Subjective Morality? Exodus 20:1-17

This is what the atheists in America are proclaiming! That is if man is just left to himself he will do good things! The historical evidence debunkes the left ideology! More people were killed by war in the 20th Century than the previous 19 Centuries! What happened to the evolutionary model? Getting better? We did not get off to a good start in the 21st Century with 9-11? America has been at war ever since in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and North Africa! God has Commanded us in the 4th Commandment not to murder! What about the millions of babies killed here in America through abortion! This supports the statement made by Ben Shapiro that the political left breaks everyone of the 10 Commandments! You remember Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty? He has a new show now! He went to the Governor of Nebraska and ask him to proclaim to the State of the people to just try to keep just two of the Commandments for just one year and see if things are better? The two are thou shall not murder and thou shall not steal. We have the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall of our living room! If every family in America would do this and the children would be reminded of them daily we would have a very different America! At first they would be objective but later would move into our hearts and change us! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! That is to love God and love man! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mohammed Luny Tunes!

If I were to draw a cartoon of Jesus or Mohammed would that change who they are? Absolutely not! I cannot make them better or worse than who they are! How I can degrade them is living my personal life less than who they are through bad behavior! The followers of Jesus and Mohammed tell me the most about their leader! Did Jesus or Mohammed behead people, rape women, enslave people and steal kill and destroy? If either one did I would not follow them! The Bible tells us clearly who Jesus is! The Koran tells us clearly who Mohammed is! If you follow anyone who leads you to commit crimes against God and humanity then you need to abandon this sinking ship! God holds each one of us accountable for our actions! You cannot kill your way out of death! You can live your life out of judgment by serving each other and the one who took your judgment upon the Cross Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.