International Travel For American’s 2015

The following story is true because my nephew just got back from the Middle East and shared these experiences with me! My nephew has to travel international with a company based here in America. On this trip his first stop was Saudi Arabia. The first two weeks seemed uneventful as he traveled by taxi from his Hotel to the work site. He traveled the same route everyday. On the 3rd week of his stay the taxi driver picked him up as usual from his Hotel but then diverted to a very dark dangerous area of the city? Then once in this area the cab driver slowed the vehicle down to a crawl and asked him what religion he was? The driver told my nephew you must tell me your religion in a very threatening way? He kept asking the question over and over again? The Holy Spirit then told my nephew what to say! He said, “I know the King!” He meant Jesus but the taxi driver thought he meant the King of Saudi Arabia! So the driver quickly took him to the job site! Then things got worse! The next day another cab driver picked him up from the Hotel and he also diverted from the route! The driver told him an Imam wants to ask you some questions and took him to a Mosque! The Imam told my nephew that how you answer the following question will determine whether you live or die! The question was, “Where is Mohammad right now?” The Holy Spirit gave my nephew another good answer! My nephew said, “Mohammad is in the lap of Allah!” My nephew did not share the last part of the answer which was that they are both in Hell right now! Then things got worse again! When he left the airport for another Muslim country that country rejected his entry and sent him back to Saudi Arabia? He asked the immigration at the airport why would you deny entry when I have proper visa and paper work for entry? They would not give him an answer? When he arrived back at the airport in Saudi Arabia the immigration told him he must enter a bus and go to another destination and board a certain bus number at that destination? When he arrived he got in line to purchase his ticket but while in line a man approached him and asked him why he was boarding this bus? He told my nephew that this bus was for illegal immigrants! He told him this bus will take you to the Yemen boarder where armed guards will escort you across the border where you proceed on foot across the desert! My nephew got on another bus and returned to his Hotel and googled a map of Saudi Arabia. He noted a smaller city that had an airport. He took a bus to that airport and boarded a plane and got out of country! He had to spend another $1500 hundred dollars in transportation charges but got out alive! Under President Obama American’s are no longer respected! Our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no longer trust us! Without the help of the Holy Spirit my nephew never would have made it back to America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jihad Here In America!

This year Obama wants to bring about 13000 refugee’s from the Middle East! If there are any Christian refugee’s among them I will be very surprised? There is no way to screen these Muslim refugee’s to see if they are Jihadists? Are we going to call ISSIS and find out if they are good people? Remember the Boston Marathon Bombers were refugee’s! The FBI knew of the attack coming on Pam Geller 3 hours before the attack and did nothing? Obama is trying to make good guys out of bad guys by calling them good guys! Obama is trying to degrade civil law enforcement by trying to make them bad guys! It seems that all the recent civil unrest is working for him! I believe Obama never intends to leave the White House! If he can break down civil authority, weaken our military, legalize the illegal, break down our economic system and strengthen our enemies he just may get the job done in the next two years! He is importing terrorists to America through the refugee program! I never thought the day would come where every American citizen must arm themselves! How do you protect yourself? First avoid large crowds! If you are a large church then you need security guards! Even a smaller church needs security! Avoid shopping malls! Buy your stuff in smaller shops or purchase on-line. Athletic events will also be targets! If you have a weapon or get a weapon you do not need a lot of fire power! We never plan to use our weapons! They are for defense only! Avoid automatic pistol’s! The loaded magazine spring will weaken over time and then the gun will jam when you need it! Get an old six shooter pistol and get an extra cylinder. If you keep a weapon in your vehicle have a safe anchored to the frame of your vehicle. Do not keep the safe key on your vehicle key chain! The same goes for your home safe! When storing your weapon keep the cylinder out of the gun frame. This way the weapon is unloaded but can be quickly loaded. You can put a small drop of silicon on each bullet and preload the cylinders so the bullets will not fall out of the cylinders when you move them! If the bad guys have weapons and you do not they will win! If you have no weapons training get some! You are probably saying just pray! There are a lot of Christians walking around trying to find their heads! You may think I am crazy but I see what is coming to America! Your protection of your family is first your responsibility! Police are becoming so paranoid they don’t want to stop anyone! Our Constitutional right of American’s is to protect our families and our nation! Do not be looking for a fight but if it comes to you be prepared! God Bless America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Humility For Pride! John Chapter 13

During Jesus last 3 years of ministry He would sometimes  say my time has not come yet! However in John Chapter 12 we see a change where Jesus says my time has now come! The word time means to honor! The word honor means to promote! Jesus promoted you from Hell to Heaven! Jesus promoted His Father! Jesus got promoted and is seated at the right hand of our Father today interceding for us in prayer! What is our response to Christians being beheaded around the world?  How do we respond to violence? Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! Jesus was also living in violent times! Jesus life was just not hanging around shepherds anchored to green pastures!  The Romans ruled through fear and violence! The same for the Middle East today! In Jesus day swords, spears and crosses ruled the day! The good Samaritan got beat up! Mr. Rogers could not have lived in this neighborhood! John 13:3-5 Why was this foot washing so offensive to Peter and the disciples? In the Jewish culture only gentiles could wash a Jews feet! A Jew could never wash another Jew’s feet! Jesus stepped on their pride! Never let your culture separate you from God! Jesus was never careless with His authority. He used it to draw people to God! Jesus shows us and His disciples that serving confronts our pride! Sometimes we have pride we are not even aware of! Pride hung on the religious and political rulers but could not cling to Jesus! Matthew 6:1-4 Jesus warned us not to let acts of kindness be seen of men. Give in secret! When was the last time you served in secret? There are 3 ways to serve. 1. Serve to be seen by others. 2. Serve in secret but to be proud of it! Self  righteous! 3. Serve in secret as worship to God! Do we serve to impress God? Serve in pride? Do you think you are better than those you serve? John 13:34-35  Jesus gave us a new commandment! It covers the other ten! Love one another! I thought just my family and church members? Help those who cannot help you! Serving others is the most powerful witness to the world! The watching world will never agree with all our theology but are fascinated with our behavior of helping others! Serve the widow’s, orphans and the hurting! The one’s nearest us know us best! How do the one’s closest to you describe you? Do they call us servants? He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! Carl Marks had a philosophy but it was not a reality? He got his best friend’s wife pregnant and then sent the baby to an orphanage! Let Christ’s love categorize you! Be a servant at home first then to the church and then to the world! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Story Behind 21 Coptic Christian Beheadings!

Our church supports Pastor’s in the Middle East. Our Pastor in Egypt gave us some details about these executions. ISIS rounded up a group of Christian’s then one by one asked them to deny Christ or die! Out of this group these 21 men would not deny Christ! Notice there were no women executed? Muslim’s will keep the women for sex slaves either for themselves or sell them to other Muslim countries! A lot of young girl’s have been sold to the surrounding area’s such as to Saudi Arabia and others! Under the current political situation here in America some of us may have to make this choice also! You need to decide now what decision you would make if asked to deny Christ or die? In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse

Suggested Name Change For Washington Redskins!

I hereby suggest the new name should be the Washington Pigskins! My only concern is Obama may still sue the team representing the Geico Pig! Obama is pushing Global Warming again? With the Middle East on fire and our southern border being invaded are there not more important issues? The political issue of Global warming can be simply defeated by looking at science! All the planets are heating up not just the earth! Our sun has an 11 year solar flare cycle where solar activity is at it’s highest. The earth also has cooling cycles! God has this figured out and we do not need another tax on us from Obama for another scheme! If our President would stop Iran from building their atomic bomb then our planet would not heat up so much! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Martyrdom Doubled in 2013, Persecution Growing!

The number of Christians murdered for their faith almost doubled in 2013 over the previous year, according to an annual survey by Open Doors, a non-denominational ministry that monitors the persecution of believers and supports persecuted Christians worldwide. Hardline Islamist regimes and Islamic terrorists—many funded by the Obama administration and other western governments—were behind most of the slaughter. However, for the 12th year in a row, the autocracy lording over North Korea was ranked as the number one persecutor of Christians in the world. According to the organization’s findings in it’s open doors World Watch List, released last week. Christians are still by far the most persecuted demographic on earth–and the trends are getting worse. In 2012, the group’s annual report documented the martyrdom of more than 1200 Christian’s. Last year there were more than that martyred just in Syria, where the Obama administration and a coalition of it’s allies–mostly European governments and Sunni Arab dictators–have been arming and funding jihadist rebel groups. Overall, the report documented 2123 murders of Christians for their faith in 2013. An estimated 100 million believers in Christ, meanwhile, still suffer from ruthless persecution around the globe, Open Doors has found. Among the other atrocities carried out against Christians for their faith; imprisonment, torture, rape, execution, forced labor, and more. Christians are persecuted in more than 65 countries around the world, with a vast majority in Africa and Asia–and especially in the middle east, where Islamist rulers often purport to make faith in Christ a crime. Source; Alex Newman, January 16, 2014.

