Galatians 6:7-10 (Greek Translation)

Verse 7; Do not go astray, do not be a tramp, the God of all is not mocked, for whatsoever the imperfect and mortal man sows that will he reap. Comment: When you sow a seed whether good or bad you will get a harvest! Life or death! Verse 8; For he that soweth to his mortal body shall of his mortal body reap decay and ruin, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life both past, present and future! Comment: Sowing to your mortal body is sin and death! Sowing to the Spirit is sowing salvation, love, peace, joy, and eternal life! Verse 9; Let us not be slothful and lose courage in valuable words for in ownership at the set and proper time we shall reap if we do not relax! Comment: Laziness is a sin! We take ownership of our words! Good or bad they own you! They identify you! In God’s time you will reap a reward! Verse 10: As we have time and season let us labor and toil for what is profitable and useful to all men, especially to those that are of the family of religious Faith! Comment: Your labors for the word of God will profit many! Especially to fellow believers! You are saving the lost and encouraging believers! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who is The Greatest Terrorist on Planet Earth?

The greatest terrorist is the God of the Quran! I know this is dangerous and will offend many people. The more you follow the steps  of the Prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get closer and closer to becoming a terrorist! Mosab Hassan Yousef.  Mosab converted from Islam to Christianity in 1999. He was a Palestinian who worked for Israel’s Shin Bet from 1997-2007. The information he supplied to Israel prevented dozens of suicide attacks and assassinations! He exposed dozens of Hamas cells who are financed and supplied arms by Iran. He moved to the United States in 2007.