Feminist & Death of Marriage!

The radical feminist’s have had their way but here are some interesting statistics about the children of single family mom’s! 80 percent of homeless and run away children, 61 percent of prisoners, 63 percent of suicides, 70 percent of teenage pregnancies and 71 percent of drug use or substance abuse come from through the children of single family mom’s! These children have an absentee father which leads to destruction of their children! Is it any wonder the left has a new emphasis to increase abortions across America to cover their first sin of rejecting God’s plan for a family to consist of a man and a woman joined together in marriage! God’s plan is the best plan and any rejection of his plan leads to a social break down of any culture! Some mom’s are doing a fantastic job under the most challenging circumstances! My hat off to you but it does not have to be this way and God never planned or intended for a mother to raise her children without the love and support of a husband! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Foundation of Feminist Movement!

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that the great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval! Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included! Karl Marx Comment: This sounds like the Garden of Eden re-visited! Surely God has not said you cannot eat of the fruit of this tree in the middle of the Garden? You will not die if you eat it! God is a liar! He is trying to keep good things from you! You know more than your husband! So here started the feminist movement! Marx is right! If you want to start a revolution get the women of the culture to rebel against authority! Why get married? Live together! Get divorced! Get on welfare the state will send you a check! Send your children to state schools! Bring dissatisfaction in the family! Religion is the opiate of the people! The State will train them! You don’t need God! He does not exist! One of Karl Marx quotes was that he wanted to defeat God! He has done a good job here in America as the political left embraces his ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com