Beat Obama with a CAIN!

The lastest fight song for the Christian conservatives as they look to replace our President with someone who holds Biblical values! Anti-abortion President is needed and also a candidate who believes small buisness can rebuild American! Also Obama has a big government plan that will not and has not worked! Our government has to be down-sized and live on its budget. We are headed to problems like the euro-zone is facing because of debt! Herman Cain is the most conservative minded man with buisness experience and success in buisness! Our prayers are with him as we try to give America back to the people! Thankyou. James Sasse.

KoranKoran Burning Pastor Runs for President!

The latest news report says Pastor Terry Jones is running for President! He also supports Herman Cain. Herman is probably not happy about this! Pastor Jones campaign slogan could be; Run Baby Run and Burn Baby Burn! If Herman Cain would take Pastor Jones as his VP pick we could have this episode on his first day in office; Herman says I smell smoke? Economy is already in ashes so has to be another source? Call security and let them find Pastor Jones to put out the fire! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Herman Cain!

Herman Cain is under the gun by left wing black american democratic leaders because he thinks for himself! As Herman said he has gotten off the democratic plantation a long time ago! The Lord is raising up Herman Cain as the man of the hour to help American move from the back of the bus to limousines! All you white Americans who want to can our current bus driver Obama now have a chance to make a right choice for you and our nation! All you non-whites who voted non-white now have a chance to get it right with Herman! If we keep our present bus driver Obama we then move from back of the bus to over the cliff! The choice is yours. Thankyou. James Sasse.