What Does Christmas Look Like?

What does Christmas look like? It has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. This is what Christmas looks like! Saint Augustine (354-430 A.D.)  Comment: Let God through Christ unwrap the gifts He has placed in you and release them to the world! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


This is the web site you need to go to sign a petition to release a Christian mother in Sudan who has been sentenced to death for marrying a Christian! She delivered her second child in prison three days ago while shackled to a floor! Her twenty month old is also in prison with her! Her husband is a U. S. citizen which makes their children U.S. citizens! The prison in Sudan has a capacity for a hundred but currently has 1200 prisoners. Children die everyday in this prison due to heat and unsanitary conditions. President Obama and the State Department have done nothing to secure her release? We need about 81000 signatures on this petition by June 27th. We currently have about 19000. Marion is also scheduled to receive 100 lashes before her execution! If you are a Pastor or Christian leader please encourage your congregation to get involved! Really with millions of Christians in American and we only have 19000 signatures is pathetic! Let us get our minds and hearts off ourselves and be a true servant to consider our brothers and sisters in peril! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com