Love has Borders!

Isaiah 60:18 “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thy shall call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” Comment: If we do not live our lives within borders bad things happen to us! God has given us the ten commandments as borders of protection from injury and death! Protection from the enemy! Heaven has borders and so does Hell. A great gulf between them that no man can cross over! Heaven has walls and gates! My salvation in Christ protects me from the violent! From my own sin! When I praise God the enemy will flee! My lips are the border of my soul! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! The words I speak reveal who lives inside of me! The one world government coming soon led by the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will have no borders! You will not be protected by any sovereign nation and after the Rapture of the Church God’s sovereignty will be temporarily removed from the earth! The lawless one will rule the earth for seven years! He will do with you whatever he wants! While our laws are still in place there is an opportunity for you to make Christ your Salvation! I had one opportunity for Salvation in my life! If I had passed the opportunity by I would have no hope and future in my life today! Do not let your salvation and eternity spent with Christ pass you by! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Reminder!

The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy it is being unwanted, unloved and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world dying for a piece of bread, but there are many dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty…… is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of Spirituality!  Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Negative Exposure! Luke 2:34-35

Greek Translation: “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, behold, this child is laid for a foundation for the fall and the resurrection of the body from the grave of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also): that the thoughts and reasoning of many hearts shall be revealed what was hidden.” Comment: Simeon prepared Mary for many things to come! Even the miracles Jesus would do would be spoken against? Even today many speak against our Christ? The sword would pierce Mary’s own soul as she watched the Crucifixion! Jesus would expose the thoughts of many hearts! Jesus came to expose our sin! Then to save us from our sin! Christmas is all about the Salvation of humanity! Something we could never do on our own! Christmas is a solid case against our guilt and then an unearned acquittal of our guilt! However some like King Herod, Judas and many today thought that by their own efforts they can hide their sin from God! So foolish as to get rid of the only one who could save them! Sin is a strong addiction! It brings out the worst in us! It compliments evil! Confession is difficult because people are in love with themselves but not God! It is all about making yourself God! You decide who lives or dies rather than dying to self and let God live in you! All false religion is about making yourself God! God became a human to make us fit for Heaven! Without Christ no amount of human effort will ever make us fit for Heaven! It will only prepares us for Hell. No one can forgive you except God himself! Just like a negative film it takes light to expose the true image! We were made in the Image of God but only His light can expose and correct the imperfections in our image! Let God see you through the blood of His Son! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Jesus Wants for Christmas?

Well, it is Jesus birthday so what does he want? Since I was a little child I always was asked what I want for Christmas? The gifts were for me! I though it was all about me! Jesus gave us the greatest gift but what do with it? Do I treat the gifts as precious? Could I give Jesus more of my time? The time is not mine because he created time! Could I give him gold like the wise men? The streets of Heaven are paved with gold and besides the scriptures declare he is more precious than silver or gold! Could I pray more? He is interceding for me right now at the right hand of the Father! Could I love him more? He first loved me! Could I live for him? He gave his life for me! Could I put sinners under his Christmas tree? Could I put the lost souls of this generation under his tree? Could I present worms turned to butterfly’s under his tree? Could I help to populate Heaven and earth with Saints! Forgiven sinners? Only by his power and grace! Can I do anything without Jesus? I can sin and live a selfish life away from him! I can work death instead of life! Because of him I do not have to do that! I think the best thing I can do for Christmas is receive his gift of Salvation and eternal life and share his gift with others! Happy Birthday Jesus! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

The Self Inflicted Cost!

There is a God and He is good, and his love, while free, has a self inflicted cost: We must be good to one another! President H.W. Bush (1924-2018) Comment: So what is God’s self inflicted cost? The manger and the Cross! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

