Why God?

Adam was curious about his newly created wife Eve! God why did you make her so beautiful? Why the long flowing hair? Why the beautiful eyes? Why the great figure? Why God? God said so you would love her Adam! Wow! You did a great job! God not to be critical or anything why did you make her so stupid? So she would love you! Pastor Joel Osteen

As a Man Thinketh! Proverbs 23:7

An experiment was conducted with dozens of patients who needed knee surgery! With the permission of the families they did some fake surgeries on patients along with real surgeries on patients suffering from knee pain! The fake surgery patients were put under unconsciousness just as the real surgeries were done. The doctors even made superficial cuts on their knee’s as would be done in a real surgery! After months of following their recovery the experiment revealed amazing results! Using X-ray and MRI studies they discovered the fake surgery patients were recovering as well as the real patient surgeries and even with some having better results than those that had the real surgeries! What was discovered was that all the patients  expected to get better! Even the ones that did not have the real surgery expected to get better! What was written in Proverbs some 3000 years ago is confirmed by science that the Word of God has power over sickness and death! Joel Osteen

Giving to Ministries

I cannot tell you where to give or how much to give! That is between you and God! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive! I am not soliciting to give to this ministry or any other ministry! I got a call from Joel Osteen Ministries today Sunday. They wanted a $35 dollar donation. I suggested to the caller that he should make a disclaimer to all donors that our tithe first belongs to the local church! He agreed yet I asked him why he did not tell me this? Then I asked him if he worked for Joel Osteen Ministries? He told me he was a private contractor collecting money for the ministry. I told him I thought Joel was a good preacher but does not enter into the cultural warfare breaking down America! I mentioned that Joel lives in a 10.5 million dollar mansion! He owns another house worth 2.9 million and another lot worth 1.9 million! The caller told me we cannot judge him! I told the caller I am not judging anyone but these are just facts about Joel’s lifestyle! His lifestyle does not fit the Jesus I know in my Bible? I told the caller I appreciate him giving up his 200 thousand annual dollar salary back in 2007 from the church. However his net worth is 40 million dollars! He sells his books but most of the money is gained by Christian’s buying his books! This is money from believer’s in the Church! Could this money have been more productive by church member’s investing in their local church? Also the 501c tax exemption allows the escape of tax money to the treasury department and that short fall has to be made up by the American tax payer! The caller told me I need to move on! Here is the point I am trying to make! Jesus said to render unto God what is His and to Caesar what is his! The tithe is automatic going to your local church! The offering is optional! To give to any ministry I need to see sacrifice from the leadership! If God speaks to you to give to Joel Osteen Ministries do it! Joel’s father is the one who really sacrificed to build the foundation for Joel! The same can be said of Franklin Graham. He gets 880 thousand dollars per year annual salary! Billy Graham’s net worth is 25 million dollars! I have to see examples of sacrifice for me to invest in any ministry! We need to put our money where our mouth is! These ministries do great things but the love of money is still the root of all evil! I would suggest that all ministries tithe their incomes to other ministries and support for the poor, widow’s and orphans! My prayer is those who read this will get a conviction in their heart’s including myself to be wise with our resources and invest into those who mirror Jesus Christ the most! Will 35 dollars break me? No! I wanted to make a point to our caller! God Bless your ministry! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Obedience in Heaven!

Two elderly ladies passed on about the same time and were in orientation classes together being briefed about their new home! The angel told them they were to respect all life including the animal kingdom! They were cautioned never to step on a duck! After the briefing they were so careful walking around Heaven! However one of the ladies did step on a duck! Even though she was careful this little duck ran under her feet! The angel immediately brought this ugly old man to her and chained him to her as punishment! The other lady was so sad for the plight of her friend she cried and was very careful where she walked! Suddenly the angel brought this young handsome intelligent man to her and chained him to her? She was so happy and asked him what she had done to deserve such a wonderful man like you? The young muscular, gifted man said i do not know but i do know i stepped on a duck! Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Side Steps Gay Marriage Questions?

Again he avoids answering questions about gays and gay marriage by saying this is not the focus in our ministry! Joel I would say to you to have the moral courage to simply say the Bible says it is a sin and wrong! What the Bible says about our cultural social issues needs to be our focus! Does money corrupt? Absolutely! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Grandpa Settles For Less!

Grandpa owned a small fishing boat. So he took it to the lake one Sunday afternoon and rowed to the center of this small lake. He let his line down in the water when he heard a voice? Pick me up the voice spoke! Grandpa looked around but saw no one? Again the voice sounded pick me up! Grandpa looked over the bow of his small boat and saw a small frog sitting on a lilly pad? The frog again said pick me up! So grandpa picked up the frog and put him in his pocket. Then the small frog said, ” If you give me a kiss I will turn into a beautiful young princess” ! Grandpa thought a minute then he said, “At my age I would rather have a talking frog” ! Source: Joel Osteen

Police Cadet!

A young man decided to join the police force. He began his career by enrolling in a police academy for his training. He completed his training and prepared for his final examination! The examiner asked him if he would be able to arrest a relative if he had to? The young cadet paused and then the examiner said let me give you an example. Let us say you had to arrest your mother-in-law? The young cadet responded no not by myself! I would have to call for back-up! Source; Pastor Joel Osteen.

Million Dollar Challenge!

A very wealthy man threw alot of parties at his mansion. This wealthy man had an olympic size swimming pool in his back yard. He was a peculiar man because he filled his swimming pool with sharks and alligators! At every party he would challenge his guests that anyone who could dive into one end of the pool and swim to the other end would get one million dollars plus anything else they wanted! One night during the pool party where guests used to feed the sharks there was a large splash at one end of the pool? This man swam like a porpoise dodging sharks and alligators! He finally made it to the other end of the pool safe! The wealthy man congradulated him and then told him he could have anything he wants! The young swimmer said he wanted the name of the person that pushed him into the water? Source; Pastor Joel Osteen.