Horse Breeding & Darwin!

“Jenkin added a second objection pertaining to variations: although natural selection might improve already existing biological organs, it cannot create or develop new organs, and so originate species. Jenkin believed that the formation of a new organ started with a sudden jump—the birth of a mutant individual, what was then called a “sport.” However, according to the non-Mendalian view of inheritance held by Darwin, Jenkin, and many others at the time, often called “blending inheritance”, any advantage associated with the unique trait of a single individual would be diluted every time it breeds with other individuals lacking that trait, in just a few generations, the effect would be “swamped” into insignificance, as the advantage as the advantage resulting from the mutation is repeatedly cut in half.” Fleeming Jenkin (1833-1885), Scottish scientist, engineer, Owner of 35 patents. Comment: Did you get all that? This all goes back to the Book of Genesis! Our first parents Adam and Eve were not birthed from natural parents but were created by God! Initially there was no sin in them! Perfect and pure! No immorality! No physical death or disease! However after they rebelled against God sin entered into them with disease and death! Their sin has been passed on to every subsequent generation into the 21st Century! Jesus said we must be born again! The spiritual birth from God that defeats the sin of our natural birth! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is proven wrong by the fact that things are not getting better they are getting worse! Did you ever notice animals do not sin! Only humans! In fact in the Old Testament animals were sacrificed with the shedding of their blood to atone for the sin of man in worship to God! The blood represented the blood of God which was to come through Christ to atone for the sins of the world! The world is getting worse only because the world rejects the blood of Christ that is the only atonement for their sin! Animals do not have the knowledge of good and evil! God warned Adam and Eve to leave this fruit alone! Only God has the capacity to have the knowledge of good and evil and not sin! Man cannot have this knowledge without sinning! Only the sacrifice of the blood of God himself can deliver us from evil! As long as man rejects his sacrifice evil will continue! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Remember the Alamo!

A Texas Revolution is in the making! Rick Perry has his pearl handled pistol’s blazing to try to make a last stand for his fellow American’s! As he rides his horse toward Washington to take back America he takes fire from every quarter! Carl Rove thinks he needs to be more polished like a lot of the cronies in Washington! Ben Bernanke wants to “go green” and print more money to save America! It is not counterfit but almost! Obama administration is trying to take credit for unsurpassed jobs growth in Texas. Rick Perry has fired the shot heard around the world! Ronald Reagan has been raised from the dead! American’s are sick and tired of the slick, fraudulent operatives in Washington! Rick will soon be crossing the Potomac to take back Washington for the American people! So what does this have to do with God? Christ is our only Hope! But the leaders we choose will either lead us to Heaven or Hell! The choice is yours! Take back America!