Religious Anti-Semitism!

The last characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is of these words, and his spirit as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founders of this new doctrine. Adolph Hitler Commentary: I had a previous post on this quote but due to the increased Anti-Semitism in America since that posting I do not want the church to repeat the same errors of the past! Hitler had a church theology but not a Biblical theology! This led to tragic errors! This is why to know your Bible and Christ personally will keep you out of following a movement that opposes God and his Christ or starting an Anti-Christ movement like Socialism! Our Bible is a Jewish Book! Jesus was a Jew as were his disciples! The Jewish religious rulers rejected the Jewish Messiah! I believe the Anti-Christ ruling the world during the 7 year Tribulation period from Jerusalem in the rebuilt Temple will be a Jew! The Jews will not let any gentile leader into their Temple! Only a Jew! This is why any doctrine based on racism is so deadly! Martin Luther founder of the Reformation movement thought the Jews would come to Christ but they rejected him and he was angry! In his anger he wrote some Anti-Semitic things that Hitler picked up on! We know from scripture many Jews will come to Christ during the Tribulation period! Islam in the Quran links Jews and Christians together and their responsibility to kill them! This is why the political left is embracing Islam in America today! They will use them to come after us! The new doctrine Hitler is quoted is really the old doctrine! The Old Testament prophesies of the coming Messiah! When and where he was to be born! The Old Testament prophesies of what is happening today and future! Never follow any movement unless you know their doctrine or ideology! Otherwise you can be deceived by a name such as Black Lives Matter when their ideology has nothing to do with African Americans! Go to their web site and look at their doctrines! It is a Marxist movement to overthrow our existing nation! The Old Testament is the womb that gave us our Messiah! My Bible says the Jews are the apple of his eye! Hitler used church theology not Biblical theology to massacre millions of Jews and tens of millions of gentiles! I never want you to follow my theology or any other theology but only what your Bible says and build your life on that! The Word of God! Biblical theology leads to life today and forever! So which Jew will you follow? The Christ or the Anti-Christ? James and Hamsa Sasse.

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