Why is the Virgin Birth Important?

Most of the time you will not hear about the Virgin birth except around Christmas time. This is why we as a congregation repeat the Nicene Creed every Sunday because it includes this among other important things to our Faith! This great event in human history causes to awe and wonder about how God does things? God does not owe us an explanation! God could have zoomed Jesus down to earth in a flash of light for the whole world to see instantly! Think about Mary for a moment? She was a teenager, poor, female and pregnant out of wedlock! In the Greek, Roman and Jewish world women had no status! They were considered property! Yet God chose her? Why? God shows us the womb is a Holy place! There is dignity in the womb! Life begins in the womb! God shows us the important role of women! God does not have a war on women! Satan does! Herod and the State tried to abort Jesus! A medical doctor wanted to abort Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow! His mother chose life! God has demonstrated to us that the womb is a Holy Sanctuary! Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Excerpt taken from message given on August 23, 2015.

Sabbath Day Rest

I will continue to work as hard as I can to make this organization proud! Every time I step on the field I will give everything I have and I will leave everything I have on the field every Sunday! Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy Winner 2007 Comment: Tim Tebow had no problem with football in college because they played on Saturday. When he went professional playing on Sunday was a problem! If you could make millions of dollars working on Sunday would you do it? If working on Sunday is not a conflict with your Faith you have no Faith! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Elway Flop!

John Elway could not stand Tim Tebow and his Faith in God! So he decides money will replace faith and trashed Tebow after he took the Denver Broncos to the second round of the playoffs last year. A 70 million dollar deal with Manning could not even get Denver a first round win? When will the world learn that faith in God through Jesus Christ will take you further than you can ever go by yourself! The Bible says that God’s ways are higher than man’s ways! Tim Tebow knows this and also by his life demonstrates his faith in Christ and trusts his life and future with Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James, Hamsa and Anita Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com