Anti-Semitism in Europe

“A Jew cannot be a true patriot! He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief–even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for the Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed the prominent Jewish bankers.” Kaiser Wilhelm II, German Emperor, (1859-1941) Comment: Adolf Hitler did not wake up one morning and decided that he hated Jews! The German culture over about 400 years was set up for this! It started with Martin Luther! When his revelation of “Christ Alone”, spread across Germany and Europe he thought the Jews would get on board! They did not! He was angry about this and his resentment went to printed words across Germany! This hatred spread into the following generations! This leads us to another important question! Can a Jew be Anti-Semitic? Absolutely! This seems like another contradiction but true! We know from our Bible that the Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So not only can a Christian be Anti-Semitic but also a Jew! How does this happen! Biblical ignorance leads the way! Remember Jesus our Jewish Messiah was hated by the Jews! So much they had him Crucified! However without the crucifixion there would be no Salvation for men! So the Jews that hated him helped to bring the Salvation of men! The Russian Revolution and the rise of Fascism and Nazism was a political ideology promoted by atheistic Jews such as Charles Darwin, Engels, Marx, Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin and others that set the stage for WWII. So the world has a choice to either follow the Jewish Messiah or an atheistic Jew who opposes the Jewish Messiah! Life really boils down this this choice! Which Jew will you follow? One choice leads to life and one choice leads to death! Salvation of the world has come through the Jews! However being Jewish does not guarantee your Salvation! Only following a Jew named Jesus Christ! We know from the Book of Revelation that many Jews will come to Christ during the seven year Tribulation period of history! Why? Because when the Jewish Anti-Christ sets up his world reign over the world in the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem he will turn on the Jews and set himself up as God ruling from the Jewish Temple! Then they will realize they have been deceived by this false Messiah! Satan is the great deceiver and he started his work in the Garden of Eden! We all need spiritual discernment which is available through your Holy Bible! For those that study his word there are no surprises and deceptions are exposed! Through our Bible we see the love of God to man and why he had to sacrifice himself for our sin! Our Bible was written by Jews! All of these Jews both Old and New Testaments point to our Jewish Messiah! Who do you say he is? Your eternity weighs in the balance! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Foundation of Feminist Movement!

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that the great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval! Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included! Karl Marx Comment: This sounds like the Garden of Eden re-visited! Surely God has not said you cannot eat of the fruit of this tree in the middle of the Garden? You will not die if you eat it! God is a liar! He is trying to keep good things from you! You know more than your husband! So here started the feminist movement! Marx is right! If you want to start a revolution get the women of the culture to rebel against authority! Why get married? Live together! Get divorced! Get on welfare the state will send you a check! Send your children to state schools! Bring dissatisfaction in the family! Religion is the opiate of the people! The State will train them! You don’t need God! He does not exist! One of Karl Marx quotes was that he wanted to defeat God! He has done a good job here in America as the political left embraces his ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Justification for Revolution!

Advances in science help to delegitimize the Rule of Kings and the Power of the Church! Karl Marx (1818-1883). Comment: History has shown us that science has increased the Rule of Kings! The invention of gun powder would be an example! WWII ended because the United States was the first to develop an atomic bomb! The Power of the Church is increased with the technology to reach millions of more people with the Gospel! So what was Marx really talking about? The Godless Theory of Evolution by Darwin and the embracement of it by Marx! If you believe the lie there is no God then the Church is purposeless! This is the false science Marx is referring too! Since there is no God there is no legitimate government authority and a revolution is needed to overthrow all existing government! This is the root ideology of socialism and communism! De-legitimate the existing government into revolution! This is what the political left is trying to do with President Trump right now here in America! This is right out of the Marx socialist playbook! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Storm Clouds Europe 1937

By May 1st, 1937 there should not be one single church left within the borders of the Soviet Union, and the idea of God will have been banished from the Soviet Union as a remnant of the Middle Ages, which has been used for the purpose of oppressing the working class. Joseph Stalin   Comment: Another follower of Charles Darwin! What is interesting about this time in history is most of the major leaders of Europe were all followers of Darwin yet it lead to WWII? My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! Christian America had a civil war! The war was about the sin of slavery! Can we go to war for a right cause? Can we go to war for a wrong cause? Yes and no! My concern for America today is that the teaching of Darwinism to our children over generations in our public schools is beginning to pay dividends of anarchy within our nation! Darwinism says just kill your enemies! Those that disagree with you just get rid of them! That was what the Russian Revolution was all about! Jesus had a very different approach! Forgive your enemies! What the Bible shows us is that our 1st enemy is ourselves at war with God! We all need forgiveness! If we will all begin with this then reconciliation is possible! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Democrat’s Playbook!

