No Purpose W/O Sacrifice!

A charity which only knows how to give money is not yet Christian love! You will be free of guilt only when you also give your time, energy, and your resourcefulness to help end such abuses for good, and when you allow nothing that is hidden in the storehouse of your Christian religion to remain unused against the cancer that is destroying the vitality of our society in such alarming ways. Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) Theologian and Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Commentary: What I have noticed about most Christian ministries over my past 45 years is that they want your money but not you! Like a teenager! So if all you do is to give to appease your guilt you still end up empty! We have so many ministries started because the founders were still empty even in the church pews! Jesus said it best! He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! Again God’s Kingdom is a sacrificial system! Our purpose is found in sacrifice! No sacrifice no purpose! When you sacrifice for others a change comes over your soul and joy sets in! Happy people are sacrificial people! Selfish people are miserable! They may have money and cultural status but no joy! God created us to give because God is a giver! Gave us life and redemption on the Cross by sacrifice! Whether it be Jesus on the Cross or a family sacrificing for each other or a soldier laying down his life giving his all for his nation sacrifice wins the day! The war! The battles! War against who? Satan! Satan turned sacrifice on its head and sacrificed others for himself! Like Judas! When by faith you sacrifice for others God will send people into your life who will sacrifice for you! It may be a spouse, friend, enemy, boss or anyone who is a giver and not a taker! Satan brought death to the world promoting sin! Deceiving people to sin against God! God sacrificed himself to redeem you! Givers become surrounded by givers! Takers become surrounded by takers! The difference between heaven and hell! If not a giver start today! Giving is by faith and not sight! What does your Bible say? Give and it will be given unto you pressed down and overflowing… The abundant life begins at the Altar of sacrifice! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Works W/O Faith? DOA!

The degree and duration of the torment of the degenerate and Anti-Christian people, should be no other than would be approved of by those angels who had ever labored for their salvation, and the Lamb who had redeemed them with his most precious blood. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Mathematician, Physicist and Inventor. Comment: The rejection of Christ began in heaven long before Jesus was incarnated into the earth at his birth in Bethlehem! Lucifer rejected him while he was in heaven and after being cast down to the earth with one third of the angels who followed him in this rebellion continues his resistance here on earth! Satan creates ideologies in men and religious systems that oppose Christ even today! Then the religious rebellion is transformed into political systems and armies that persecute believers in Christ! These people groups also persecute the Jews here on earth! Sadly some atheistic Jews persecute the followers of Christ like Charles Darwin!  Nothing has really changed since the 1600’s! The war between good and evil continues on! The truth is you have already taken a side in this conflict! War started in heaven and continues here on earth! By your personal choice you will either join the Christ of redemption or the Anti-Christ of self works expecting your own efforts will bring you redemption! It is paradox that Satan believes the Word of God yet his objective is the deceive you into not believing the Word of God by lies and deceptions expressed in ideologies of men!  Satan will be the only believer in Hell! The joke will be on those he has deceived to join him there that have been convinced by him to reject Christ! Be a believer headed for heaven forever rather than a unbeliever joined in Hell forever! The choice is yours to make and the outcome of your choice to be lived out forever in the eternity you have chosen!!    James and Hamsa Sasse.