Holy Ground! Exodus 3:5

Take off your shoes Moses! No shoes allowed! Sometimes when you go into a business they post a sign on the front door that says, “Must wear shoes.” After the 9-11 Muslim terror attack on us you have to take your shoes off at the airport! Not in respect for Islam but to try to prevent them from blowing up your flight! Let us look at the word “ground” in the Hebrew. It is the word “Adamah” which is Strongs #127. Do you see a clue here? Do you see the word Adam here? God’s first created human being on planet earth. Adam was formed out of the ground! He was created out of the dust of the dust of the earth! The top soil produces the entire agriculture products for us to exist! In fact all the elements in the human body are found in the soil of the earth! The plants, tree’s and animals take the elements in the soil that we eat to replace the lost elements in our bodies! The name Adam means ruddy or a red brown color. It is the color of fermented wine. The curtains in the Jewish Temple were this color. Remember when you walk across the ground you were made of this stuff! Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust! Your physical body was joined together with God’s Spirit! You are created in the image of God! This is why the 6th Commandment  says you shall not kill. Jesus is the second Adam sent to redeem us! God became flesh but this time to atone for the failure of the first Adam! The ground that Moses walked on produced man !  When we are buried at death back to the ground we go! The grave could not hold Jesus Christ! He defeated death and the grave! No mortal man could do this only God! The ground produced humans but not redemption! Only if the sin within us is defeated can death be defeated! The resurrected Christ promised to raise us from the dead! The angel or pre-incarnated Christ could live in the flames and not perish because he is the judge of all.  Do you want to draw near to God? Then your sin must be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ! Then you can draw near to God and then he will draw near to you! In April of 1912 a ship sank below the waves of the Atlantic ocean! Those men that stayed with the Titanic sang their last hymn on earth with a full orchestra! The name of the song was, “Nearer My God to Thee!” The purpose and journey of our life while on this short life here on earth is to draw near to God! Your Holiness is not based on you but what God did for you! Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Stand Up! Stand Up for America!

Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus was a song written by a dying Pastor from Philadelphia in 1858! His name was Dudley Atkins Tyng. His father had also been the Pastor of the Episcopal Church of Philadelphia. His congregation members were unhappy for Dudley’s stance against slavery! In 1856 he resigned his church and started the Church of the Covenant! In 1858 he got too close to a moving machine and lost his arm! As he lay dying he told his father to “Stand Up for Jesus!” Pastor George Duffield was stirred at the funeral and preached the next Sunday from Ephesians 6 about standing firm and wrote a poem about Standing Up for Jesus which became the great American Christian Hymn! We need to stand up for America! Those that will not we need to turn our backs on! Boycott any sports team and Hollywood and any company that supports them in advertising! We have to make it clear that anyone who does not respect our Nation and Flag we cannot support! We have to make sacrifices as this Pastor did against slavery and even a stand against our own congregations if they support Anti-Christian values! Stand Up for Jesus and America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Messianic Prophecy Genesis 49: 9-12

These verses in the Book of Genesis even though written thousands of years ago predicted a coming Messiah through the Tribe of Judah! Verse ten is particularly interesting! The word scepter in the Hebrew means a rod and a tribe. A shepherd’s staff. We are the sheep of His pasture! The word lawgiver means a commander of decree’s! It means to enact laws cut in stone! Jesus was the only one who could live out and keep all the commandments of God because He was God! The word people here means a flock of people comprising the whole earth. Yes, Jews and Gentiles! In verse eleven we see Jesus riding the donkey into Jerusalem! We see the vine and the wine. The last supper and the crown of thorns! Pastor Edward Mote (1797-1874), wrote a hymn that says, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness!” Pastor Mote’s parents ran a beer tavern in England. They left him in the streets as a boy to grow up. He entered the ministry and became Pastor of Rehoboth Baptist Church in West Sussex for 26 years! The congregation loved him so much that they wanted to give him the church building as a gift! Pastor Mote replied, “I do not want the church but only the pulpit and if I cease to preach Christ kick me out!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Godliness !

Enoch walked with God; he enjoyed a relationship with God. We could accurately say he was devoted to God. This is the meaning of Godliness. The New Testament word for Godliness, in its original meaning, conveys the idea of a personal attitude toward God that results in actions that are pleasing to God. This personal attitude toward God is what we call devotion to God. But it is always devotion in action. It is not just a warm, emotional feeling about God, the kind we may get from a hymn of worship. Neither is devotion to God merely a time of private Bible reading and prayer, a practice we sometimes call “devotions.” Although this practice is vitally important to a godly person, we must not think of it as defining devotion for us. Devotion is not an activity; it is an attitude toward God. This attitude is composed of the fear of God, the love of God and the desire for God. Godliness is the result of having God at the center of your thoughts! Source; Jerry Bridges, Copyright 1985. Comment; We as Christians can if not careful turn God on and off like a light switch! This is religion and not relationship. If we turn God on Sunday and turn Him off Monday through Saturday we are practicing religion and are not in relationship with Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com