All Liberals Become Conservatives!

The most radical revolutionaries will become conservatives the day after the revolution! Hannah Arendt. Commentary: Hannah Arendt was the most renowned political scientist of the 20th Century! Her studies of socialism/communism systems led her to an important observation! Once the revolution is over and the bodies are buried those that have seized absolute power ask their surviving subjects to be model citizens not rebelling against law and order but to obey their new dictator not giving any trouble but being loyal subjects to their new master! No more looting, arson or riots because we have now seized power! If you do not comply we will take you to our internment camps for re-education or one of our communal farms for work! Your house and property goes to the State now so we will locate you to your new home! Essentially if you do not behave as a conservative like the ones we just overthrew you and your family could die or suffer great loss! The freedoms the liberals gave up are the bondages that has produced their new slavery! James and Hamsa Sasse.