Definition Politician!

A politician…one that would circumvent God! William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Commentary: You know some things never change! Politicians through abortion want to decide who lives and who dies! Poor William Shakespeare is now on the cancel culture list here in America? The plan of the political left is to crush Western Civilization! In the name of diversity comes conformity! If you do not conform to our ideology then you will be crushed! Your book sponsors will drop you! You cannot open a bank account here! Your Visa application is denied! Your job in Hollywood is over! Your racial identity must be marginalized! You are too white for this job! If you are President and disagree with our ideology we will remove you from, Titter, Facebook, YouTube and Google and from office by impeachment! Your gender is a threat to our ideology! So as a woman men must participate in your athletic events! So who is next on the cancel culture left? I know who is coming up soon on this list! Jesus Christ! So the Book of Revelation prophecy about the end times is just about here! You will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast! The beast is growing bigger everyday! Socialism requires conformity! The one world government led by the Anti-Christ will require conformity or death! History repeats itself and right now here in America we have the same political suppression of anyone who gets out of line not conforming to the party ideology as recorded in the history of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s! Our faith in Christ must grow as the persecution grows here in America! When Jesus gets banned ?then you as a Christian where will you stand? The political left hates truth and Shakespeare is just too truthful for them! Instead of we changing China we are becoming like them! Communist dictatorship! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Supreme Court and Civil War 1857

In 1857 the Supreme Court ruled African American people were personal property! This lead to the election of Abraham Lincoln and our 1st civil war! On gay marriage Franklin Graham put it best, ” The supreme court has never ruled in its history on the definition of marriage so since they have never defined marriage why would they define it or redefine it now?” Comment; Since the supreme court has now defined marriage as between a man and a man a marriage between a man and a women may be illegal under law now! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Dreams! Genesis Chapter 41

The word dreams in the Hebrew means to bind firmly! It can also mean a sense of dumbness! I must dream all the time! The Greek word defines a dream as a vision within a dream. The Bible talks about visions and dreams! The English Webster defines a dream as an image or conception of something. It also can mean to deceive as a ghost. Certainly a dream would have a sense of dumbness unless it were properly interpreted. I am sure we have all had dreams where we were dumbfounded as to the meaning? I remember having a dream about New York City about 6 months prior to 9-11. In this dream I was walking around in the streets of New York and seeing these piles of white powder all over the place? Since I had no one to interpret the dream it did nothing to preclude the attack! I only understood the dream after the attack and then I was not surprised by it! When we were called to the mission field back in the 1980’s we did not know what country we should go too? We thought about Mexico. Then through many visions and dreams God revealed to us He wanted us to go to India! Joseph had the ability to interpret dreams! He interpreted the dreams of the chief butler, the chief baker and then the dreams of Pharaoh of Egypt! Joseph got it right to the saving of the people of Egypt and for his own family from the famine! If you do not get an immediate interpretation of a dream then wait on God and He will find another believer to help you or through events He will show or confirm the dream to you! Joseph’s brothers would mock Joseph about being a dreamer yet by his dreams they were saved from destruction! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.


I heard a good definition of work from a Jewish Rabbi yesterday! He said making someone’s else life better is what you do when you work! Money flows to those people who make other people’s lives better! There is alot of mis-understanding about money especially in the church. Just because you are in a ministry do not presume money should flow to you! Are you as a minister making other people’s lives better? Why is it lottery winners in America are worse off one year later after winning? What about the disaster of welfare system in America? Why is it many who quit work and retire die within one year? Because it is selfish and opposite of definition of work. People who just wait around for money end up in a bad way! God cannot honour this attitude! Jesus said, “He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all !” The more people you help the more money flows to you! Just ask Bill Gates and his computers! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod com