Signs of Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:9-10

Verse 9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” A report yesterday said 90 thousand Christian’s were killed in 2016! These numbers are beginning to equal or exceed the early church persecutions! Is Jesus screening out the fakes before His return? That is those still standing? In the next verse 10 as a consequence many shall leave the Faith! Today in America i can skip Sunday services and cheat on my tithes and no one will know except God! However if i have to choose Christ or my life this is a very different test! Most will serve Christ if the benefits are good such as an income tax deduction and a favorable view from friends and family. What Jesus said would come before His second coming is here and also coming to America! We need to make up our minds today what we would do when this comes so we can be prepared! Like today you will either confess or deny Jesus! If we practice today to confess Him then it will be much harder to deny Him in the future! James and Hamsa Sasse.