Global Warming in France?

Really sad for the French people are suffering from heavy taxation for socialism policies including a carbon tax and fuel tax that are based on the phony global warming scheme! Global warming is a myth and is used by the political left or socialists to extract money from the hard working citizens through heavy taxation! Diesel fuel is over six dollars per gallon in France! We are about two dollars per gallon here in America! If we had to pay those prices America would go into a deep recession or even a depression! President Trump did not go for the global warming fraud to politically drain the finances of the American people! President Emmanuel Macron needs to wake up and see his error and remove these burdensome taxes on the French people! Then to abandon socialism and the heavy tax costs to his citizens! Shrink the huge government and relieve the people of these heavy burdens! Giant socialistic governments require huge taxes from the people to support it! Socialism has failed everywhere it is tried yet the left just wants to try failure one more time! Utter stupidity! A lean efficient government will relieve the people of heavy taxes and the people will spend that money into the economy which will lead to business prosperity for France! President Macron needs to wake up quick! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Buy One Get Everything Free!

This is better than buying one and getting one free! If you were the only person on earth God still would have purchased your Sin on the Cross by His Blood to set you free! Christ has given you freedom from Sin, guilt, condemnation, worry, stress, insecurity, fear, doubts, regrets, uncertainty, poverty, regrets, sickness and bondage! Christ has made you free to live in Holiness, peace, joy, love, security, assurance, blessing, richness, health, and freedom! The cost of our freedom came at a great cost to Christ on the Cross! His yoke is easy and His burden is light! Source; Pastor Charles, Bangalore India.