He That Overcometh! Revelation 2:11

Comment: Jesus repeated this over and over again to the church! He that overcometh I will give the crown of life! He that overcometh  will escape the second death! What does the word really mean? Let us go to the Greek root word. The word is “Nikao”. The word means to subdue and conquer! To have success in victory! The Greek root word also has a root word! It is the word “Niki”. You got it! It is the athletic foot wear company named Nike! It means conquest! If you are in the body of Christ and believe you will never have a fight with the devil in this life you are in denial! You are in “La La” Land! This life in your generation just as in all preceding generations is a battle between good and evil! You can try to ignore it but it will not go away! You can wish it away? You can try to isolate it away? You can try to spend it away? However you have to join a team and play! Your team can win but you must fight the good fight of faith and face your enemy! Jesus has given you the tools to overcome! To win the victory! His Word! His Spirit! His power! His love! We conquer in Christ’s name! Satan was conquered on the Cross! However in his stupidity he thinks he can still win! He will try to take as many down as he can in defeat! This week a young man went on a mission trip to a remote island where a remote tribe lived! He was martyred! Others will follow to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth! This missionary gave his all to take the Gospel into all the world! If I live my life sheltered, protected, financially secure, and die of old age in this condition I have wasted my life for nothing! The church of Jesus Christ is a conquering army! It is an offensive army! We have real sacrifices and we take some casualties in this war against evil! But we win and will eat of the Tree of Life forever! Remember you are using the blood of a martyr to conquer! The blood of God shed on a Cross for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Are They? Revelation 2:6

Who are the Nicolaitians? The word in the Greek means the conqueror of the people! Specifically in the Church of God! They are only referred to twice in the Book of Revelation. Both the church at Ephesus and the Church at Pergamos had the same problem! (Verse 2:15). The Nicolaitians were Bishops and prelates of the church gaining a triumphal victory over the laity! This is the very sin that brought forth the Reformation! It is mostly responsible for all our denominational and non-denominational churches around the world! The Nicolaitians compelled and forced church members to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become the ones which the eternal hates! The Apostle Peter warned us that those who are leaders among God’s people must not dominate the faith of others but rather exhort them to do right! (1 Peter 5:1-3). The Nicolaitians are people in the church who have established a hierarchy of power and dominion under a government of ecclesiastical rulers! Comment: Yes! God hates these folks! Correction is very different from condemnation! We take the word disciple from the word discipline. Jesus used the techniques of correction and commendation very effectively! We as parents either tend to over correct and under commend or over commend and under correct! Everything I do cannot be right and everything I do cannot be wrong! That is why I need a Savior! My experience in ministry over the past 45 years has shown me people do not like to submit to authority! This is the nature of Satan! Most people will submit to authority if commended and corrected in love! However some will never! Hell is reserved for these folks! Why will some never submit? Because they want to replace God! This explains why the world is a war! War on God! Jesus asked the churches at Ephesus and Pergamos to repent! Sunday our Pastor Oscar Cope made an important point to us in his sermon! He said that the beginning of repentance is the end of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Message to Churches! Revelation 1:5

Greek Translation: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful one worthy to be believed keeping his promises a witness having knowledge of everything. The first born of the whole creation being before and after all things. The first born for the spiritual dead. He is the Prince or chief ruler of the Kings of the people in the earth as part of man’s dominion in creation. Unto him that first showed his love toward men. And washed us from the sin that kept us from our true purpose of life in his own blood. His blood the life of all flesh.

See! Hear! Write! Revelation 1:11

There are only two kinds of books you will read while living here on earth! The first category of books are those that support the Kingdom of God and his Christ! The second category are those books that oppose the Kingdom of God and his Christ! So the question you should ask yourself is does this book support or deny the kingdom of God and his Christ? You know the old saying you can never judge a book by its cover! The cover of every book ever written is either hiding the truth or a lie! The uncovering of the Book of Revelation uncovers the Truth of Jesus Christ! Either sin or righteousness will author every book that has ever been written! Sin cannot be defeated if it is exalted! Sin can be defeated and is defeated by the Christ that was the substitute sacrifice for your sin! For my sin! If we will confess our sin God is faithful to forgive our sin! To confess your sin to Christ is to uncover your sin before God! If we will do this then our names are written down in another Book! Your name is recorded in the Book of Life in Heaven! This Book will be opened at the Judgment Seat of Christ! If your name is not there it would be better if you had not been born! Remember any man or woman that rejects Christ will write a book to oppose Christ so that others would follow them and reject Christ! Hell loves company! Do not let the Kingdom of Darkness abort your Salvation! Herod like many others tried to abort Jesus! Herod got out his knives and swords the master abortionist and cut the womb of every pregnant woman in Bethlehem! Jesus was preserved by God to be the voluntary sacrifice on the Cross for our sin! All of God’s love for us is recorded in a Book called the Bible! The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ as Savior and Judge of the world! For all of his creation! For his church! Truth boils down to one Book one God and one Savior Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.