Positive Thinking!

Ralph you are home early today? Alice I got laid off work down at the bus company! Ralph what are we going to do? How can we pay the bills? Alice if you are so smart you figure it out? I drove that bus for twelve years Alice! In the summer heat and the cold! Put up with those smelly passengers down there on 5th avenue! Bums would try to sneak on the bus without paying fares! I challenged a bum one time and he pulled a knife on me! That is terrible Ralph! Then what happened? He stole all my bus receipts! This is the thanks I get! Ralph I can get a job! No Alice! Absolutely not! My wife does not work outside the home! I do not care if we starve to death you are not working! Ralph remember when my mother said you should get a college education? Alice do not bring up your mother at this time! She is a trouble maker! Besides if I had a college education just think how much more painful this layoff would be! Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason 1955.

Keep a Positive Attitude in 2016!

On January 1st this new year a distraught man jumped off his 10th floor apartment building! Down on the 5th floor balcony was an elderly couple in their rocking chairs that witnessed this man flying past their balcony! The police came an investigated the suicide. They interviewed grandpa and grandma on the 5th floor balcony. They asked the elderly couple if they heard this man say anything on the way down? Grandpa said yes I heard him say as he flew past our balcony, “So far so good!” Stay positive regardless of the challenges you meet in 2016! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Billy Graham Tribute

Billy Graham at age 93 is back in the hospital. He is working on another book! He never tires in well doing! When I was a teenager back in the 1960’s I used to watch his crusades on my grandparents old Philco black and white TV set on the farm back in Nebraska. This man had a significant impact on my life as a teenager! His positive influence has carried me over the years as now I have entered my senior years! I thank the Lord and His Christ for sending Billy Graham into my life at a critical time to steer me the right direction and for my grandparents Edgar and Ethel Sasse for asking me to watch these crusades! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com