Have We Learned Anything Since 9-11?

Nothing! Our political leaders act as though the problem does not exist? Our military will win wars if their hands are not tied behind their backs! No one knows the Islamic playbook? No one has read the Quran? The Jihadist playbook is open for all to see! Christian’s ignorantly think they follow Biblical rules? Our current administration acts as though they are our friends? In fact they give them material support and aid our enemies! If we are to prevent a bigger attack than 9-11 then political correctness must go and we must recognize who our enemies are! Hillary Clinton took millions of dollars in bribes from Muslim governments while she was Secretary of State! She owes them big favors! Payback for the American citizen on the street could be very costly! Would you elect a leader as President of the United States who owed more favors to foreign governments than the citizens of the United States? Think about it?? A vote for her is a vote for Islam and the terrorism they will execute on America and Israel. Let not those 3000 American human sacrifices and the thousands of military members who were killed or maimed not be sacrificed in vain! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is “Sware” a Good Word? Deuteronomy 6:13

When I was a small boy my mommy told me not to sware! I always though that to sware was using a bad word. Deuteronomy 6:13 says, “Thou shall fear the Lord thy God, and serve Him and shall sware by His name.” The word serve here means to labor or work. I cannot have a tithe or offering for God unless I work. The word sware here means to repeat something seven times. The number seven in scripture is a number meaning completion. Such as seven days in a week or seven days in Creation of the world. It means to take an oath. The Lord swears by Himself because there is none greater! God swore to Bless Abraham’s descendants! God also swore by His Holiness to lead Israel into captivity. Abraham made his servants sware an oath to get Isaac a wife from Abraham’s own people. In Revelation 10:6 the Angel swares by Him that liveth forever Creator of Heaven and earth and that time shall be no longer. In our Bible the word is used 80 times in different scripture. Here this word is the same meaning for both the Hebrew and Greek word. Do not confuse the word vain with the word sware used in scripture. The word vain used in the 3rd Commandment in Exodus 20:7 is a very different word! This word means to use words to try to ruin His name! To use vanity, deceit and lies to spread a falsehood about God. One example would be in the Koran where it says Jesus did not die on the Cross! Vain means to use words to devalue God! Vanity means to no purpose! When we command and sware in Christ’s name to heal the sick or cast out demons then we are using His name with purpose to establish Heaven on earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

US Intervention in Syria? Genesis 16:12

Over 93000 casualties in Syria over past two years. Iran and Russia are supporting Syria. The US was to pull all forces out of Iraq next month but the US military leaders say will not be possible with all sides feuding and elections next month. Will have to stay to see if stability will come? Afghanistan falling apart as we prepare to leave. Libya was a disaster for us in trying to get a democracy going? Giving tons of money to Egypt to try to buy stability? With hundreds of billions of dollars of debt fighting the muslims over past 12 years where are we going? Do we give up and surrender to tyranny? What does the Bible say about this problem? The Bible says the descendants of Ishmael will be wild men and every man against his brother. One of the few things I did agree with was President Obama’s do nothing policy on Syria! It looks like he is changing since use of chemical weapons in region? In Islam there are no good and bad guys! They are all bad! The military weapons we would give them would be turned on us sooner or later. I would suggest to our elected leaders to make decisions based on Biblical values and not just jump into a fight knowing the spending of our blood and money would be in vain trying to help an enemy who abhors our American values! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com