Psychology of Religion!

David Wood has an upcoming video on YouTube that will explore the psychology of Mohammad and why he included elements of Christianity and Judaism in his proclaimed visions of God! Then why did he command his followers to kill Christians and Jews? When David completes this study i will post a summary on our blog. I want to give you an example of the psychology of religion! When the Muslims invaded North India centuries ago they slaughtered millions of Hindus! In order to survive the Hindus adopted elements of Islam in their religion! Today that new religion Sikhism has both elements of Hinduism and Islam! Dinesh D’Souza has discovered something interesting while debating atheists in universities across America! He has found atheists are not really atheists but are mad at God! So they will psychologically create an alternative view and teach this to their students in colleges and universities across America to get a following and get even with God! Lenin was also mad at God! So was Darwin and his evolutionary push back! These are fascinating studies and i consider David Wood an expert on Islam from his years of intensive study on this religion. James and Hamsa Sasse.