“It was always our view that in order to attain this (proletarian revolution) and the other far more important aims of the future social revolution, the working class must first take possession of the organized political power of the State and by it’s aid crush the resistance of the Capitalist class and organize society anew.” Frederick Engels   Comment: Who was he referring to by always been our view? He was referring to his partner Karl Marx! Socialism is immoral! It is theft of wealth! Capitalism is moral and the business people work to create a product to supply a demand for services and products! The creation of these products employ people! Socialism is taking what is not yours! It is living off those that do work! Engels made an argument using anthropological evidence of the time to show that family structure changes over history, and that the concept of monogamy came from the necessity within class society or men to control women to ensure their own children would inherit their property. He argued a communist society would allow people to make decisions about their relationship free of economic constraints. Where did Engels get his anti-marriage anti-Biblical idea’s? After reading the publications of Charles Darwin on the “Origin of Species”, which was the epiphany of everything they believed! (Marx and Engels).  So we see our social ills in America are based on the left promoting this agenda! Welfare since the 1960’s in America took Father’s out of homes with children with no moral guidance! Their economic welfare state requires they sell drugs to supplement their welfare monies! So our war zones in Chicago and other inter cities are the result of Democratic administrations over decades of time pushing the socialist doctrines of Marx and Engels that has put our inter cities into war zones! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Key to Understanding Revolutions!

Political correctness was alive and well in Nazi Germany in 1933. Book burning parties were the main events across Germany! The German Student Union were filled with youth who wanted change! On May 6, 1933 twenty thousand books were burned! On May 10, 1933 twenty five thousand books were burned! Millions of books were burned over the next few years! Books were destroyed written by Jews, anarchist, socialists, communists and religious books! Bibles were burned! 1400 Synagogues were set on fire! Children were encouraged to participate in these acts! The 10 Commandments were ripped off walls across Germany! The blind writer Helen Keller published an open letter to the German students! She said, “You may burn books and the books of the best minds of Europe, but these idea’s have been passed on to millions and they will go on!” All revolutions start with the premise that we want to change the past! Hitler wanted to right the wrong of their loss in WW1. He blamed the Jews! The American political left today wants to change the past? America was never great? Get rid of those Bibles! Cast off Christianity! Attack Christian business and shut down churches! Replace the Bible with homosexuality, drugs, lesbianism, single families and welfare! Drugs killed over 73000 thousand of our youth last year! Attack our flag and remove any sign of patriotism! Remove our borders! Protect criminals with sanctuary cities! Despise our military! Why did the American Revolution succeed when most other revolutions failed? Why did we have such a good outcome? The American Revolution promoted the Bible with our Constitution a Christian document! I watched an old Billy Graham Crusade today that went back to the 1970’s! Something very significant caught my attention about his preaching then! He talked a lot about heaven and hell and the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ! Today when I turn on Television preachers I don’t hear anything about hell? Nothing said! All I hear is about success, prosperity and money! Pastor’s today have been infected by the politically correct culture where the past is taboo! Sin is the wave of the future! To change the past you have to get rid of heaven and hell! We have to get rid of prayer in schools! We have to get rid of the 10 Commandments! We have to get rid of any visible Crosses across America! Get rid of statues of great Americans! You cannot say Merry Christmas! We have to change our past! Get rid of American Colonialism! Jesus said to go out into all the world! Substitute Christian thought with Darwinism and the Godless theory we teach to our children in our public schools! Persecution is rising among the Jews in America! When men try to change the past they create a bigger monster in the present! Who can change our past? Only God! Open your Bible and read John 3:16. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Two Political Parties?

