Fake News!

Exaggeration of every kind is an essential to journalism as it is to dramatic art, for the object of journalism is to make events go as far as possible! Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

As a Man Thinketh! Proverbs 23:7

An experiment was conducted with dozens of patients who needed knee surgery! With the permission of the families they did some fake surgeries on patients along with real surgeries on patients suffering from knee pain! The fake surgery patients were put under unconsciousness just as the real surgeries were done. The doctors even made superficial cuts on their knee’s as would be done in a real surgery! After months of following their recovery the experiment revealed amazing results! Using X-ray and MRI studies they discovered the fake surgery patients were recovering as well as the real patient surgeries and even with some having better results than those that had the real surgeries! What was discovered was that all the patients  expected to get better! Even the ones that did not have the real surgery expected to get better! What was written in Proverbs some 3000 years ago is confirmed by science that the Word of God has power over sickness and death! Joel Osteen

Fake News!

The American Fascist would prefer not to use violence! His method is to poison the channels of public information. With the fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to present the news to deceive the public into giving their group more money and power. Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the United States, Democratic Party (1886-1965) Comment: The biggest fake news story ever presented to mankind with the greatest amount of destruction is that your Bible is not true and God does not exist! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Fake News!

Black Power is a nihilistic philosophy that the Negro can’t win….the view that American society is so hopelessly corrupt and enmeshed in evil that there is no possibility of salvation from within! Martin Luther King Jr. Comment: The same false narrative carries on under the black lives matter banner! The left has always tried to convince the negro that they have the higher moral ground when the facts dispute this! They use the black vote to try to stay in power and toss the African American people a few bread crumbs! They keep them on the plantations! The inner cities of America full of crime, poverty and hopelessness! Poor schools and welfare where they sell drugs to supplement their welfare income! The Democratic party the party of slavery will never change! It is interesting under President Trump African American unemployment has hit a 17 year low and he has only been in office for a year! In spite of the Democrats and the liberal judges trying to block his every move! When the whole population benefits from Trump’s leadership and they admit the facts I believe Trump will be in for a 2nd term! Martin Luther King Jr. saw the hypocrisy of the left and their helpless agenda to stay in power! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Israel Prepares For An Attack !

Israel believes Iran is involved in the missing Malaysian Airliner! Two young Iranian men boarded the aircraft with fake passports? They also purchased one way tickets with cash? If that is not a red flag what is? As we use our military assets to look for this airliner on the sea bed Israel believes the airliner may be in Iran and hangered. They may go after Israel but I believe they go after a bigger prize! I am talking about us here in America! If you do not know Bible Prophecy you cannot connect the dots! In end times prophecy Russia and Iran will rise in power. Gog and Magog. The Persian empire has united with the Medes (Russia). Look for the old Soviet eastern countries to go back under Russian rule. Western Europe will also fall to Russian rule. Russia will expand both west and south towards Israel. Iran will expand south of Israel and surround her on the south. America has and will continue to diminish in power. The old Roman empire will expand in power and dominance! We have a very weak leader in the white house by the name of Obama who will help to bring these events to pass! This missing Malaysian Airliner will be reconfigured to carry an atomic warhead to America! If you look at a map of Iran the airliner can fly north or east over large expanses of Russia territory for about 75 percent of it’s mission to hit either New York or Los Angeles! After this attack America will cease to be a world power! Then they will focus on Israel. We know from Biblical prophecy God will intervene for Israel and destroy her enemies! No I am not on drugs but Bible End times prophecy is closing fast! The tragic story here among other things is the blindness of our current leadership in America. If you do not read and believe the Bible then you will be blind-sided by these events! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com