Esau and Jacob Romans 9:13

Why did God hate Esau and love Jacob? Esau was the first born and should get all the perks! The name Jacob means trickster or to supplant or replace. The name James in the New Testament is the same word as Jacob and has the same meaning! In fact in some foreign language translations of the New Testament calls the Book of James the Book of Jacob. God does not personally hate Esau but hates his priorities! We must value what God values! Our priorities must be God’s priorities! We must define our priorities according to scripture! We must make wise choices! Seek first the Kingdom of God! God will either respect or disrespect your priorities! There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek! Whosoever calls on His name shall be saved! Esau despised his birthright but Jacob valued it! If you value what God values then you will find favor with God! Live your life with integrity! The root word for integrity is the word integer. Something complete and not a fraction of something but a whole number. Let your yes be yes and your no be no! Do not add or subtract from the Bible. Do not cherry pick the Bible! That is only what you like! Some people think they will be cheated if they do the right thing? Jacob was cheated by his uncle Laban! Jacob did not take vengeance but let God Bless him more than if he had not been cheated! Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob because he was a hunter. Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau! He did this to get the Blessing of the first born. Jacob comes in the name of another! To receive Blessings we do not come in our own name but in the name of Jesus Christ! We despised our birthright by living in sin! He took our sin away! We cannot save ourselves but in the name of another! Jacob wrestled all night with God! Jacob did not give up until he was Blessed! Do not compete but get complete! Jesus wrestled in the Garden of Gethsemane for us! Jacob in Faith got a name change! Yes, Israel! God promoted him to be a Prince! Jesus is our Prince of peace! We serve the God of Israel! Source; Pastor Steve Vaggalis, Destiny Worship Center. He was guest Pastor at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Grandpa and Grandma get a Son! Genesis 18

They say that if your two year old son raises his hands up to his father and says grandpa you know you have a miracle! Abraham has three men show up at his tent door in the heat of the day! Normally people do not travel in the heat of the day? These men were not normal and represent a theophany or God appearing to men Could these three men represent the Trinity? Jesus Christ is the personal manifestation of God to man! Abraham recognizes that these were not just men but God Himself standing before him! Abraham entreats them well offering the best he had with provision and water. When they announce to Abraham that he will have a son his wife Sarah laughs! Their son that was eventually born to them was named Isaac which means laughter. God also promises to Abraham and his descendants that they will be a great nation and all the earth will be Blessed through them! Later in history the birth of Christ and the nation of Israel would confirm these promises! The second mission of these three men was to destroy the gay’s living in Sodom and Gomorrah! Abraham tried to convince God to spare them because his nephew Lot and immediate family was living among them! Lot was a lousy evangelist even among his own family! God spared them but destroyed the rest of them! God could not find ten righteous in the city! God is faithful to Bless the righteous and destroy the wicked! So how does one move from the camp of the wicked to the camp of the righteous? There must be a change in behavior! Repent of your sin to Christ and let Him give you the strength to live a new life! You must be “Born Again!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

False Christ’s! Matthew 24:24

A false Christ will use Christ for his own gain! He build’s on the world’s expectations of such a person, while he blasphemously appropriates these expectations and affirms them as his own promising these expectations are found in him. He is the same character as the antichrist who opposes the real Christ. He will usurp Christ’s office, presenting himself to the world as the true center of it’s hope and satisfier of all it’s needs and healer of all it’s ills! The false Christ promotes the antichrist! What are some warning signs of a false Christ? Be careful of any organization whether private, government or religious that promotes itself above Christ! I worry when someone is trying to promote their church above Christ? I love my church and my Pastor but neither can save me! No one can save this world except Christ! The one world government will soon arrive on the scene and the leader antichrist will demand worship from you! He  make the same claims as the false Christ’s of today! Jesus goes on to say in verse 24 that the false Christ’s will perform miracles, signs and wonders! How are you going to tell the difference between the false and the real? The false Christ will always take credit unto himself! You are well because I pray for you! Only because you belong to this church or organization you are doing well! The false Christ will deny the Deity of Christ! The false Christ will say Jesus did not come in the flesh or he was just a good man but not God! Satan will never confess the truth! Remember there is only one Christ! If you have more than one Christ in the room you have a problem! Pastor Cho used to tell me that one out of twelve church members is a Judas! Why was Judas a false Christ? He wanted to promote himself at the expense of Christ! Self promotion always produces sin! My Bible says promotion comes not from the north, south, east or west but from on high! Christ promoted you by going to the Cross! My Bible says you and I were conceived in sin! Christ was conceived in righteousness by the Father because He had you in mind! God promoted you 2000 years ago on a bloody Cross but you must recognize it and accept it and live in Faith by Him and for Him! The false Christ’s will always use sin as the weapon of choice to promote self! Sin produces death! Islam is our latest example here on earth! To prevent me or you from becoming a false Christ we must follow the true Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

A Sin Unto Death? 1 John 5:16

John opens by saying if any man see his brother sin a sin not unto death he shall ask and he shall give them life for them that sin not unto death. Any sin that is not unto death is a sin that is repented of! A sin unto death would be a willful, continuous unrepentant sin! Ananias and Sapphira would be two examples of a sin unto death of two believers! John concludes not to pray for the unrepentant sinner because they have had many opportunities to repent but continue to willfully live in their sin. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning to Gays and Lesbians! Romans 1:24, 26, 27, 32

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd,  Paul in verse 32 says that those who do those things are worthy of death! Verse 31 says without natural affection which to me would mean a man attracted to a woman. It is interesting in verse 24, God gave them up to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. We often look at  God delivering us from sin but it looks like here God is keeping us from sin! God is not just the medicine to treat the sin but He delivers us from the disease of sin! You mentioned Sunday that some gays have an attraction for each other but never perform the physical act! Jesus said that if I look on a woman with lust it is the same as committing the physical act!. It says in verse 18 of Romans, chapter one, that ungodly men attempt to restrain the truth through unrighteousness! The sin of gays and lesbians appears to be against creation itself! Greed is a sin no doubt but I have a problem lumping them together for Paul did not say greed was worthy of death! We appreciate our questions being addressed by you and presenting your answers on Sunday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Doctrine of Estrangement! 1 Peter 2:9

We are a peculiar people! Peculiar meaning we have reached a point or place in time where we have found purpose in God together! Notice not a peculiar person but people. People meaning a mass of humanity of all nations joined together in one purpose. We belong to a nation of people. We are a chosen people by God through Christ to minister and serve others. His church is a proclaiming community! We are organized to take care of others. As citizens of Heaven we seek the peace of the city we live in. Start a good work where you are. Bloom where you are planted. Seek to help the most vulnerable of our culture. Paul sought to free a slave. We are not to Lord over others in our family and community but demonstrate love in our marriage and family! Wives are to submit to their husband and the husband is to protect his wife. There is strength in kindness! If you have to be told you are a leader you are not! The way you are is the way you tell your story to the world. You proclaim what you are. Sin has and is causing estrangement in our world. The cultural wars of divorce, untraditional marriage, drugs, crime and corruption at all levels lead the way to estrangement in our nation! In the Book of Genesis we see creation of the world and man. Everything started out right but sin caused Adam and Eve to blame God and each other. Sin has caused us to run and hide from God and each other. It became finger pointing! She made me do it! The Devil made me do it! In Genesis chapter 11 we see the Tower of Babel where men wanted to make a name for themselves! Sound familiar? The unity here resulted in man wanting to build his own kingdom! Man has unified against God throughout history! God divided the languages and confused the people. This lead to tribalism, separation, violence and a fragmented society. So what was God’s solution? To send His Son Christ into the world! In Ephesians chapter 2 we see God putting to death separation and estrangement. He instituted the resurrected life! In Acts chapter 2 at Pentecost 120 people speaking different languages but understanding each other. One language became many and then many languages became one! Many people became a peculiar people. The Holy Spirit is joining together many people for one purpose! God reverses estrangement! Why are we a peculiar people? The church is a community within where the Holy Spirit reverses all previous estrangements! We are a eschatological community! God’s first intent consummates in the church! In Revelation chapter 5 and chapter 7 every nation and people group comes back together again! At the end of the day we win together! In Revelation chapter 21 we see no more death and a new Heaven and earth living in peace and joy. Heaven and earth become one just as we say in our Lord’s prayer! Two become one. If we know the end then we can make the right choices and do the right thing now! Start today. We are called to live and die for one another! If we as His church do the right thing today then Jesus will have little to do when He returns! The word, “Apocalypse” is used 18 times in the New Testament. To most of the world it means the end of the world. The word in the Greek translates; disclosure, revelation, enlightenment and manifestation. Romans 8:19— creation itself is groaning for redemption of the earth through storms, earthquakes and other events. The world is waiting for the Apocalyptical church and our Christ to return! We are a chosen people and a royal priesthood! As we take communion this morning do you feel estranged from God and others? Jesus paid the price on the Cross to bring us together. Jesus poured out His blood for you! In estrangement Cain slew Abel and his blood cried out from the ground for redemption! Murder is the last act of estrangement but Jesus laid down His life as a sacrifice on the Cross for you! The marriage supper of the Lamb is waiting for you and me as described in Revelation. The differences we have is removed by God in unity with Him! It is joyful in Heaven and not sorrowful! God is inviting you back to Heaven this morning! We cannot hold bitterness. We cannot drink the poison and expect others to die! We have through Christ the power to forgive! Come to His altar now and experience the ending of separation between you and God and man! Source: Pastor Daniel Grothe, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on Sunday June 8, 2014.

Joel Osteen Side Steps Gay Marriage Questions?

Again he avoids answering questions about gays and gay marriage by saying this is not the focus in our ministry! Joel I would say to you to have the moral courage to simply say the Bible says it is a sin and wrong! What the Bible says about our cultural social issues needs to be our focus! Does money corrupt? Absolutely! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sodom and Gomorrah Act III Romans 1:27-32

Satan throughout history has tried to prevent the “bruising of his head” by the seed of the woman! The latest political ploy by the Democrats is that everyone except them has a war on women? What an oxymoron this is since they promote abortion and homosexuals! The primary sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual behavior. God does not have a war on women but Satan does! History has shown us that God does have a war on gays! The next major event of God’s judgment on man was at the Flood of Noah! I want to quote a Jewish commentary about the sin in the Days of Noah; “In the new issue of Inside Israel newsletter (vol.13, No.7), Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller is reported as writing in the “Jewish Observer”: The Midrash (Acharei Mos) tells us that the Generation of the Flood was wiped out only because they wrote marriage contracts between males just as they did between conventional couples. We can better understand the cultural expression “only because” as meaning “the singular primary reason” in importance as the cause why God brought the Flood upon the world at that time in antiquity. For many years I have realized that Mr. GTA’s explanation of Matthew 24:38 did not hold water– There is nothing wrong in marriage itself, unless wrong things or wrong people are being married to one another.” Rabbi Keller has provided information from Jewish Midrash (commentary) to help us better comprehend Jesus intended meaning and message. Comment; As we see the continued decline of America we also see cultural perversion endorsed and sanctified by our governments across America. Much of the “Church” is mute on these issues and some even endorsing them! Many Pastors do not want to loose their 501c exemptions and many want to remain popular and sell their books! There is only one “Book” that counts and that is the Holy Bible! God has provided a way out from all sin through His Son Jesus Christ! God will not accept “Gay Christians” which is another oxymoron! Repent means to denounce your sin whatever it might be and stop your sin and let Christ take your Judgment on Calvary! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Can God Forgive Every Sin? Mark 3:28-29

God can do about everything except sin! God can forgive every sin except one! God can forgive murder, adultery, genocide, stealing and some blasphemies. But God cannot forgive blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy means the evil speaking of God Himself! It is slandering and reviling God. It is insulting and reproaching God. When I hear people use the G.D. word I flee from them as quick as possible! I use the God Bless word! Most people do not understand the meaning of blasphemy and the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is not dwelling in them they have no witness! An important Person of the Trinity he goes back all the way to the First Chapter of Genesis and was active in creation. The Holy Spirit pre-existed creation along with Christ and the Father. Remember Jesus told his disciples just before his ascension to wait for the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and birthed Jesus the Son of God into the earth as man and God! The Jewish scribes teachers of the Law accused Jesus success in casting out demons was due to Jesus being Beelzebub the chief of the devils! So the scribes were attributing the work of God to the work of Satan! I may not agree with every ministry  and of every interpretation of scripture but I will never attribute any ministries work to the work of Satan! As my Pastor Brady Boyd says,”I am not here to win an argument but to show people the love of God!” Just be aware of the one sin that God will not forgive! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Snake Bit Pastor Dies!

First of all our condolences to the Jamie Coots family! I believe he is in Heaven but I also believe he has misinterpreted scripture! It is an easy thing to do. Our prayers are for his son Cody that he not follow this same path. It is not easy to tell any son his father is wrong! Let me explain why I think he was wrong. Luke 10:19. A snake is a physical manifestation of the spirit of Satan! Jesus gives us power over Satan. This power is not proven by picking up snakes but is demonstrated by victory over sin! When Jesus was tempted or tested by Satan in Luke 4:12 and Matthew 4:7, He said you shall not test the Lord thy God! In Deuteronomy 6:16 it says, “You shall not test or tempt the Lord thy God as you tested Him in Massah.” In Isaiah 7:12 it says, “But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt or test the Lord.” In Matthew 6:13 Jesus said in the Lord’s prayer, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” The word temptation (Strongs 3986), from the Greek means ; put to the test. In Psalm 26:2 David is praying to God and the word try here means to purify me as gold in the fire. In Psalm 139:23 David is asking God to test him. The word test as used in Malachi 3:10 (Strongs 974) (Bachan), refers to God testing humanity. The point here is we do not test God! When we sin we test God! God will test us and Satan will test us! The victory comes when we are tested and Trust God at His Word! Ed Cole used to say, “Any truth carried to an extreme becomes an untruth!” I can test God if I do something foolish and expect God to rescue me! Let me give you some examples. Lord I want to go to hell so in your name I can cast out demons and get all these people to Heaven! You could not do it but I can! I know a man in Macon Georgia who went into the night clubs to save people. He is a drunk today! Lord let me go and lay with this prostitute so I can save her! Tempting God? Yes! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.