God Holds The Answers!

Religion survives because it answers three questions that every reflective person must answer. Who am I? Why am I here? How then shall I live? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks   Comment: Those answers for you can never be found outside of a relationship with God! In Christ I discovered my purpose! First he created or put me here on earth for a season! Second he gave me purpose to express the love of God to others so they might experience his love also! Then to live for him and for others! Your God given purpose is the only thing that will sustain you here today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Warning to Gays and Lesbians! Romans 1:24, 26, 27, 32

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd,  Paul in verse 32 says that those who do those things are worthy of death! Verse 31 says without natural affection which to me would mean a man attracted to a woman. It is interesting in verse 24, God gave them up to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. We often look at  God delivering us from sin but it looks like here God is keeping us from sin! God is not just the medicine to treat the sin but He delivers us from the disease of sin! You mentioned Sunday that some gays have an attraction for each other but never perform the physical act! Jesus said that if I look on a woman with lust it is the same as committing the physical act!. It says in verse 18 of Romans, chapter one, that ungodly men attempt to restrain the truth through unrighteousness! The sin of gays and lesbians appears to be against creation itself! Greed is a sin no doubt but I have a problem lumping them together for Paul did not say greed was worthy of death! We appreciate our questions being addressed by you and presenting your answers on Sunday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.  GodWhoisGod.com

Vatican Calls for New World Economic Order!

The Pope calls for creation of a public authority with universal jurisdiction beginning with the United Nations! Welcome to our one world government supported by one billion Catholics! The Apostate Church is now moving into position to align with the Anti-Christ and his prophet! The sovereinty of nations is just about over! How will they identify who belongs to this system and who does not? Many Christians do not read the Book of Revelation? This Book is front page news! Suggest you read! I am not going to fill in the blanks for you! If you read and believe your Bible you will know the answers! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com