America’s Internal Breakup!

It is encouraging to see the African America Pastor’s in the Baltimore area and their congregations working together to restore order! I wish I could say the same for the political leadership? The conclusion from the Ferguson trouble was not enough minorities on the police force there! Baltimore has a minority police force so wrong conclusion there! Evil seems to be well represented across all racial lines! I feel like I am back in the 1960’s again! When I was back in high school then my prayer was the 1960’s would never return to America again! I since then thought we have moved past that! History does repeat itself! If we are looking for someone to blame who is it? Is it the African American business owners who now have their shops burned down? Is it the police officers who are in the hospital wondering who is going to take care of their families? Is it the elderly who do not have a care home facility now? America seems like the American Indian who is sawing up a wooden Indian for firewood to stay warm! We are at the tipping point now where we can no longer trust government because they are no longer interested in the welfare of it’s citizens but promote their own political agenda. The Church has to step up to the plate and hit a home run! If it strikes out our doom is sure! God Bless America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.