Fishing Without Jesus! John 21

The disciples jumped into the boat with Peter! Peter was going to show them how to do it! It was his old occupation! Can you imagine taking Thomas the doubter along with you on a fishing trip? I told you guys you would not catch anything! Just wasting my time! The only thing we caught was a cold out on this water all night long! I really had my doubts about this trip! Shut up Thomas! Since the ministry had failed Peter went back to his old job! However it looked like Peter was failing in his old occupation? Was he rusty or bad luck? Failure can be a good thing if it points us to God! That has been my experience in life! When our own efforts fail God can do mighty things through us! If we can trust God rather than ourselves good things will come out of that! The disciples were so into themselves they did not recognize Jesus standing on the shoreline patiently waiting for them after their night of failure! Hey boy’s you caught anything last night? Hell no! I got a little heaven waiting for you guy’s! You boy’s are fishing on the wrong side of the boat! Throw your net on the other side! If in life you fish in the wrong place without Christ you could even catch things that could harm you! John was the first to recognize Jesus from the boat and when Peter found out he jumped into the water and headed to shore dragging the net with 153 fish in it! When Peter got to shore Jesus had a fire going on frying fish with bread! Jesus had already prepared what the disciples were seeking! They did not even need their big catch! Jesus has promised us that He would prepare a place for us! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is waiting for us! The disciples finally figured out they could not make it without Jesus! Don’t be a slow learner but profit from their mistakes! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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