Incarnation in You! John 3:5-8

Here is the definition of the word “Incarnation”, from the Merrian-Webster Dictionary: “The embodiment of a Deity or Spirit in some earthly form; the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ.” Comment: Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again! After you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior your sin is forgiven then you have a born again experience with God! Now His Spirit rules you rather than the flesh! The Holy Spirit becomes incarnated in you! You then follow Him as He leads you into righteousness! Those that reject Christ receive another Spirit that controls them and leads them away from God! Satan rules their life to destroy them! Jesus came to save us! No one can ignore or escape the incarnation! What Spirit incarnates you has everything to do with what you do with Jesus Christ! Life or death? Judas Iscariot would be one example of what happens when you reject Jesus Christ! The other disciples are good examples of the power that dwelled in them from the Holy Spirit to reach the lost world and transform lives! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Leadership and Submission!

I think of Pope Gregory the Great. He wanted the cloister. He wanted to pray and study and yet he was thrust into an administrative job and he submitted and by doing so became a great leader! You could say the only person safe to lead is the person who is free to submit! Richard Foster Comment: The most dangerous leader is the one who claims to submit to Heavenly authority but will not submit to earthly authority! If Jesus would not have submitted to earthly authority he would not have gone to the Cross! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Identity Theft!

The Latin and Old French roots to the word identity mean the condition of being the same with something described or asserted. Your thought’s, idea’s and perspectives allow people to determine who you are. The truth is we try to be like someone else. Either your father, mother, grandpa, grandma, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, teacher, pastor, ect. Someone who tries Identity theft on you tries to be the same as you with the same bio-data such as date of birth, social security number, account numbers, ect. Most people only care about what you have not who you are! If they think you do not have much then they leave you alone. God cares about who you are! Character counts with God! In fact He cares so much that He through His Son Jesus Christ identified with your sin on the Cross so that you could identify with Him and have the power to live like Christ! Lucifer lost his identity in being like God in his rebellion against God. Then Satan took his new identity of being unGodly and tries to get people to try to live their lives without God! Our true identity to be like God was stolen through identity theft by Satan. When we come to Christ we get our Godly identity back and the power to live in righteousness and not in sin. Then Satan and his family moves away from us because he does not want to live like us and be like God. If you have rejected Christ then your identity has been stolen and you try to live like others who are not following Him! All of us will try to live like someone else! Only one can lead us to paths of joy, peace and eternal life Only one can save you while all others will fail you! Turn to Christ and experience a love that cannot compare with any earthly relationship! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.