Why is 1492 A.D. Important? Esdras 6:42 (Apocrypha)

This same year the last of the Muslims were forced out of Spain by the Crusaders! Christopher Columbus set sail for America! This same year the Spanish Inquisition began! Why is all this significant? First Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Throughout his life Columbus showed a keen interest in the Bible and Bible Prophecy! He would often quote Biblical texts in his letters and in his ship logs. Part of the argument that a Book he submitted to the Spanish Monarchs when he sought for his support for his proposed expedition to reach the Indies by sailing west was based on his reading of the Second Book of Esdras 6:42. Columbus interpreted this scripture from the Bible to mean that the earth is made up of six parts of land and one of water. The then world maps showed only 5 continents so Christopher reasoned from the scriptures  there was another continent missing on the world maps! So he thought traveling west he would discover this missing continent! If you read the quotes of Columbus he said he did not use science, navigation or mathematics but the scriptures as his guide! The Catholics got a hundred years start on evangelism of South and Central America because they did not reject the Apocrypha from the scriptures as the Protestants did! Towards the end of his life Columbus produced a Book of Prophecies in which his career as an explorer is interpreted in the light of Christian Eschatology and Apocalypticism. On August 3, 1492 the Edict of Expulsion was executed requiring all Jews to leave Spain! On August 2nd Columbus and his crew boarded their ships before midnight and left harbor 1/2 hour before sunrise. His historic journey was also financed with the help of some wealthy Jewish merchants! Spain had been a 2nd home for Jews since 200 A.D. Remember Paul wanted to travel there! There were 800000 Jews living in Spain when the Inquisition began! The Catholic Church in Spain wanted all Jews to convert to Catholicism! Also King Fernando and Isabella wanted to seize the Jewish wealth of Spain! History has shown us that if the Muslims are not around to persecute the Jews the Church is! Christopher was also searching for a land where the Jews could escape persecution! That happened to be America and a land which has always supported Israel! The Apocryphya was a collection of Books published in the original King James Bible of 1611. They were part of the King James Bible for 274 years until they were removed in 1885 A.D. They were inserted between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Here is what Esdras 6:42 says, “Upon the third day thou did command that the waters should be gathered in the seventh part of the earth; six parts thou dried up, and kept them, to the intent that of these some being planted of God and tilled that might serve thee.” KJV 1611 A.D.–1885 A.D. The parts of the Bible that were later thrown out were the GPS navigator’s for Columbus voyage to the New World in 1492! Maybe we should revisit the Apocrypha? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.  GodWhoisGod.com

Hour of Temptation! Revelation 3:10

Greek Translation: “Because thou has kept the spoken word of my cheerful endurance, I will also keep thee from the hour, time and season of one’s virtues which shall come to pass upon all the world specifically the Roman Empire, to try them that dwell on the whole earth.” Comment: The Greek word for our English word “world”, used here refers to the Roman Empire. From the Roman Empire the temptation is spread into the whole earth. So what temptation is Jesus keeping you from that is spread to the whole earth from the Roman Empire? The temptation to deny Christ! The world at this time in history was the Roman Empire! They had conquered most of the known world! Jesus and all the disciples except John and many of the early church Father’s were martyred by the Roman Empire! The Apostle John at the time of the writing of this Book of Revelation was exiled on the Isle of Patmos working as a slave in a stone quarry because of Caesar’s sentencing of John! Christian persecution of the Church began in 64 A.D. with Nero and the great fire of Rome. The persecution of the Church ceased in 313 A.D. with the Edict of Milan with Emperor Constatine. It has been estimated that there were at least 100 thousand martyrs during this period. Remember in previous postings we talked about the unpardonable sin? What was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Remember to mock one part of the Trinity is to mock all. The unpardonable sin was to deny Jesus! God can forgive every sin except denying Jesus because He is the only one who can forgive sin! Remember the 21 Coptic Christians who were beheaded by ISIS last year? In their hour of temptation they did not deny Jesus! Rome became Christian under Emperor Constatine and became the Holy Roman Empire! Jesus knew what the believers were going to face under Roman Rule for 200 years! He was preparing them for the hour of temptation! So how did the preparation come about for the hour of temptation for the whole earth? When Roman Empire became Christian all the roads they had built throughout their entire Empire were used to take the Gospel to all the known world! I will give you a historical quote on the Roman Empire from Wikipedia: “By means of European Colonialism following the Renaissance, and the descendant states, Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian culture was exported on a world wide scale, playing a crucial role in the development of the modern world.” Now where are we at 21 Centuries later today? The pressure upon Christian culture today is to deny Christ! The popular culture, Hollywood, liberal media, atheistic teachings such as evolution, abortion promoters, white supremacy haters, anti-colonialism, gays, lesbian, and transgender promoters all apply pressure against us to deny Christ! Even in the church the denial of Christ exists! Many believers do not tithe their income! Many make a 7 day work week and skip Sunday services! Worship of money over God! The list goes on but we can either deny Christ one small step at a time but when push comes to shove and you have to make a choice between your life or Christ God’s grace will not be their to confess His name! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Edict of Milan 313 A.D.

The Edict was an agreement to treat Christians benevolently within the Roman Empire. Western Roman Emperor Constantine I, and Licinius, who controlled the Balkans agreed to change policies toward Christians following the Edict of Toleration by Galerius issued two years earlier in Serdica. The Christians would not obey the institutes of antiquity and for conscious sake were granted an indulgence saying, “They ought to pray to their God for our safety, for that of the Republic, and for their own, that the Commonwealth may continue uninjured on every side, and that they may be able to live securely in their homes.” Their confiscated property was restored in 313 when instructions were given for the Christian’s meeting places and other property to be returned and compensation paid by the State to the current owners. The Provincial Magistrates were ordered at once with all energy to execute this order so that public order may be restored and the continuance of Divine favor may preserve and prosper our successes together with the good of the State. Comment: Why do our Justices here in America wear long robes? The Roman Emperor’s began to see the benefit of Christian’s living among their populations! They learned that they were the only one’s they could trust! So the Christian Priest’s wore their robes from their religious duties to the Roman Civil Courts to preside over civil cases! I am sure not all Judges in America including the Supreme Court may know this historical tradition? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com