Thy Will Be Done!

A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills! Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Our will opposes the Kingdom of God and his Christ! This is why Jesus gave us the Lord’s prayer for us to recite! Your free will will net a bad outcome and will destruction in your life! God’s will for your life is redemption and victory over death hell and the grave! Heaven awaits those that do the will of God! Hell awaits those that do their own will! Jesus went to the Cross so that the will of the Father could be done in your life! Jesus made it possible for you! Outside of him only the will of men is done with devastating results! Death rules instead of life! Riots, mobs, gangs, arsonists and anarchist rule the day! Drugs and murder roam the streets! Law and order is rejected chaos is the order of the day! Our will is wicked and self destructs upon us! Who are you following is the test of where your will belongs! Are you following Jesus or Satan? Life or death? Sickness or health? Poverty or prosperity! Righteousness or wickedness? Submission or rebellion? You have already made your choice! However you can change before it is too late! Choose this day who you will serve! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Prosperity and Suffering

For in prosperity a man is often puffed up with pride, whereas tribulations chasten and humble him through suffering and sorrow. In the midst of prosperity the mind is elated, and in prosperity a man forgets himself; in hardship he is forced to reflect on himself, even though he is unwilling. In prosperity a man often destroys the good he has done; amidst difficulties he often repairs what he long since did in the way of wickedness.  King Alfred (849-899 A.D.)  Comment: When I suffer I remember the Cross and what He has done for me and through me! My suffering will never save anyone but it is still the best medicine you can take for the soul. James and Hamsa Sasse.


This is the web site you need to go to sign a petition to release a Christian mother in Sudan who has been sentenced to death for marrying a Christian! She delivered her second child in prison three days ago while shackled to a floor! Her twenty month old is also in prison with her! Her husband is a U. S. citizen which makes their children U.S. citizens! The prison in Sudan has a capacity for a hundred but currently has 1200 prisoners. Children die everyday in this prison due to heat and unsanitary conditions. President Obama and the State Department have done nothing to secure her release? We need about 81000 signatures on this petition by June 27th. We currently have about 19000. Marion is also scheduled to receive 100 lashes before her execution! If you are a Pastor or Christian leader please encourage your congregation to get involved! Really with millions of Christians in American and we only have 19000 signatures is pathetic! Let us get our minds and hearts off ourselves and be a true servant to consider our brothers and sisters in peril! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

It is Finished!

Man’s work is never done! There is always one more dinner to make, one more bed to make, one more doctor’s visit, one more car to fix, one more class to attend, one more child to raise, one more house to build and then repair, one more hospital stay, one more vote to cast, one more day behind bars, one more probation, one more drug high, one more bill, one more day of unemployment, one more shot to be fired, ect. God’s work has been completed never to be done again! One time, that’s all! Christ on a Cross to give death a Victory! One day soon all our work here on earth will be completed! God has given us work to bring out our giftings He has placed in us! Christ’s work is Eternal and will last forever! The redemption of our soul’s is eternal! The question today is are you going to trust in your own work or on Christ’s work? My work and your work is temporary. His work is permanent! His work is lasting! After I am gone someone else will have to carry on my work! Someone else will have to fix the car, take out the trash, ect. But those who follow after me will have the same opportunity to make a decision for Christ as I have made and Trust His Work! Love demands a choice! You have made a choice about Christ! What is your choice? Either for Him or against Him? Christ chose the Cross for you! A work that will last forever! Christ’s completed work has brought fulfillment and meaning to my life!We cannot be dependent on our own works but on His work. When you leave this world someone else will have to continue your work! His work continues on in me forever! Happy Easter! Please read Book of John Chapter 17, Verse 4. James Sasse