Do You Have a Meaningless Life? Ecclesiastes 1:1-9

Solomon was a wise man but sometimes not so wise! Starting life off with 1000 wives would not be a good starter? You would have to remember 3 wedding anniversaries everyday! Could he remember all their names? Name tags would help! Solomon seemed to be a cynical old man at times but he did write a book of wisdom! He tries to explain to us not to make the same mistakes! He took an honest look at his life! He was the richest man in the world! He did not spare himself any pleasure! Solomon wished he had asked himself the hard questions! Do you have time to wrestle with your Faith? Take an inventory of your Faith! Why do I believe? Why do I follow Jesus? Do you ask questions about God? Solomon repeated 27 times, “Is there anything new under the sun?” Life can seem burdensome and meaningless at times! I have two teenagers at home. We have on going conversations like when can I get my drivers license? When can I go off to college? I want to go to a college far away from home? Teenager’s want your money and your absence! Do not be in a hurry to grow up! Our daily routines of dishes, laundry, house cleaning repeat everyday with no end in sight! A lot of life is routine! You may hate your job and is just a paycheck? Sometimes we can lose our passion for life! Like Solomon we are looking for the right things in the wrong places! We are looking for something to give life meaning! In 1st Kings we see Solomon was a great builder! He built palaces and Houses of Worship! Today in 2015 people are not sparing themselves any pleasure! We have hundreds of options! We have all the electronic gadgets to amuse ourselves! We have drugs and alcohol to drown our meaningless in! Solomon arrived at emptiness! Is your tank on empty? When we reach the point of our limitations collapse can come! What can we turn too? Our need for completeness comes from outside of ourselves! Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said come unto me! Those that are laboring and overburdened! To those that are carrying a heavy load! Jesus promised to those that receive His invitation He will give rest! Yes! Rest and refresh. You will find completion in Christ! How do you know you are doing well? Solomon had everything but was not doing well? Jesus said, “Come to me.” Solomon did not have the revelation of Christ we have today! True worship is to come to Jesus! Jesus did not come to promote Himself but to promote you! The Old Testament Books point to the Cross! People without Christ come to despair! You may have lost a key relationship? Husband or wife? Son or daughter? You may have lost a job or business failure? A sickness or accident may have taken your ability away to provide for your family? Internal failure requires and external rescue! When we learn we cannot make it own our own then we discover the only one who can give us rest! We discover Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light! A yoke is designed for two! Let Jesus come along side you and lift you out of your troubles! Rest in Him! Talk with Him! Walk with Him! Think on Him! Discover in Him! Love in Him! Plan in Him! Win in Him! Stand in Him! Trust in Him! Faith in Him and He will never leave nor forsake you! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado