How Can We See God?

1 John 4:12 “No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God [dwelleth] in us, and his love is [perfected]in us.” Commentary: Do you remember the words of Jesus? He said if you have seen me you have seen the Father! We shall see two important Greek words in this passage bracketed above. The first word is “dwelleth”. It means to remain in and remain alive. Patience towards things and circumstances. Long suffering with patience towards people. We need his indwelling in us everyday producing the character of God within us! Especially under the stresses of the pandemic and political war! So how does God not continue to dwell in us? Only if we stop loving people! Does not matter political affiliation, race, religion or gender! Now when we take a look at the second word “perfected” things begin to come together in understanding of this passage! This word means to accomplish and complete our goal in unity with God! What is our goal? To be like God! Now comes the hard part of this goal! To be perfected we must suffer like Christ to love people! When you love people that hate you suffering will come! I thought if I loved everyone they would love me? Sorry friend not so! To be like God means to suffer! The Cross comes with the mission of God! No easy way! Love from the word Agape means a sacrificial love! Not a cheap love! It will cost you your very life! Prison! Condemnation! Mockery! A Cross! Stripes laid to your back! Spit upon! Laughed at! Marginalized! Are you ready to love people sacrificially as God does? Not every Christian is willing to pay the price! You cannot do this unless God dwells in you! Otherwise it is just religion! True love suffers! When Jesus ascended to the Father at Pentecost he promised to send the Holy Spirit to secure us until his second coming! Without the sacrificial blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit you will only be religious! We will fail without him! We cannot love people without Him! Receive Christ today to forgive your sin and then ask him to send you the Holy Spirit! Then love will flow out of you from the Throne of God like a river! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Divided We Stand?

I was listening to a lecture by Dinesh D’Souza at a major University here in America! The topic was the threat of Islam to Western Civilization. He covered the history of Islam and the differences between traditional Islam and Radical Islam! After all his analysis he concluded that the biggest threat to America is not external but internal! That is American’s are in disagreement about who we are and our purpose in life! Some believe we have a God given purpose guided by the scriptures of the Bible. Some believe there is no God and men chart their own destiny! Men evolved from nothing and our purpose is only found in ourselves instead of outside of ourselves! This is the battle line that our divisions here in America are based upon! The political parties formed reflect this cultural war! When we look at history all the way back to the beginning of Creation the war has always been between good and evil! Right and wrong! This war goes back even before Creation when Lucifer who became Satan was cast out of Heaven for his rebellion against God! This war continues with each new generation! One day it will be settled with the return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead! Until then we have to make a decision for or against Christ! That decision is crucial to your future! To be popular and offend God is unwise! To please God will bring persecution from the world! However the joy of this personal relationship with Jesus Christ surpasses anything this world could ever offer you! Stay true to your faith and witness God delivering you out of all your troubles! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Make America Great Again!

“The Supreme Court has insulted you over and over again! Lord, they have taken your Bible away from the schools! They have forbidden little children to pray! They have taken the knowledge of God away as best they can and organizations have come into court to remove the knowledge of God out of the public square of America!” Pat Robertson Comment: As we the people install new judges to the High Court our hope and prayers is that the court will reverse many wrong decisions that have resulted in the suppression of religious liberty! Hopefully abortion will be overturned and you our Christ be reinstalled back into American culture where we can once again return to our greatness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Catholic Poland Saves Europe from Islam!

Kahlenberg Hill (1683 A.D.) On the night of September 11, 1683, the King of Poland, Jan III Sobieski, with his army climbs the steep slopes of Kahlenberg and deploys a Polish 40 thousand strong army! On their way to the top of the hill they get the devastating news about 30 thousand Christian civilian hostages, including women and children being barbarically murdered in captivity by Ottomans! This causes extreme rage within the Polish military ranks and a furious craving for immediate retaliation and vengeance! On the next day at dawn a massive artillery barrage of tens of thousands of shells per hour from cannons and muskets hit the Ottoman army! Then the Polish calvary charge of 20 thousand heavy riders including 3 thousand elite Winged Hussars! Within 3 hours of the Polish onslaught over 40 thousand Ottomans were killed while thousands drowned trying to escape in the Danube in panic and chaos! When the Polish Leader entered Vienna he was quoted as saying, “We came, we saw, God conquered.”

We Believe In!

