Did You Get That? Revelation 5:10

“And hast made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth.” Commentary: Interestingly people here on earth are writing songs about heaven while people in heaven are writing new songs about returning to earth with Christ at his second coming! For what purpose? To defeat Satan at the last great battle on earth Armagedon! So who comes back to earth with Jesus? The Saints and the angels! Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven but it is not permanent! You are not staying there but returning to earth! Your time in heaven will prepare you for your return to earth! So pack your bags and listen for the trumpet call! Wait? I thought I was going to play a harp on a cloud? You did not get that idea from your Bible? Christ and his followers will face off with Satan and his followers! After the victory over Satan you will reign with Christ for a thousand years! Then what? Read your Bible! Do your home work! So if you are on earth as a follower of Christ you will one day return to earth in victory over Satan! Have you ever seen a more fascinating tactical Book written for victory than your Bible? James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

How Did America Get to Socialism?

Advances in science (Darwinism) help to delegitimize the rule of the King and the power of the church! Karl Marx, Darwinist, Marxist/Communist/Socialist Commentary: The fake science of Charles Darwin taught in American Public schools for decades has prepared generations of children to be socialists! Biblical values have been rejected in public education and the vacuum filled with Darwin’s evolution theory! Marx in an earlier quote said Democracy is a Christian doctrine and to defeat it Christianity must go! So it is no surprise America ideology on the left is moving further and further to the left! The attack on Christianity continues from the Democrat left! Most obvious is the complete shut down of religious schools ordered by the Democrat controlled states! The Supreme Court has stopped some of these attempts however were it not for Trump installing three conservative judges your religious schools would be shut down! Also another obvious move by Democrats is targeting Christian voting blocks geographical districts with much more stringent rules during our pandemic as the example in Staten Island! The Democrat governor of New York shut down restaurants completely in a republican section of the city yet just a few blocks away in a Democrat district the restaurants are allowed to be open! After the Democrat left going after Trump for four years this should not surprise us! Our next challenge is to defeat the massive voter fraud schemes across many swing states! This will go to the Supreme Court! If these fraudulent election schemes are not defeated this election cycle then there will never be another Republican elected to anything! Stand tall for Jesus as your faith will be challenged more and more as our political ideology on the left moves towards Marx and away from Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

How Did We Get To Socialism?

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity! In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing via infiltration of schools, universities, church and the media by transforming the consciousness of society. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist Philosopher and Communist Politician, (1891-1937)

Jesus is Watching You!

A burglar broke into a home late at night and climbed through a window with his flashlight and began going through the rooms looking for jewelry and cash! He was sure the family was out of the house? He came to the living room in the dark and began going through drawers looking for treasure! Suddenly this voice seemed to come out of nowhere and said, “Jesus is watching you!” He shined his flashlight around the room and saw nothing? Again the second and third time this voice spoke out into the darkness? The thief thought was he losing his mind from guilt or was Jesus really here? He again shined his flashlight across the room and to his relief was a parrot’s cage! However as he shined his light to the bottom of the stand of the cage he saw the white sparkling fangs of a large Pit Bull. The parrot cried out one last time, “Go get him Jesus!” Pastor Greg Laurie

President Trump and the Swamp!

President Trump started draining the swamp yesterday! After the swamp is drained he has to remove the alligators and snakes! A very large quantity in Washington! His message was clear to both sides Democrats and Republicans yesterday! He loves the messenger but hates the message! Trump was not elected by the people to get along in the swamp but to remove the swamp! He is not there to get along but change things! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com