More Monkey Buisness!

There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there is no need for the prop of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is dead and buried. There is no need for fixed and natural law or permanent moral absolutes. Schools should take an active part in directing social changes, and share in the construction of a new social order. John Dewey (1859-1952), Founder of Progressive Movement in American Public Education. Comment: Public education is not about learning skills like reading, writing and arithmetic! America education has fallen in rank to 16th worldwide! There are some third world countries than do better in ranking! Public education is about social engineering of your children into the Godless religion of Darwinism! Dewey is the product of Darwinism himself! Notice he was born the same year Darwinism began to be taught in Public education! Today 20 percent of high school graduates cannot read! The sexual identity may be questioned of your children by the social engineers of your children in public schools! Then you as a parent may be ordered to give them hormone treatments! So what is the solution! At your level could be home schooling or private schools? Vote conservatives into office in your community and nationally to privatize education with choices! Choices bring competition and the bad schools will fail! As long as you the taxpayer lets the government mandate where your child can go to school bondage will secure their future! School vouchers are another avenue! The only choice right now are charter schools! But the Democrats have been trying to kill this program! They are the best performing schools! Elizabeth Warren wants to eliminate them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Monkey Buisness!

According to the Pew Research Center analysis (2013), 60% of Americans say that, “humans and other living things have evolved over time.” While 33% reject the idea of evolution, saying that “humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.” There is also a sizable difference by party affiliation in beliefs about evolution, and the gap between Republicans and Democrats has grown! In 2009, 54% of Republicans and 64% of democrats said humans evolved over time a difference of 10 percentage points. In 2013 the same poll we have 43% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats say humans have evolved, a 24 point gap. Comment: Looks like the Creationists are winning this battle! But still why are so many Democrats and Republicans evolutionists? The reason is very simple! Whether a Republican or a Democrat you all attended public schools! That is a government school! Very few can afford a private school which I have asked President Trump to change with school vouchers! Government funded schools push Darwinism! I was a sophomore in high school back in 1965. Trouble then like here  today! We were in the middle of the Vietnam War! Kennedy had recently been assassinated! Race riots in the streets! Riots on college campuses! Military called out for civil unrest! But I was still thankful for life! My biology teacher gave us a disclaimer before his lecture on Evolution saying we do not have to believe this but I have to teach it! I doubt today there are anymore disclaimers? My first thought was does my teacher believe in evolution? So I asked him after class. He told me he could not tell me? Why would this teacher be fearful to say? I thought there is a hierarchy above him with a gun to his head! Later after Salvation I learned from my Bible that there are principalities and powers of darkness in this world! Jesus did not go the Cross to die for a monkey! He was not raised from the dead for a monkey! He did that for you! Darwin’s lie about our origin devalues man and devalues God! We were Created in the Image of God! You cannot devalue man without devaluing God! You cannot devalue God without devaluing man! Darwin has done both! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Biblical Socialism! 2 Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if anyone would not work, neither should he eat! Apostle Paul. Comment: This would solve our National debt problem that threatens our survival as a nation! The only thing that keeps us from the financial collapse is capitalism! However socialism is gaining ground! The left goes after business with more taxes and more regulations! They bite the hand that feeds them! If they have their way then the collapse is imminent! No nation in the history of the earth has survived socialism! It is the anti-Biblical model alive and well in the Democratic party! To vote for a Democrat is ignorant of both the Bible and history! The left wants to stay in power by borrowing money we do not have to keep promises we cannot afford! James and Hamsa Sasse.

America’s Internal Breakup!

