Thoughts about the Star!

This star is not an astronomical object! The star appeared at the moment of Jesus birth. It was visible to the wise men of Babylon. If they saw the star over Israel, it would indicate it was not astronomical because stars do not rise in the west! They rise in the east. If it rose in the east it was very special because star gazers like these wise men would not have difficulty recognizing the planet Venus! Traditional images show the wise men traveling over the desert following a star. However Matthew 2 does not say they followed a star to Israel. In fact, it would appear, from their reaction, that the star newly reappeared in Matthew 2:9. How could a star go before the wise men? Bethlehem is to the south of Jerusalem! Stars do not move south. They move west. Stars do not settle over houses. The Greek word for star (Aster), implies something strewn! What could it be? What could it be that moves easily from west to east appearing as strewn light? A pillar of fire would be a good example! Remember the Shechinah Glory of light that moved with the Tabernacle representing the presence of God? This light could have been interpreted as a star! It is believed the wise men reached Bethlehem about 2 years after Jesus birth. That is why Herod ordered the murder of the children 2 years and younger! Source:   Comment: Point here is you cannot explain this star or light naturally! It was supernatural. Very seldom does God oppose his creation! Only to deliver his people! He turned the sun and time back for Joshua to win the battle! He opened the Red Sea for Moses and drowned the pursuing army with the same sea! Mary bore Jesus yet being a virgin! Jesus raised the dead and has promised to raise those who believe and trust him! Jesus himself was raised from the dead! Peter at midnight was delivered from the prison! Do I believe in miracles! Absolutely! Jesus delivered me off my death bed some 45 years ago! Is it a stretch to believe God at his word? It is a stretch not to! God who created all this can change anything or everything at his will! He transformed me from sin to righteousness with his atoning blood! Was it a star? All things are possible with God! He can create anyone he wants to! He can create anything he wants to at anytime at any place! He came to Bethlehem so he could prepare a place for you in Heaven! Why not follow Jesus to Heaven! He will return one day soon to earth with his church! If you wait until then to follow him it will be too late! Wise men still seek him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Saudi Arabia

Muslim’s have no problem killing people! Why? Their Quran or religious book endorses murder! If we America had separated ourselves from Saudi Arabia we should have done it on 9-11. Eighteen of the nineteen hijackers on 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia! Obama bowed down on his knee’s to the King of Saudi Arabia when he was in office! Trump knows we cannot endorse what they did to this journalist! However the vacuum left if we split from them will be filled by Russia and China and the move would strengthen Iran! Billions of dollars would be lost by American contractors who employ American workers! The latest math on this move would cause our gas prices to go to seven dollars per gallon! Trump sanctioned a dozen or so family members of the King! Yes we are dealing with the devil but more devils are waiting in the wings to take over Saudi Arabia and would destabilize the world even more than it is plus an economic blow to America! Trump will take the criticism and protect America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Drugs (Sorceries) Revelation 9:21

About 35 thousand American’s die every year from drug overdoses! Actually the CDC says the numbers are greater than this because many overdoses are not reported! The English word sorceries comes from the Greek word pharmakeia from which we get our word pharmacy. In the Book of Revelation Chapter nine God is pouring out His judgment on the earth during the seven year tribulation period during the Anti- Christ one world government rule before Christ’s second coming! The Church has already been raptured from the earth! Even during these judgments when 1/3 of the earth’s population is destroyed they still would not repent of their drug use! Have you noticed the cultural shift here in America? The secular population is saying this drug use problem is a medical problem not a moral problem? Like medical marijuana! In fact all moral problems in America are viewed as medical problems including our mass shooters! So the last days game is on that immorality does not exist because God does not exist and the Bible has no application anymore! We all do what is right in our own eyes! So science has a fix for our immorality! So medicine is our new god! So no responsibility for sin? Since all the sinners just have a medical problem they need the State to step in since it is no fault of their own with welfare payments to those youth on drugs! Since the youth and their families cannot live on welfare payments alone they sell drugs to supplement your income! So what happens to Christian’s who have a Biblical standard of morality? Since we have a moral standard from a God that does not exist and a Bible that is irrelevant we must have a psychosis or medical problem that science can fix! The State must intervene and reprogram these people! There is a parallel going on in the Church in America today! Some of the big name Pastor’s who are on National media do not talk about sin anymore? Hell is never mentioned? It is all about getting rich and being successful and is all about self! Their pride is fed every Sunday! Remember Billy Graham? Repent for you are a sinner headed for Hell! He hammered this message over and over again! This message seems unpopular today as the standard of morality also fades from the pulpit! Altar calls have become extinct? Why have one if I am not a sinner and Hell does not exist? Christ wasted His time and life on the Cross? Chapter nine of the Book of Revelation closes out saying yet they would not repent of their murders, drug use, fornication and thefts! At the end times the State and the Church will merge as one! The Anti-Christ will join with the False Prophet who will be the one world religious leader! We are getting closer! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Subjective Morality? Exodus 20:1-17

This is what the atheists in America are proclaiming! That is if man is just left to himself he will do good things! The historical evidence debunkes the left ideology! More people were killed by war in the 20th Century than the previous 19 Centuries! What happened to the evolutionary model? Getting better? We did not get off to a good start in the 21st Century with 9-11? America has been at war ever since in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and North Africa! God has Commanded us in the 4th Commandment not to murder! What about the millions of babies killed here in America through abortion! This supports the statement made by Ben Shapiro that the political left breaks everyone of the 10 Commandments! You remember Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty? He has a new show now! He went to the Governor of Nebraska and ask him to proclaim to the State of the people to just try to keep just two of the Commandments for just one year and see if things are better? The two are thou shall not murder and thou shall not steal. We have the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall of our living room! If every family in America would do this and the children would be reminded of them daily we would have a very different America! At first they would be objective but later would move into our hearts and change us! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! That is to love God and love man! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Iraq 1941

The Farhud pogrom on Jews in Iraq–June 1941. It was followed agitation by the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, perpetuated by a pro-Nazi Arab mob, led by Al_Muthanna club’s al-Futuwwa Arabic-Islamic Fascist paramilitary group. Iraqi soldiers were among the first attackers. Jews were killed randomly, hundreds were injured, women and children were raped in front of their relatives, babies crushed, and children mutilated. The Farhud, the Mufti (who declared a Jihad), inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq, June 1st and 2nd, 1941. The two days of murder, looting, rape and mutilation, shattered this ancient community’s self-confidence, and swiftly led to the exodus of 90 percent of the Jews out of Iraq. Source; Comment: Civilization is Christ and Christ alone!

Abortion In Egypt! Exodus 1:17-20

Murder or genocide of minorities is nothing new to the history of man. This episode in Egypt took place thousands of years ago against the Jews. Today in America genocide is being done on African Americans through abortion. Over 40 percent of all abortions done in America are done on African Americans. Their population only represents 12 percent of all Americans. So they get over a 300 percent disproportionate increase in abortions over all other races. The other sad and tragic story here is the Democratic party tells them they are for them while promoting genocide against them with our tax dollars? Martin Luther King had a very noble dream but it did not include this nightmare! Let us together fight for life to remove this scar upon our land and pursue liberty and justice for all! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37

According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse.