God’s Imagination! Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Dr. Suess quote: ‘Today you are you! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” Commentary: Do not try to be someone else! Be you! You can never do better than this! In fact to do anything else is an insult to God! Love God back and be who he created you to be! Our cultural war we face in America is a war on God! A war on his creation by rejecting the race and gender he has given you! This political war is a rejection of everything God made you to be! Accept the gifts God has given you your race and gender and the gifts he has given other people! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Christ! Servant! King!

There is no King who has not had a slave among his ancestors! There is no slave who has not had a King among his ancestors! Helen Keller, Deaf, Mute, Blind, Writer, Author.  Comment: When Helen was introduced to Christ and Christianity she said I knew he was with me all the time but I did not know his name! Helen said her greatest pleasures were curiosity and imagination! We were all made in the image or imagination of God! Curiosity is about the awe and wonder of God! She also said the only excuse humans had for being in this world is to help others! In regards for a Texas school board removing Helen and Hillary Clinton from their text books we must remember we should not change history to fit our prejudices! I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton! I would not consider a role model for my children! However we cannot have a Democrat history book and a Republican history book! History must be reported as unbiased as possible to our children! History must not be changed or the history of people must not be ignored! Even though Hellen leaned towards socialism I believe it was more towards a spirit of helping others not overthrowing present systems of Government with revolution! The strongest case against abortion is Helen Keller! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Social Media & Faith!

Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! I would suggest to you to use the social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, E-mail, YouTube, web sites and other media to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Remember it is not about you! It is all about Jesus Christ! The only thing limiting you is your imagination! Remember you were created in the Image or Imagination of God! Use the life Christ has given you to promote Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Imagination! Genesis 1:26

Imagination rules the world! Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Comment: Why did Donald Trump win the presidency? Imagination! He had a bigger imagination for America than all his opponents! It is interesting that Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory known as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States for 15 million dollars! He used this money to fund his military exploits! During Napoleon’s final years in exile on Saint Helena he devised escape plans involving balloons, submarines and ships with collapsible masts! He was still using his imagination! Have you tried using the imagination God has given you? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Intelligence Test! Genesis 1:26-27

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination! Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Comment: My Bible says that man was created in the image or imagination of God! When i look at my family and the world have have concluded God has a big imagination! Einstein was a Jew who Hitler kicked out of Germany in the 1930’s! He came to the United States and was involved in the Manhattan Project which developed the first atomic bomb which was dropped on Japan to end WWII. At the end of WWII as we investigated German secret weapons we found that Hitler was about six months from having an atomic bomb! What if Hitler had kept Einstein? A Jewish Chemist helped England win WWI. Einstein was probably the smartest man that has lived in my generation and you would have to go back hundreds of years to find another! However there is no one smarter than God our Creator! He gave us an imagination in His Image! Satan tries to destroy our image! If God really wanted to save the world he would have sent us a Savior! He sent us Jesus Christ a Jew! Because of the marred image of man by Satan man has difficulty wrapping his mind around Christ! I challenge you in Faith accept Christ and watch Him give you a new imagination! Will God make you smarter! Absolutely! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Do Great Things!

In order to do great things please believe firmly, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Pray for the Holy Spirit to be in you, to guide you in the way you should go and enable you to conceive great things in your mind. Plan and act diligently. You will feel led in higher planes beyond your imagination. The Lord will be with you and cause things to happen for you! You will be fruitful! Source; Guide Lines for Living, published May, 2011 Paul M. Alexander.