Replace Christianity With What?

One of the peculiar sins of the 20th Century which we have developed to a very high level is the sin of credulity. It has been said that when human beings stop believing in God they believe in nothing! The truth is much worse: they believe in anything. Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990) Journalist   Comment: When we believe in something based upon no evidence or theories based upon theories we are subject to believe anything! This has led America into the 21st Century with no foundation where families and governments are crumbling! God designed the family so Satan brings in every theory to the mind of man to break down the family! Abortion! Divorce! Gay Marriage! Homosexuality! Open borders! Sanctuary cities! Assault on authority and Law enforcement! Legalizing Drug use! Child pornography! Abduction of young girls for prostitution! Lesbianism! transgenderism! Anti-Christian promotions! Evolution replacing Creation! Control of our children through Public Education! Will America continue its abandonment of Judeo-Christian values? The dietary laws in the Old Testament forbid us to eat certain foods such as pork, fish without scales, shrimp, ect. Why? They are the meats containing the highest cholesterol and creatures feeding off the bottom of the water beds intake the most pollutants! Fish with scales feed off the top of the water! They are clean! The virus from China is a result of the culture eating bats! The Ebola virus out of Africa had the same bats at its source! This means these cultures had periods in their history where they starved and ate anything! So these creatures became a part of their cultural foods! Some Christians ignore the Old Testament to their own peril! The birth of socialism is a rejection of God and his Commandments! Stealing what does not belong to you is a sin! If America does not come back to God then history will show a great nation comes to not by the rejection of Christ and his Biblical principles! Anything goes is the result of the rejection of our Holy Book and the God who authored it! God help America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Would Replace Christmas?

If you find examples of humanism which are anti-religious, or at least in opposition to the religious faith of the place and time, then such humanism is purely destructive, for it has never found anything to replace what it destroyed! T.S. Eliot (1888-1965), Poet, Essayist, Publisher, Playwright, Social Critic, Born to a prominent Boston Brahmin Family.

Socialism & Poverty!

Socialism has no moral justification whatsoever; poor people are not morally superior to rich people, nor are they owed anything because of their lack of success. Charity (Love) is not a socialist concept–it is a religious one, an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over property, a sovereignty the Left utterly rejects! Ben Shipiro    Comment: So when there is no recognition of sovereignty what happens? No borders! Sanctuary cities! A push for State ownership of all property! No private property rights! No God! The State becomes your God! No respect of any authority! Why? No sovereignty recognition of God or nation! God does not exist and Nationalism to country is rejected! People lose their incentive to work! No rewards! Everyone is paid the same State pay (Welfare), regardless of whether you work or not! Poverty takes over a nation! Drugs replace God for worship! My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! The battle lines drawn for this election in November are between Socialists (atheists) and Christians (creationists).  The battle is between evolutionists and creationists! Between those that honor God and those that reject God! How you vote is going to determine your future! If you think I will not bother to vote you are gambling your future and the future of America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pride & Shame Proverbs 11:2

Hebrew translation: “When pride with it’s haughtiness, arrogance, rebelliousness, presumptive will taking authority from God in disobedience then shame comes: but with the lowly is wisdom in knowledge, intelligence, insight and judgment from God as your source.” Comment: The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! My Bible also says the fool says in his heart there is no God! The belief spectrum ranges from there is no God to there are millions of gods! Pride will always be the first cause of sin! Whether in the Garden of Eden or today in the 21st century pride is the root cause of evil. Remember Jesus humbled Himself even to death on the Cross! The international problems of today are the family problems of today! Pride is simply you making yourself God! You trust in yourself rather than God! How many billions of people get up every morning trying to outsource God? Trying to rob God of His sovereignty? Many say if I were God I would do things this way? But you are not God and neither am I. Let God do His job and you do your job! I learned this in the military! If every member does his or her job and does not try to do someone else’s job victory comes in battle! God owns the whole universe of heaven and earth! We belong to Him! One of God’s job’s was to fix our pride and sin! He made a way through His Son Jesus Christ! Accept His pardon and live for Him! Prayer is the best way to let God do His job! We pray and do our job and leave the results to God! This is living by faith! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Human Effort!

After two world wars, the collapse of Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history! Hans Kung (Swiss Theologian 1928- ) Comment: Seven good reasons why Jesus is the answer! Islam is the latest human effort to replace Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Angel Worship? Psalm 148: 2-6

Do you have a guardian Angel? There are about 300 scriptures in your Bible on Angels! First remember Angels are created beings. The Trinity created them and you and me! They also created the Heavens and the earth! The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit all pre-existed all creation and are authors of creation. There is some debate as to whether Angels were created prior to the six day creation on Genesis chapter one! We do know Adam and Eve were tempted by Lucifer so the Angels had to exist before them! Lucifer is a fallen Angel. Since Angels are created beings they have a free will to obey or disobey! The same choice we have! One third of the Angels rebelled against God and were cast out of Heaven. However two thirds of the Angels stayed faithful to God! It seems just the opposite on earth as one third of the world’s population is Christian and the other two thirds reject Christ! However the Christians replace one third of the Angels who rebelled! Also remember Angels are immortal! That is why the lake of fire awaits the fallen Angels. Angel’s primary purpose is to worship God! So likewise with mortals! God can dispatch Angels at His will! Whether to announce the virgin birth to the shepherds or deliver Paul and Silas from prison! Gabriel is the messenger Angel, Michael the war Angel and Lucifer the Praise Angel who rebelled and now is Satan! These are the three primary groups but the others we will not discuss here. Sort of like the Trinity of Angels! Again the Saints replace the worship to God that Lucifer abandoned through rebellion! You cannot dispatch Angels but Christ will if needed! You do not pray to Angels! You cannot depend on created beings! Angels are servants of God and obey His will to accomplish His purpose! Trust God and His Christ and He will come to your rescue if needed! He could send millions but one would be enough! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Elway Flop!

John Elway could not stand Tim Tebow and his Faith in God! So he decides money will replace faith and trashed Tebow after he took the Denver Broncos to the second round of the playoffs last year. A 70 million dollar deal with Manning could not even get Denver a first round win? When will the world learn that faith in God through Jesus Christ will take you further than you can ever go by yourself! The Bible says that God’s ways are higher than man’s ways! Tim Tebow knows this and also by his life demonstrates his faith in Christ and trusts his life and future with Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James, Hamsa and Anita Sasse.

Another Weiner in Washington!

Yes, the hot dog stand is open again in Washington and has cooked up another weiner! The latest ugly head to rise up in Washington is Representative Wu. The good news is that a majority of our leaders do not do this stuff and are Faithful to their families and their country! We do have some representatives who walk around up on the hill like the insane on steroids! The Bible says that those who are faithful in small things are faithful in much! The Bible also says our sins will find us out! We cannot hide from God and we cannot hide from man. Sooner or later who we are will come out! We all need to repent of our sin and turn from our wicked ways! Let God replace your Sin with His righteousness through Jesus Christ our Savior! Thankyou.