It is encouraging to see the African America Pastor’s in the Baltimore area and their congregations working together to restore order! I wish I could say the same for the political leadership? The conclusion from the Ferguson trouble was not enough minorities on the police force there! Baltimore has a minority police force so wrong conclusion there! Evil seems to be well represented across all racial lines! I feel like I am back in the 1960’s again! When I was back in high school then my prayer was the 1960’s would never return to America again! I since then thought we have moved past that! History does repeat itself! If we are looking for someone to blame who is it? Is it the African American business owners who now have their shops burned down? Is it the police officers who are in the hospital wondering who is going to take care of their families? Is it the elderly who do not have a care home facility now? America seems like the American Indian who is sawing up a wooden Indian for firewood to stay warm! We are at the tipping point now where we can no longer trust government because they are no longer interested in the welfare of it’s citizens but promote their own political agenda. The Church has to step up to the plate and hit a home run! If it strikes out our doom is sure! God Bless America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

True or False? Matthew 7:15-23

False Prophets! Not all that shines is gold! Jesus warning His disciples. Wolves attack just to kill while other beasts kill only for food. Assassins! Dressed in sheep clothing. They look like you, dress like you, have a good church language but are suicide bombers wearing a Christian costume. Intentional people who purposely mislead us to hurt. Evil at the core. Verse 16- By their fruit you will recognize them. Good or Bad! True or False! Pay attention to the right thing. Walk and be not deceived. Good fruit is moral fruit. Bad fruit is immoral or evil fruit. Verses 21-23. Final Judgment! I prophesied in your name? I cast out demons in your name? I did miracles in your name? Jesus said but I never knew you! Worst thing you could ever hear! Warning! Big crowds always follow those who perform prophecy, cast out demons and perform miracles. They may be genuine or total deceivers? Work for the right fruit. Do they sell products and then sprinkle Jesus on top of their sales pitch? How does fruit come? Fruit takes time to produce. Galatians 5:22- Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace———-. Is our motivation on self or Christ? Look for sound doctrine! Is your household built on sand or rock? 2Timothy 4:3-4. People want a doctrine that fits their desires. Our desire and God’s desire is different. Make me happy God! The 21st century church theology is called; Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. It says that God is here to make me happy! Use Jesus to get what you want. No sound doctrine. A lot of money made under this false doctrine. Money made in the God business. Why? It sells! Itching ears. We want to hear this! Pleases the flesh. Marketing 101- Find out what the people want and tell them how to get it. Politicians today- They follow the culture rather than lead it! Flow with the stream down the drain. Sound doctrine- Iron sharpens iron. Follow Jesus. Believe Him. False Prophets will appear to go along with the Gospel but yet will say Jesus did not die and raise from the dead. The Death and Resurrection of Christ is foundational to our Faith! The Nicene Creed has been foundational to our Faith for over 1600 years. The early church father’s wrestled these heresies to the ground for us. You have to be able to discern truth to avoid the destruction of the false! Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sunday Sermon Notes Message given on September 8, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Colorado Catholic Buisness Owners defeat ObamaCare but punished by Denver City Council?

Denver City Council stops good citizen award to this Denver Buisness who has served Denver over 50 years! Siding with Obama instead of doing the right thing contradicts all that America stands for? When you punish the righteous to reward the wicked our existence is threatened! Please read Isaiah Chapter 5, Verse 20. Thankyou. James Sasse.

Who Built the Bridges and Roads

Christ built the Bridge to Heaven for us! If I were Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan I would be asking President Obama this question? The truth is the American Taxpayer built the Bridges and Roads! Not only in America but in many nations around the world! No government can exist without funding from its citizens! Yes, Hard working Americans built their Buisness but also the Bridges and Roads! Straight Talk! James Sasse.

Beat Obama with a CAIN!

The lastest fight song for the Christian conservatives as they look to replace our President with someone who holds Biblical values! Anti-abortion President is needed and also a candidate who believes small buisness can rebuild American! Also Obama has a big government plan that will not and has not worked! Our government has to be down-sized and live on its budget. We are headed to problems like the euro-zone is facing because of debt! Herman Cain is the most conservative minded man with buisness experience and success in buisness! Our prayers are with him as we try to give America back to the people! Thankyou. James Sasse.