Jesus was a Refugee?

It is interesting how politicians who know nothing about the Bible and in no relation with Jesus Christ make these off the wall political points to try to get more votes and support all the while trashing Jesus! Democrat Ocasio-Cortez claims that Jesus was a refugee? This is made to support her open border socialist ideology and try to trash Trump’s border wall designed to protect America! First of all Joseph and Mary were at Nazareth which is about 90 miles from Bethlehem! They had to travel to Bethlehem because of Caesar’s decree for everyone to return to their home town to pay taxes! Yes Caesar was a Democrat! Since Joseph was of the lineage of David Bethlehem was his home town. Refugee’s do not pay taxes! They have no jobs, status or ability to pay anything! They drag on the taxes of any  nation for support! They do not pay taxes! This is more fake news from the political left! Sometimes they will drag Jesus out of the closet to try to score political points! Then after the lies throw him back in the closet until next Christmas  or the next election! Jesus has to be more than a rag doll for politicians! He is the Son of the Living God so to respect him in this capacity we must be conscious of His Word the Holy Scriptures and not mock him as King Herod did with the death of the little children of Bethlehem! Abortion began before Bethlehem but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to our Bible! It leads to death and eternal separation from God! James and Hamsa Sasse.