Fear or Faith? Isaiah 51:12

Hebrew Translation: “Even I, am he that has compassion on you. I have repented that I have made man and have changed my heart and attitude to console you. You can take a deep breath of relief. Why should you fear man when you have reverence for me? Man’s weakness of the flesh shall lead to his death. His descendants are made as the grass that will perish.” Comment: The fear of man is what leads to all wars! The fear of death is what leads men to cause the death of others! Religions are formed out of the fear of death! Islam is a prime example! Martyrdom they believe is their only way to God? So suicide is their means to salvation! Faith is just the opposite of fear! God has made the way for our salvation not by any effort of mortal men! The God/Man Christ God’s only Son provided the sacrifice for our redemption! It is not attained by my own efforts but by God’s grace! So my future is not dependent on me but on what God has already done for me! If we will rest in this promise peace will follow! Jesus has promised to those that trust in him he will raise from the dead! Not to cause death but to deliver us from it! Sin is our real enemy with death it’s consequence! To defeat our last enemy death is what God has done for us! If you cannot get excited about this truth then nothing will excite you! When Christ delivered me from my death bed 45 years ago I have a passion for him that no fire can put out! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

The Barbarian Barabbas!

Except for Jesus everyone is a barbarian! You cannot make yourself Holy but Jesus can! Crucify Him was also your cry from your mother’s womb! You and I sent Jesus to the Cross! Religion crucified Jesus and religion today persecutes Jews and Christians! Repentant sinners have come to recognize there is no power within men to change their wicked ways only Christ has the power with love to change the heart! Atheists and world religions have one objective! That is to frame an ideology where men do not have to change their moral behavior! If you believe there is no God then you do not have to change your behavior! You have no one to answer to! If you kill and murder in the name of religion you try to use God to justify your sin! Christ has come to save you from yourself and others! Like Barabbas you should have gone to the gallows but were set free as Christ paid your penalty! Christ without sin took your sin on the Cross! The passion took away and covered your sin in His blood! Compassion means to suffer with! Christ took on the suffering of the world! Only God could do this for you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com