Post Marked for Heaven?

Revelation 7:3 Commentary; Again a true servant is consumed with the will of another! He does not have his own will! Not my will but thy will be done! The word sealed in the Greek means to stamp with a private mark to seal for security and preservation! To keep secret until the right time! Your letter will not make it to heaven unless it has the right stamp! After the Saints are sealed in their foreheads which I believe is the mind of Christ Satan is cut loose in Revelation 9:4 to consume his own! In rebellion against God Satan has always longed to destroy the inhabitants of the earth and has done a pretty good job but now he gets his big chance! To slay 1/3 of men on the earth is a good start! However he recognizes the Saints and to his dismay cannot touch them! Demons have great spiritual awareness! Remember during Jesus ministry they recognized Jesus as the Son of God! Jesus cast out Demons on a regular basis! Satan today knows who you belong to! Satan eats his own kind! He consumes them in sin! Sin is the cancer of the soul! If you are sealed and post-marked for heaven then he cannot touch you! As Easter approaches we have to ask ourselves are we sealed for redemption or judgment? God knows and Satan knows but do you know? Satan’s deception is to get you to believe the lie that it does not matter! The lie there is no heaven and no hell! There is no God! If you find out the truth after death it will be too late! The Romans sealed Jesus tomb but on the third day the stone was rolled away and God conquered death and the sin of humanity that caused it! Satan was defeated and the fear of death that consumes men! He is risen! Are you? Seal your mind with the blood of the Lamb and put on the mind of Christ! Then Satan will know who you belong to and most important you will know you belong to Christ! Deception of sin will be exposed and truth will live in your heart and mind! Truth is embodied in the God/Man Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wait Upon The Lord….! Isaiah 40:31

This is a famous scripture that is often quoted! There are even songs written of this verse! So what does “Wait Upon” mean? In a generic sense we all know but if you go to the Hebrew root word you will find some amazing things! The Hebrew root word is “Qavah”, Strongs #6960. The word means to bind together by twisting! Just like a rope is made! A rope becomes strong by binding together small cords! A three strand cord is not easily broken! The Trinity would be a good example! Like the rope they are one but three separate individuals that are unbreakable formed together. They are one because there is no sin in them and they are in perfect agreement! The first symptom of sin is disagreement! Disagreement with the Word of God! Then with family and nation! Our Constitution established by our Founding Father’s three separate branches yet one government! Samson was twisted together with the strength of God! No rope could hold him! Until he was deceived by a woman who cut his hair and his spirit was unraveled from God! I am not blaming the woman here but he consented to her deceit and knew well what he was doing! Then his eyes were put out by the enemy. Sin will blind us to the truth! He repented and used his strength that God had restored to him to bring down the coliseum upon his enemies and himself! The reason we wait upon God is that we do not defeat the enemy Satan by ourselves but by who God is and our close wrapped relationship to him! Jesus could have easily broken the ropes that tied him to the whipping post and the Cross! However he was stranded together in the Trinity and knew his sacrifice was necessary to deliver all men from sin! Paul and Silas were tied together by ropes and chains in the prison! The ropes and chains of sin that put them there could not hold them! The hang man’s rope was broken as the punishment of death for sin was paid at Calvary! The word “Wait Upon” also means to be lifted up and exalted! To be offered up, carried up and elevated from one elevation to another! The Jewish Temple at Jerusalem was elevated up above the city! They call it the Temple Mount! Worshippers had to ascend up from the city to the Temple! Jesus was taken high up above the city at Mount Calvary! He was exalted there! Jesus ascended from Mount Olivet to Heaven! The Rapture of the Church will be an ascension from earth to Heaven! Holiness brings ascension while sin brings descension and death! This word also means to “offer Up.” Jesus was offered up as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin! God offered up himself for our sin! We trust Christ because no one else or nothing else is trustworthy! We wait upon him in trust and confidence that he will accomplish the promises he has made to us! We offer up sacrifices for others because that is what God did for us! If you would have the patience to wait upon God great things will come to you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

All of our returning veterans can suffer from this disease! Why does it only manifest itself when our veterans return and not in the combat theater? When they return the threat is gone! Bonnie Gray has some interesting insights into this problem! Combat veterans are trained to survive using their weaponry. When they return home the threat is still in their minds from training, combat experience and long periods of exposure to battle field conditions! So the first thing they do when they get home is buy a weapon for security from the threat! They are depending on their own works to protect themselves! We as Christians also must not depend on our own works! Yes, Faith without works is dead but works alone will result in dead works! We need to allow for whitespace which is simply spending quality time with God in prayer, Bible study and church attendance! God Blesses our work if we rely upon Him and commit the work to Him and through Him! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Suggest you buy her book! The title is: Finding Spiritual Whitespace.

How many times did Jesus talk about money?

Jesus talked more about money than heaven and hell combined! Jesus talked more about money than anything else except the Kingdom of God. Facts; In 11 of 39 parables he talked about money. In 1 out of every 7 verses in the Gospel of Luke he talked about money.Why? We will cover these reasons as we explore James Chapter 5 in our Sunday School class this Sunday. I will post this class on YouTube. Just Google Youtube and then type in IndiaJesusLovesyou’s channel. Thankyou. James Sasse.