Post Marked for Heaven?

Revelation 7:3 Commentary; Again a true servant is consumed with the will of another! He does not have his own will! Not my will but thy will be done! The word sealed in the Greek means to stamp with a private mark to seal for security and preservation! To keep secret until the right time! Your letter will not make it to heaven unless it has the right stamp! After the Saints are sealed in their foreheads which I believe is the mind of Christ Satan is cut loose in Revelation 9:4 to consume his own! In rebellion against God Satan has always longed to destroy the inhabitants of the earth and has done a pretty good job but now he gets his big chance! To slay 1/3 of men on the earth is a good start! However he recognizes the Saints and to his dismay cannot touch them! Demons have great spiritual awareness! Remember during Jesus ministry they recognized Jesus as the Son of God! Jesus cast out Demons on a regular basis! Satan today knows who you belong to! Satan eats his own kind! He consumes them in sin! Sin is the cancer of the soul! If you are sealed and post-marked for heaven then he cannot touch you! As Easter approaches we have to ask ourselves are we sealed for redemption or judgment? God knows and Satan knows but do you know? Satan’s deception is to get you to believe the lie that it does not matter! The lie there is no heaven and no hell! There is no God! If you find out the truth after death it will be too late! The Romans sealed Jesus tomb but on the third day the stone was rolled away and God conquered death and the sin of humanity that caused it! Satan was defeated and the fear of death that consumes men! He is risen! Are you? Seal your mind with the blood of the Lamb and put on the mind of Christ! Then Satan will know who you belong to and most important you will know you belong to Christ! Deception of sin will be exposed and truth will live in your heart and mind! Truth is embodied in the God/Man Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tattoo’s Taboo? Leviticus 19:28

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks on you: I am the Lord.” Comment: The English word “dead” used here is probably not the best choice because the Hebrew root word (Strongs #5315), means a living creature or breath! So do not cut your flesh for any living creature! Why? Because only God could do this through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin! Jesus was marked for the living and the dead! Taboo is an old word that today we would call political correctness! Taboo means a social or religious discussion that is prohibited from speaking about! It is the practice of not allowing any conversations about certain topics! Hear no evil see no evil. So what are some of these topics? Gay marriage, drugs, homosexuality, lesbianism, divorce, tattoo’s and the list goes on! Even though our Bible is loaded with warnings about these topics most Pastor’s across America are muted? They will not bring up these important moral issues and some will even support these sins? These issues are killing our young people and families yet nothing said? Why would our Lord prohibit tattoo’s? In addition to what I previously said let us see what science says about tattoo’s! Remember true science will always support scriptures! The Book of Leviticus was written around 1400 B.C. So it was written about 3400 years ago! The political left mocks our Bible saying the times change and no longer has application! They say the same thing about our Constitution? Here is what science and our military says about tattoo’s! The U.S Military is no longer taking recruits that have tattoo’s on their bodies! Testing has shown their bodies will overheat in extreme conditions such as jungle and desert warfare! Here is a quote from Mayo Clinic: “Tattoo’s break the skin which means skin infections and other complications are possible including allergic reactions! Tattoo dyes especially red, green, yellow and blue cause itching rashes even years later! An area of inflammation called granuloma can form around tattoo ink. Tattoo’s can also lead to Keloids–raised area’s caused by overgrowth of scar tissue. They can also cause blood borne diseases! If the equipment is contaminated with infected blood you can get Methicillin–Resistance Staphyloccus Aureus (MRSA), hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Tattoo’s can also interfere with MRI imaging.” Also Tattoo’s block sweat glands of your body! Sweat is a natural way for your body to cool itself off and dissipate heat produced from work and exercise. It is like the radiator of your car which takes away engine heat produced by combustion. If your radiator is plugged up your engine will overheat and destroy itself! Heat injuries in the human body cause muscle death, kidney injury, brain injury and many other problems. Source: Healthline Studies have shown that benzo (a), pyrene, a chemical used in black dye ink, can induce skin cancer as shown on test animals! Need we say more? Science supports scripture! The whole verdict is still out as young people age with tattoo’s other things will show up! Hear no evil see no evil? If clergy will just preach the whole Bible and not cherry pick cultural popular verses our young people can be saved from destruction! Our young people should not be sacrificed in the name of political correctness! Science will have the last word unless we give our American youth the Word of God displayed in your Bible! Proclaim God’s Word to our Nation in it’s completeness holding back nothing! If they hear about evil they can avoid evil! James and Hamsa SasseĀ