” Founders did not mention political parties when they wrote the Constitution, and George Washington in essence warned us against them in his farewell.” Marianne Williamson   Comment: I do not agree with Marianne on much of anything especially her spiritualist promotions that are not Biblical based! However she is a smart Jew but I would call her a secular Jew! Her comment about our Constitution is correct! The question she did not answer is so why do we have two political parties? Simply we have two Kingdoms! The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan! Heaven and Hell. Our Constitution is Christian based and God’s fingerprints are all over it! One group of people want our Constitution enforced as written by our Founders! The other party wants to get rid of our Constitution! Replace it with atheism, secularism and a completely socialistic government controlling every aspect of your life! It is like Communism revisited hoping against all odds it will not fail like in Russia with hundreds of millions of casualties! The Democrats in power want a socialist revolution! Overthrow of our government! They want open borders! No protection for the citizens! If enough illegal immigrants come in by the millions they can overwhelm our financial system and cause a collapse! Sanctuary cities where criminals are free to roam and live off the state! No respect of Military and police officers and attacks on them are encouraged! Get rid of ICE? They are for the complete breakdown of law and order so the Revolution can happen! One party believes in Nationalism where the other a new world order with a one world government controlling all people! So this is where we are today in America! Faith in God mocked and persecuted and the Godless promoting a Satanic agenda! Christ made America great and a return to Him will lead America back to her roots and again to be the Greatest Nation on earth! If the people will make God great again then America will be great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Enlightenment? Psalm 14:1

Enlightenment & French Revolution (1789-1799) The thinkers in this period of history contradicted each other in the correct course of action! What is new? Many deep thinkers cautioned Europe not to cast off Church Authority and replace it with atheism! The same warnings ring true for America today! After the heads were chopped off and the Napoleonic Wars were over Europe had over a million casualties! Some historians say there were some good benefits to all this but to sacrifice over a million people to get there? The following warning came from great thinkers of their day! Voltaire held that without a belief in God who punishes evil, the moral order of a society is undetermined! That is since atheist gave themselves to no Supreme Authority and no law and had no fear of eternal consequences, they were far more likely to disrupt society! John Locke said if people believed there were no God and no divine law, the result would be moral anarchy; every individual could have no law but his own will, no end but himself, and the satisfaction of his own will the sole measure and end of all his actions! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Reformation & Anti-Sematism! Romans 1:16

Their (The Jews), rotten and unbending stiffness deserve that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without pity of anyone! John Calvin Comment: This is not a good attitude to have to win Jews to Christ? Yet the Protestant Reformation carried out the same persecution of the Jews that the Catholic Church did? One of the greatest benefits of the Reformation was getting the printed Gospel into the hands of the common people like you and me! With the aid of the printing press the Bible was mass produced in English and other languages and distributed to the people to read for themselves! This was probably the greatest revolution of history! Prior to this the Bible was in Latin and only read and interpreted to the people by the Catholic Priests! During the Reformation Martin Luther thought the Jews would come to Christ but he was wrong! In his anger he also set up persecution to the Jews! It was culminated 400 years later for Germany with Hitler! The reformers helped clean up the corruption in the Catholic Church! However during the 30 Years War between Catholics and Protestants we had 8 million casualties! The Truth does not come cheap! The Apostle Paul was a Jew and he became so upset with the Jews that he decided to take the Gospel to the Gentiles! If Jesus being a Jew could not reach the majority of Jews while here on earth who are we? Jesus disciples were Jews who gave us our New Testament! Marks and Engels were atheist Jews! Darwin the atheist was a Jew! Einstein was a Jew! The majority of Jews here in America today are atheists and support with their millions of dollars Democratic left wing causes! Christopher Columbus was a Jew! He was a believer in Christ! Peyton Manning and Robert Kraft owner of the Patriots are Jews! The Orthodox Jews here in America by 90 percent are conservative and vote Republican! So we support what we believe about God! We know from scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be Jewish and gay! Do you think the Jews would trust a Gentile to go into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem? During the 7 year Tribulation period in history many Jews will come to Christ! As with the Apostle Paul the scales will be lifted from their eyes! In the short time we have left here on earth pray for them and show the love of Christ that dwells in you to them for this will be the greatest witness of our Faith! James and Hamsa Sasse.