War Against Israel Equals Atomic War! Zechariah 14:12

Zechariah says,”Their flesh shall consume away while they stand on their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth!” This prophecy was written 2500 years ago! If you go to the Book of Revelation and do a word study the word plague used there translates from the Greek as, “melt away.” We have seen the effects of Atomic war on Japan during World War II. Remember Japan joined Hitler with Italy known as the Axis Power. Hitler’s priority was to exterminate the Jews from the face of the earth! The Muslims joined him then as they do today to exterminate the Jews! Hitler almost succeeded were it not for a Jew. How far was Germany from an atomic weapon at the end of World war II? Evidence says exactly one year! At the end of the war the allies discovered a four engine jet bomber in a secluded hangar in Germany. The two engine proto type had already been test flown. It had a delta wing design with payload ability to reach New York City! It also had twice the speed of any existing allied aircraft. Albert Einstein, a Jew was a professor at Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1933. He was visiting America then when Hitler came to power. He did not return to Germany. In 1940 Einstein wrote four letters to President Roosevelt. He warned Roosevelt that Germany was developing a super bomb that could wipe out an entire city! You can read these letters on-line which are very interesting and detail Germany’s research at that time. In one of these letters he warned Roosevelt that Germany was blocking all Uranium sales from German occupied Czechoslovakian mines! These letters prompted Roosevelt to start the Manhattan Project! Israel has had conventional wars since becoming a nation in 1948. Now the balance of power is shifting in the middle east! President Obama has given Iran the green light for Iran to complete it’s atomic weapon development! Israel has about 80 atomic tipped missiles. Most are set to guard Israel’s back side which is Russia. With the entire middle east in chaos and Russia and Iran filling the vacuum left by American foreign policy failures the stage is being set for Zechariah 14:12. The Good News is there came another Jew Jesus Christ who has made a way of escape for you! No government can save you! Your Pastor cannot save you! Only Christ! Save you from the plagues coming upon the earth! Remember the Anti-Christ will also be Jewish! Which Jew are you going to follow? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Deaths of Christian “Martyrs” Doubled in 2013

More Christians were killed in Syria in 2013 than worldwide the year before! Open Doors, a non-denominational group that supports persecuted Christians, said that 2123 Christians were killed because of their faith in 2013, up from 1201 the year before. Reuters reported that 1213 martyrs were reported in Syria alone! The complete failure of the Arab Spring with no strong dictators left to keep the most violent elements of Islam in check has released an unprecedented wave of violence to Christians across the Middle East and Africa. Let us not forget our very own 4 American’s killed in Benghazi! As Hal Lindsey has said before we must remember our brothers and sisters living in desperate conditions and pray for them and help them! One day when severe persecution comes to America we will need their prayers and help! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Surprised By Joy!

This is the 3rd Sunday of Advent. The season of Advent helps us to shape and impact our culture. The Christmas story is ripe with revelation! Luke1:30 The angel appears to Mary! Of all the Prophets Isaiah had the most revelation about the coming Messiah! Isaiah Chapter 9. Isaiah focused on this Prophetic message. We have a gap of time between the old and new testament of 400 years. It is sometimes called the years of silence. About as much time as the Jews were in slavery in Egypt. No Prophets spoke and no further revelation was given during these silent years. The stage was set at the end of the old testament and the curtain was drawn. Is God silent in your life? Have you been listening for Him or just too busy? Then after 400 years of darkness the curtain is split in two! Light appears from darkness! At a time least expected! God will surprise you! Do you have an expectation from Him? God came into my life when I least expected it! Has He come for you? Advent is about Him coming to you! Do you need to welcome Him? When Jesus was born in Bethlehem wise men from the East following His star showed up in Jerusalem. King Herod heard about this and was very disturbed! He was rattled! Herod was jealous! King Jesus was a direct threat to him. Herod the Great was from Idumea and was a descendant of the Edomites who were the family of Esau. These descendants of Esau were always attacking Jacob’s family. Remember Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the Edomites vanished from history. Herod ordered an abortion of all the children two years old and younger and knives thrust into the bellies women that were pregnant. Yes, the Devil believes in Christmas! The world worships power, position and influence. Not much room for a baby. It is interesting how God uses vulnerable people to accomplish His work! God uses two pregnant women to prepare the way for the Savior of the world! Do you qualify as vulnerable? Homeless, pregnant, broken, betrayed, on dope, rejected, divorced or disabled? Are you without hope? Then you qualify for God to use you in a big way! He is looking for people who will be testimonies for Him! Pass the test and trust God at His Word! The baby Elizabeth was carrying(John the Baptist), leaped for Joy in her womb when Elizabeth heard the news from Mary about her visitation and God’s plan for the King and Son of God to be born by her! Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit! Luke 1:39-41. Do not try to live without the Holy Spirit for He gives you the power to live a victorious life! Without the Holy Spirit you will be like the Pharisee’s who knew about God but did not know Him! Luke 2:25-26. Next an old vulnerable man named Simeon who was just and devout got surprised by the Holy Spirit with Joy and was told he would not die until he has seen the Christ. Luke 2: 36-38. Here we see Anna a Prophetess and widow most of her life who served in the Temple get surprised with Joy! Do you lack surprise? Is life dull and routine? Hopeless? Broken dreams? Remember Joy is a gift! God does not just give joy but He is Joy! In His presence is fullness of Joy! Joy is not happiness. Our Constitution says we have the right to pursue happiness! Happiness you have to pursue or try to chase down by your own efforts! It depends on the economy, politicians, health, ect. Joy is a gift and never earned! The price has been paid for you! Galatians 5:22. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. What are the enemies of Joy? Pride, self, criticism, sarcasm, ect. Do you find fault with everything? Do you leave any room for beauty? No room for Jesus in your Inn? Have you been wounded or hurt by someone? See the beauty of God! No one on earth loves you like Him! He will never leave you or forsake you! He is different from us! I am not offering you a Christian but Christ Himself! Never lose your fascination, awe and wonder for Him! Go for beauty and be surprised by Joy! Joy is a person and not a benefit! The Holy Spirit is a person! The benefits come with the person and not apart from Him! Psalm 16:8-11. Do not get fixed on our cultural problems. Important but not your focus! Rather than be a student of culture be a Worshipper of God! Set the Lord before you. Have fullness of Joy and pleasures forevermore! You can hear bad news but still have Joy. Turn off the news networks this season and enter into His rest! Focus on Christ! Spend time with Him! The word time means, :”To Honor.” Psalm 16:9 Rest in Hope! My heart is glad and rejoices. Joy is an inside job! Your body rests secure. An external God who gives internal pleasure. From without to within! Joy comes at unusual times and unusual places through unusual persons! Is your heart prepared to be surprised by Joy? Source; Sermon notes taken from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday December 15, 2013.

Jesus – An Illegal Immigrant? Genesis 14:13

The word Hebrew means, “Immigration.” Immigration is a hot topic in America right now mostly for political reasons with upcoming mid-term elections. Jesus was from Heaven yet born on the earth. He immigrated to earth. We are all earthly immigrants passing through this planet. The word Hebrew also means to cross-over. Did you notice the word, “Cross?” It also means the opposite side as of a river (east of the Jordan). True Christians will always be on the opposite side of culture whether it be gays, abortion, ect. The word can also mean to pass away or deliver over. It can also mean to cover in copulation. Our sin is covered in His Blood! Christ came from Heaven to earth to bring Heaven to us. He got on a Cross to build a bridge to Heaven for us. We all need a cross-over from death to life. Only one bridge leads to Heaven. What bridge are you on? The materialism bridge? The bridge of atheism, secularism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Darwaiism, Marxism, or you may be on the republican, democratic, liberal, conservative bridge? Are you on the race bridge? Abraham was a foreigner in a strange land but he was not a foreigner to God! God put him “in trust” to secure a land and a people through Christ that number more than the sands of the sea! You can only pass-over with a Pass Port with a Visa stamped Heaven in Christ’s Blood! Get on that one way highway to Heaven through Jesus Christ. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.