Christian Civilization and France! Battle of Tours 732 A.D.

We owe a debt to the French people as leaders of the Crusades against Islam for over 200 years! Because of your efforts and sacrifices we have Western Civilization and a Christian America! We are reminded that the Arab name for all Crusades spanning over 500 years regardless of nationality was “Franj.” The Battle of Tours in France was one of the most decisive battles in history! Abd-ur Rahman the Muslim general with his 600000 man army conquered all of Egypt, Syria and North Africa. In October 732 A.D. exactly 100 years from the death of  Mohammed the Muslim armies entered into Europe. The Frankish army was made up of Gothic Germanic tribes who became the French today met the Muslim armies in battle! The Muslims who invaded France destroyed palaces, churches and murdered thousands! The Francs lead by Charles Martel, known as the Hammer led France into battle. They routed the Muslim armies and captured and killed Abd-ur Rahman! The Franks were the first to learn that the terror of the Arab Muslims can only be neutralized by a greater counter terror! This counter terror has to be a super terror to strike fear into the hearts of Muslims so that they give up their aggressive mentality for fear of death! If only one or two French citizens had  side arms in these attacks in Paris the outcome would have been very different! I try to persuade my Christian friends here in America to arm themselves for what is coming here! Right now they dismiss my warning but after President Obama lets in 10000 Syrian refugees they will figure it out! Our condolences to the French families as we share your suffering and encourage you that our hope is in Christ! The German and French soccer game in Paris where some of the attack took place reminds us of history as the Germans and French fought together at the Battle of Tours in 732 A.D. to drive out the Muslims from France! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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