This has and is a series of messages we will continue today. Church history is important because He is the same yesterday, today and forever! We need to understand the foundation of our Faith! When we begin a journey to a specific destination we must stay on a tested proven path! The Nicene Creed does not replace the Bible but it condenses the most important elements of our Faith! The Creed is a guardrail that keeps us on the right road and helps prevent detours that could get us lost! It is hard to get upset with this Creed! If you lose a football game you cannot blame the playbook! You have to execute the play! Sometimes the church has petty differences but all can agree on this Creed! The part of the Creed we are studying this morning is, “We believe in one Holy, Universal and Apostolic Church.” Just as the Creed professes one God, one Christ and one Holy Spirit so the Creed professes one Church! Sometimes the church can be a disappointment! Our expectations are very high! The hardest people to council and encourage are those who have been abused by the church! Jesus understands this! My father when I was a young lad did not attend church! My mother took us to church and he went fishing! He always took me fishing after we got back from church. My father believed the church was full of hypocrites! He recognized later in life all were sinners and we all need a Savior! My wife Pam went through surgery last week! There is no greater comfort than the people of God! His church surrounds you in love and prayer! Nothing is sweeter! Nothing is greater than taking God’s love to people and then it is returned to you in your time of need! That my friend is Heaven! Why belong to a local church? First it is God’s plan! Do not forsake your assembling together! The local church is a non-negotiable. We need the community of the local church! A medical doctor cannot mature unless he has patients! We need someone to practice love on! Yes, you can find Jesus outside the church but you can only mature inside the church! Yes, we need our private devotions but congregational worship cannot be replaced! We will not be in Heaven by ourselves! You will have to cooperate with other Saints! God’s presence is magnified when we worship together! There is only one church on planet earth! There is only one church in Heaven! In church you worship with people who do not look like you! Hey, it is your lucky day! You have to worship with republicans, democrats, immigrants both legal and illegal! America is more divided today than anytime in my lifetime! Yes, we had our Revolutionary and Civil War but today has a cultural war like none I have seen before! The Bible says that God created all of us in His Image! If you believe that the racism, sexism, rich and poor has to go! The church breaks down the stereotypes! The world tries to separate us and the church unites us! What does Apostolic mean? When my son Abram was small he could not pronounce that word and when he tried it sounded like alcoholic! We get our word apostles from apostolic. The Apostles lived with Jesus and recorded what He did and said! The twelve disciples had first hand knowledge of Jesus life! The teachings of Jesus were handed down to us! In the 1st century there were a few thousand followers. Today 1/3 of the earth’s population is Christian! Jesus revealed to us how to live! Matthew 16:15-18 Peter denied Christ then repented and Jesus told him upon this rock I will build my church! Peter became the leader of the Jerusalem church and the first Pope of Rome! We have community in one Holy, Universal Apostolic Church! Acts 2:42 What this verse says is that they continued to have church! Again we come into the church with certain expectations! Remember marriage is not always romantic! We sometimes have exaggerated idea’s about things! Remember the church is a community of imperfect people! Why give up on the church? The church is full of saved sinners! The church is full of frail people! In church we take off our masks and are transparent before God! We openly testify of God’s redemptive work in our lives! Philippians 2:12 The church is where we work out our salvation! We cannot do it in private! We have to love people we do not agree with! The world looks into the church and tries to figure it out? It’s growth and influence exceeds any corporation in history! The world needs the church example with it’s unity in Christ! The church is a colony of life in a country of death! Our Mary’s Home and other facilities in Colorado Springs are a beacon of light in a dark world! We take people in who are on the margins of our culture and give them hope! We show the world what can happen when Christ’s followers come together in unity! We cannot do these things by ourselves! We just do what Jesus does and the world wonders in awe! Miracles! In church we meet people we would not choose! The church chose you and me! You can choose your friends but not your family! We love people who are not like us! The Holy Spirit confirms us! We are under the same tent with new and different people! John Chrysostom a famous theologian who lived from 347-407 A.D. said, “The church is an angelic commonwealth where the poor man knows no shame and the rich man knows no haughtiness!” Jesus is the head of the church! Remember Paul persecuted the church and then became an Apostle of the church! Ephesians 1: 22-23 Jesus is the head of His Body the Church! The Holy Spirit shapes the church into His Image! His Holy family looks like Jesus! Thankyou. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

The Nicene Creed

WE BELIEVE IN one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. WE BELIEVE IN one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us and for our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate: He suffered death and was buried. On the third day He rose again in accordance with the scriptures: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead, and His Kingdom will have no end. WE BELIEVE IN the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one Holy universal and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen