Revolution over history have had different motives with different outcomes! The Russian Revolution which brought in socialism and communism took absolute control of the people and their property by the State! The Revolution produced about 20 million casualties! Earlier we had the American Revolution and a few years later the French Revolution. In the American Revolution people migrated from Europe who were suppressed by the Church/State relationship! They wanted religious freedom! The American Church supported the Revolution and separated from England. There were about 8000 casualties in this war. A few years later the French Revolution came along! The French Revolution was a war against the Church/State! The Enlightenment era with Voltaire and other anti-Christian thinkers sprang up all over France! The French Revolution had over one million casualties and concluded with the Napoleon Wars! The Church and the State were never merged again! We also must not forget history in that France was over run by the Muslims in 700 A.D. So the Church and the State came together with the Crusaders to push the Islamists out of France! When any culture is threatened with extinction then the Church and State should join together! Today the battle lines are drawn between globalism and nationalism! Globalism is a quest for a one world government! Nationalism is for State sovereignty. According to our Bible the end of this age will feature a one world government which will last for 7 years known as the Tribulation period! Our last two World Wars were waged in the name of nationalism but they went global. Globalism is an ideology with no borders, socialized medicine, sanctuary cities, illegal immigration, no voter I.D.’s, the UN and the EU. Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel. He did not say to go out politically, religiously, militarily to do violence! The Islamists through revolution and their wars over history have spread violence into the earth! By their present wars they have planted refugee’s into the cities of Europe and America! These Islamic plants are reaping havoc around the world! The good news is some of the old empty Christian Cathedrals in Europe are being filled up by Muslim converts! Jesus has given us some signs of the end of the age! However Jesus Himself does not know the time of His second coming! He told us it was in the hands of the Father! Live your life as though he was coming today! Those in Christ will not look to the one world government as a solution except it will usher in Christ’s Millenium! Those in love with the world and not Christ will look to the Anti-Christ as his one world solution! Globalism is a return to the Tower of Babel. Man’s solutionĀ is a manifestation of his fallen sin nature! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: christians
The Barbarian Barabbas!
Except for Jesus everyone is a barbarian! You cannot make yourself Holy but Jesus can! Crucify Him was also your cry from your mother’s womb! You and I sent Jesus to the Cross! Religion crucified Jesus and religion today persecutes Jews and Christians! Repentant sinners have come to recognize there is no power within men to change their wicked ways only Christ has the power with love to change the heart! Atheists and world religions have one objective! That is to frame an ideology where men do not have to change their moral behavior! If you believe there is no God then you do not have to change your behavior! You have no one to answer to! If you kill and murder in the name of religion you try to use God to justify your sin! Christ has come to save you from yourself and others! Like Barabbas you should have gone to the gallows but were set free as Christ paid your penalty! Christ without sin took your sin on the Cross! The passion took away and covered your sin in His blood! Compassion means to suffer with! Christ took on the suffering of the world! Only God could do this for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Easter Truth! John 5:28-29
These are the words of Jesus spoken from the Book of John! This is not my opinion! These words spoken by Jesus here are also confirmed by other scriptures including the Old Testament! The truth spoken here by Jesus here says that all will be raised from the dead! The believers and unbelievers! I believe this truth is forgotten in most Easter Messages! We forget the Bible applies to everyone whether you believe it or not! The righteous raised to everlasting life and the unrighteous raised to judgment and the second death or lake of fire! This truth makes the Salvation message even more important! Most of the 21 Century preaching today is a soft petal message of Jesus! Jesus was a lamb at His first coming but will be a lion at His second coming! How does a culture try to deny the truth about what Jesus said in this scripture in John? If you try to deny the grave then you could avoid any resurrection! Right? Three ways those at war with God in American culture do this! First they deny the existence of God! Atheism which includes Darwinism and evolution and the junk science that tries to validate it! Second the grave is denied through abortion! To abort a baby in the womb and cut it to pieces and sell the body parts is to deny this soul’s existence! No grave no resurrection! Abortion is also about money! Money is the root of all evil! Sadly millions of dollars of our tax money is used to do these atrocities on millions of children! Cremation is also a denial of the soul and the grave! Cremation is promoted as a method to save money? Save it for abortion! If you have no body you have no grave! War itself is a denial of the human soul and the sanctity of life! Islam claims it is their duty to kill Christian’s and Jews? Cut their heads off and separate the body and deny the grave! They also claim it is their job to eradicate a whole race of people in Israel? Hitler echoed the same words! He used cremation on 6 million! Rather than try to deny life and the grave would it not be better that your eternity is predicated on what you do with Jesus Christ! When the train blows the whistle and you are not on board it will be too late! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Public Worship! Hebrews 10:25
The message here is to the Gentile-Jewish Christians! It is believed by Biblical scholars that the Book of Hebrews was written prior to the destruction of the Jewish Temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. What was Paul trying to tell us? Why should we not forsake public worship? First let us look at Heaven! Do the believers in Heaven forsake assembling together? Is one believer on the golf course and one working a Sunday job? Believers by the billions are surrounding the Throne of God worshiping! Our High Priest is in Heaven! Remember the part of our Lord’s prayer that says, “On earth as it is in Heaven!” Jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name so will i be there!” Satan’s followers are gathered together warring against the Saints and have a congregation in Hell. Paul went on to say we are to exhort and encourage each other! What did Paul mean by the day approaching? Some scholars believe Paul was warning the church of the coming destruction of the Jewish Temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Jesus predicted this! Some scholars think Paul was talking about Jesus second coming! Paul could have been talking about both events! Paul was also warning people who claimed to be Christian yet have forsaken public worship! We are to practice Holiness here on earth! This life is dress rehearsal for Heaven! If we are doing something different than we would do in Heaven while on earth we have missed the Ark! Remember Jesus taught and worshiped in the Jewish Temple! So did Paul. Paul knew that the Christians would be scattered throughout the realm after the 70 A.D. apocalypse! He wanted the flock to regroup and continue worship after the pattern set before them in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Psychology of Religion!
David Wood has an upcoming video on YouTube that will explore the psychology of Mohammad and why he included elements of Christianity and Judaism in his proclaimed visions of God! Then why did he command his followers to kill Christians and Jews? When David completes this study i will post a summary on our blog. I want to give you an example of the psychology of religion! When the Muslims invaded North India centuries ago they slaughtered millions of Hindus! In order to survive the Hindus adopted elements of Islam in their religion! Today that new religion Sikhism has both elements of Hinduism and Islam! Dinesh D’Souza has discovered something interesting while debating atheists in universities across America! He has found atheists are not really atheists but are mad at God! So they will psychologically create an alternative view and teach this to their students in colleges and universities across America to get a following and get even with God! Lenin was also mad at God! So was Darwin and his evolutionary push back! These are fascinating studies and i consider David Wood an expert on Islam from his years of intensive study on this religion. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Does God Keep His Promise? Genesis 17:8
Abraham lived about 3600 years ago! God made a promise to him then that he and his descendants would inherit the Land of Canaan! Remember Canaan was one of the son’s of Noah who was cursed by God for exposing his father’s nakedness! So what Empires occupied and controlled the Land of Canaan over the last 3600 years since Abraham? The Empires of Babylon, Egyptian, Hittite, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman (Muslims), French and the United Kingdom! Then in 1948 the Land of Canaan was declared the State of Israel. Since 1948 Israel has had to fight wars to secure her freedom! The still have to be vigilant as they are surrounded by their enemies! God does keep His promises and history and science defend the promises in our Bible! Let me be clear to Christian’s that if God were not to keep His covenant promises to Israel He would never keep His promises to you! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Signs of Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:9-10
Verse 9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” A report yesterday said 90 thousand Christian’s were killed in 2016! These numbers are beginning to equal or exceed the early church persecutions! Is Jesus screening out the fakes before His return? That is those still standing? In the next verse 10 as a consequence many shall leave the Faith! Today in America i can skip Sunday services and cheat on my tithes and no one will know except God! However if i have to choose Christ or my life this is a very different test! Most will serve Christ if the benefits are good such as an income tax deduction and a favorable view from friends and family. What Jesus said would come before His second coming is here and also coming to America! We need to make up our minds today what we would do when this comes so we can be prepared! Like today you will either confess or deny Jesus! If we practice today to confess Him then it will be much harder to deny Him in the future! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Stolen Treasure! 2 Kings 24:13
All the treasure of the House of the Lord that King Solomon had spent a lifetime amassing was carried off by Persian King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon! All the gold, silver and vessels of the Temple and the King’s House were cut in pieces and carried off! What lesson can we learn from this? Hundred of years later Jesus predicted the Temple of Jerusalem would be destroyed again! About 40 years after His death and resurrection during the Roman/Jewish War (66-70A.D.), the Jewish Temple was destroyed and the treasure was carried off back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves! The Jewish slaves and treasure was used to build the Roman Coliseum! Then the early Christian’s were martyred in the same Coliseum! History has shown us that when Jew’s are persecuted so are the Christians! Same holds true today in 2016! The Apostle Paul talked about treasure in earthen vessels! The treasure inside each human was given to us by God! It is a gift and no human can steal it! What we do with this treasure is very important! If we claim it as our own then we are stealing treasure from God! The treasure within you is priceless and has eternal purpose! It will last forever! Our purpose in Christ is found on earth and prepares us for Heaven! Remember after death we come back to earth again with Christ for the one thousand year rule of earth following the seven year tribulation period! If you have been faithful here on the earth with the real treasure then expect greater responsibility later in His Kingdom there and when you return with Him again to earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Have We Learned Anything Since 9-11?
Nothing! Our political leaders act as though the problem does not exist? Our military will win wars if their hands are not tied behind their backs! No one knows the Islamic playbook? No one has read the Quran? The Jihadist playbook is open for all to see! Christian’s ignorantly think they follow Biblical rules? Our current administration acts as though they are our friends? In fact they give them material support and aid our enemies! If we are to prevent a bigger attack than 9-11 then political correctness must go and we must recognize who our enemies are! Hillary Clinton took millions of dollars in bribes from Muslim governments while she was Secretary of State! She owes them big favors! Payback for the American citizen on the street could be very costly! Would you elect a leader as President of the United States who owed more favors to foreign governments than the citizens of the United States? Think about it?? A vote for her is a vote for Islam and the terrorism they will execute on America and Israel. Let not those 3000 American human sacrifices and the thousands of military members who were killed or maimed not be sacrificed in vain! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.