The Game is On! Bible Study

The game is not over but it is on! So when is the game over? When every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! I want to give you the ancient nations as listed in our Bible and then i want you to see the modern nations that make up those ancient nations today! Let us start with the Persian Empire. The nations today that make up the Persian Empire are Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan! So when you read end-times prophecies in your Bible they include these nations! American’s have you already noticed something? It was the Persian Empire that attacked us on 9-11. Our wars in the Middle East since have been with the Persian Empire! President Obama pulling us out of Iraq and the treasures gift to Iran has strengthened the Persian Empire! Thankyou America says the Islamist! Russia or God and Magog have been strengthened thanks to Hillary Clinton’s reset button with Russia! They have since taken territory and are one of two major players in the Middle East including Iran now as America is on the decline! However there is a bigger picture at home in America! I like the Greek translation of the word Magog in the Book of Revelation! The word translates as an Anti-Christian party! Is that like the Democratic party? I want to wish you a ? Hold it! Is it a happy holiday? Season’s greetings? Happy stocking filler? Tensile holiday? Music festival? Sorry! I remember now! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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