Emperor Hirohito was a Darwinist!

This completes the puzzle about the ideology that drove the most deadly war in history! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito were all worshipers of Charles Darwin! I will quote a source here that may interest you! “Dr. Hattori often accompanied Hirohito on expeditions to collect marine specimens  in Sagami Bay, Tokyo Bay and elsewhere. Encouraging Hirohito’s interest in science he taught him about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. It was not surprising that a bust of Charles Darwin would be found in the library of the Showa Emperor! Professor Adachi, another Japanese scholar who influenced the Emperor emphasized the necessity of giving “superior races” special support, including encouragement in increasing their populations. In this he was perfectly consistent with official government policy, in which he made it clear that in the final analysis the most superior race was the Japanese, and the “proper place” of the Japanese was one of absolute leadership.” Source: Dr. Terry Mortenson, Editor, Searching for Adam, Genesis and the Truth about Man’s Origin. Comment: When you study these destructive leaders of World War II you will see a pattern promoted by Darwin! Identity politics! The same thing that is going on in the Democratic Party today! Where the split comes between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is a political war between Creation and Evolution! The clash between the same ideologies that existed during World War II. Young people that have been taught evolution all their lives in our public schools do not understand even the reason why they are attracted to the Democratic Party? Our Constitution claims all men are created equal! This is a Christian Doctrine! When one race tries to promote itself over another war will follow! Followers of Darwin will promote this ideology! Since there is no God we can do what we want and will not be answerable to anyone! This is what our law enforcement are facing in the streets across America! Anarchy! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Christ will always be the answer to peace unless he is rejected! Then war will continue from generation to generation! The history about Darwin and his followers is available to anyone! I asked Dinesh D’Souza if he would consider promoting his next movie on the truth about Darwin and the Evolution ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Observations of God and Men!

I have done some studies about events and the leaders of the world prior to WWII. I have studied the ideologies of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Emperor Hirohito of Japan! What was the driving purpose for their ideologies was determined by their belief about God! Their supporting cast were their cultures! Much of Eastern and Western Europe at this time in history embraced Darwinism or Evolution! Charles Darwin was an atheistic Jew who believed that since there is no God things must have happened this way! That is we must have evolved from very primitive life forms! Japan was very different in their culture where they worshipped the Emperor as God! The west and the east were are on very different ends of the spectrum in their belief about God but with the same devastating results! What about Islam? What does believing in a false god lead to whether religious or not? If you are an atheist you make yourself God! If you make man god then you make yourself equal with God! Jesus was man but he was also God! I have noticed in history and in my own life that if you worship a false god you will sacrifice others for your own perceived gains! If you worship the real God you will sacrifice yourself to help others! Whether you wear a religious cloak or not this is the bottom line! The sacrificing could be your laying down your life for others as the disciples did or living one day at a time sacrificing for your family and the community! Sacrificing for friends and sacrificing for strangers! It could be coaching a youth basketball team! Serving in your church! The day I discovered God’s only Son Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for me for my sin I wanted to sacrifice my life in service to others! There is a righteous sacrifice and an unrighteous sacrifice! The righteous sacrifice will always benefit others the unrighteous sacrifice will always destroy others! Serving the living God will benefit all. We face the false god of Darwinism in American culture today! Sacrificing children through abortion to cover sin with 57 million victims so far! Death cannot be our motto! Gay marriage cannot produce children ending in the death of our culture! Gay’s, lesbians and transgenders have about a 40 percent higher suicide rate than the rest of the culture! The only ones holding America together today are the Christians and Orthodox Jews who vote Republican for traditional values that have always made America great! The Bible and the Holy scriptures promote life and not death! When we choose life and Christ we say no to death! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com