anyone else! It was simply God’s plan for giving a Saviour to the world. I am not a Jew but God has given me a sacrifice for my Sin through the Jew. Prophetically Christ was to die on a Cross for all people. God did not leave anyone out of the plan. Until men come to Christ this war will continue. Once we understand that our Sin is forgiven by God then we can forgive others as we have been forgive. Peace comes to our lives when we embrace Christ and His Spirit lives in us! Christ is the solution for this dilemma! If we do not allow Christ’s blood to cleanse us then we will continue to shed our fellow man’s blood in war! Man is at war with God! God’s ways are higher than our ways! Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! Will it be His way or your way? The wages of Sin is death! The choice is yours! Choose Life today! Give God a chance to change your ways! In Christ’s Love. James Sasse.