Judgment Free Zones? Isaiah 59:15

“Yes, truth faileth, and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And the Lord saw it, and it displeased the Lord by this evil that there was no judgment.” Comment: When any culture abandons Christ crazy things happen! This is just one of many! I saw on the News that a man committed a crime and his defense was he thought he did it in a judgment free zone? Whether it be sanctuary cities or judgment free zones the message is the same! If you live in the right zone you can commit crime and get away with it! Like God is not the ruler of the entire earth? Heaven and Hell is not a judgment free zone! Rather than repent to Christ and change your ways after Christ has taken your judgment you reject Christ and make my own world! They make themselves God! Any culture that legalizes sin in history has not lasted very long! Sin is sin and to legalize it whether gay marriage or drugs will have destructive consequences to any culture! Judgment is necessary to punish the wicked and reward the righteous! If we live in a culture where we punish the righteous and reward the wicked our doom is sure! The Deep State attack on our President Trump is the finest example going on in America right now! In the Old Testament there were sanctuary cities but the intent was not to protect criminals! They were designed to protect citizens who found themselves in difficult situations! An example would be a farmer who’s ox gored a stranger as the stranger crossed his land! To protect the farmer from revenge by the stranger’s family he was moved to a sanctuary city for a season! It was to protect the innocent! It says in Isaiah 5:20 that woe unto those who call evil good and good evil! This day has arrived for America today but God will still protect his own! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Galatians 6:7-10 (Greek Translation)

Verse 7; Do not go astray, do not be a tramp, the God of all is not mocked, for whatsoever the imperfect and mortal man sows that will he reap. Comment: When you sow a seed whether good or bad you will get a harvest! Life or death! Verse 8; For he that soweth to his mortal body shall of his mortal body reap decay and ruin, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life both past, present and future! Comment: Sowing to your mortal body is sin and death! Sowing to the Spirit is sowing salvation, love, peace, joy, and eternal life! Verse 9; Let us not be slothful and lose courage in valuable words for in ownership at the set and proper time we shall reap if we do not relax! Comment: Laziness is a sin! We take ownership of our words! Good or bad they own you! They identify you! In God’s time you will reap a reward! Verse 10: As we have time and season let us labor and toil for what is profitable and useful to all men, especially to those that are of the family of religious Faith! Comment: Your labors for the word of God will profit many! Especially to fellow believers! You are saving the lost and encouraging believers! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Who was Muhammad?

Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogamist, cult leader, a rapist, madman, a torturer, an assassin and a looter! Comment: Former Muslim Ali Sina offered $50 thousand dollars to anyone who could prove these statements wrong according to the Islamic texts! The reward has gone unclaimed! Let us unmask the political correct lies about Muhammad! He is a devil! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Being Awesome In Obscurity! Matthew Chapter 6.

Why do we do what we do? Motives! Great people of God always have seasons of obscurity! Jesus in the desert, John the Baptist, Apostle John and many more examples in the Old Testament. American culture counters the idea of obscurity with social networks, web sites, instant media flashes, ect. God has to prepare out hearts and will not let us go public until we are right with Him and our fellow man. Motive is the spiritual mirror of the heart. The truth of scripture divides the motives of the heart. No one can hide wrong motives from God. The religious leaders of Jesus day gave money to be honored by men. Jesus said to give in secret. Then God will reward you openly! You will notice Jesus mentions reward three times. You will notice in Matthew Chapter 5, verse 16 that Jesus says to let your light so shine. Is Jesus contradicting Himself or is He talking about two different things? Shine or do in secret? It is all about motive. Neither do we boast or hide. We are a peculiar people. When people ask about your Godly behavior share your story about how God has changed you! Jesus mentioned a reward five times when you do the following three things in secret! They are; Give, pray and fast. Jesus says when we do these things which means we do them regularly! All three of these things are costly! Giving costs us money. To pray costs us time. To some time is money. To fast costs us energy. Most people say they trust in God and few Christians will do these three things regularly. To do these things means we embrace weakness. Most Christian’s will want to tell others they are doing these three things. Why? Motive! The Pharisee’s were the religious super stars of Jesus day. They fasted, prayed and gave money openly for men to see with no effect or approval from God! There will be seasons of obscurity sent from God to you so that you get right with who you are and do not give up your identity to please men! In Luke Chapter 4, verse 14 we read He returned with Power of the Spirit! God will not give you a public platform until you are ready! When Jesus came up out of the water during Baptism His Father in Heaven said; ” This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!” What is the reward Jesus is talking about if we do these three things? Some Christians especially in America think it is money, big houses, fancy cars, gold, land, stocks, bonds, ect. Some will even borrow great amounts of money to show the world they are Blessed of God? The reward Jesus is talking about is this; ” His Presence. ” His love for you! An eternity spent with Him both now and forever! Source; Sermon notes from Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. July 14, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Colorado Catholic Buisness Owners defeat ObamaCare but punished by Denver City Council?

Denver City Council stops good citizen award to this Denver Buisness who has served Denver over 50 years! Siding with Obama instead of doing the right thing contradicts all that America stands for? When you punish the righteous to reward the wicked our existence is threatened! Please read Isaiah Chapter 5, Verse 20. Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com